I think, it must be since the beginning of the year 2021, that I have been seeing the words 'It’s time.'
This is how I have come to understand what it means.
1. 'It’s Time!'
There is the opportunity and something holds you back from taking that step. This is a sign God is telling you that now is the time to act.
Don't let fear hold you back.
Don't be afraid of the unknown.
The Bible says that all things are possible to them that believe.
Matthew 14:28-29 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus;
Jesus told Peter to “come” to Him on the water. When Jesus commands you, obey Him. Peter did what Jesus said. Peter took one step to get out of the boat and onto the water. Although a storm surrounded Him, Peter looked to Jesus. Peter was doing fine until he took his eyes off Jesus. When Peter looked at the wind, it was then that he began to sink.
Once we know that we are in the will of God, and God tells us to step out, we must be like Peter of course for his obedience and also Moses. Pharaoh and his army were behind him and the Red Sea was in front of him. God told him to lift up his rod and stretch out his hand over the sea and divide it. Moses did, God parted the Red Sea and the Israelites walked on dry land.
When God tells us to move, we must trust that He will go before us and make the crooked places straight.
Remember, Jesus told Peter to come out on the water. We must step out when Jesus tells us to. It is in that moment itself, that one is in God’s time.
Let us pray, that in God’s grace, we may answer, when we hear Him say, 'It’s time.'
2. 'It’s Time!'
Sometimes we find ourselves, stuck in a situation and no amount of praying seems to help. And we wonder why?
It is wonderful to pray. And we must pray at all times. But it must not keep us from doing what we know God has called us to do. Most of us avoid doing the right thing at the right time.
We don't take the necessary step. We avoid it or we run as fast as we can. They say, you can run, but you can't hide. No matter how fast one does run, the things that you run from, will eventually catch up with you. One cannot outrun God! To know more, Read the Bible, on Prophet Jonah.
And there are times no matter how hard, we pray, the trouble continues. God allows our current situations to become bad. If it does not get to that point, we may not realize our true calling. Let me put it this way, God gives us a helping hand when He allows a situation to become bad. Because all God wants for us, is, to move forward into something new with Him. God wants the best for us. At the time, we may fail to see that. But God, is good all the time.
If God would have let me remain comfortable in the past (where nothing changed and everything remained nice), would I ever move forward into the things God had for me?
Most of us are comfortable where we are. God knows and understands that. Being our Abba Father, He wants the best for us....so, sometimes when we don’t move then God being our AbbaFather that He is, will have us forcibly moved. Isn't it endearing that God loves us so much. God leads us with love, like God led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
If things have become completely unbearable (with no fault of yours), this could then also be a sign that God is telling you it’s time to walk a new path in life with Him.
If we stubbornly sit on our agendas that would be a serious mistake.
And to us, who are completely exhausted,
Jesus says:- Matthew 11:28-30 - Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
God leads us into His rest by allowing us to first experience weariness and burdens.
At times our weariness is caused because we have distanced ourselves from what really matters in life.
The Lord teaches us, not to be afraid and that, the hope we place in Him will never disappoint.
This is something, i know I must say. Jesus speaks to me like no one ever has.
No one can speak to your heart the way Jesus does? In a moment Jesus alone can fill a lifetime of brokenness, a lifetime of hurts with His love. We are called to learn from Him to live in mercy and to be merciful to others.
We must keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, being always joyful and knowing fully well that when we walk with Jesus, we will never walk alone.
'It's Time!'
3. 'It’s Time!'
God presents us with His Promise in our lives.
What we need to do is keep moving forward, always being obedient and trusting God's timing.
Do what God asks of you.
In the truest manner of speaking, it is all about my trust in the Almighty God.
I must rely on His strength to move. The initial step, must be the one I take in obedience, like Peter did walking on the water. Peter trusted and he walked. None of the other apostles moved out of the boat. So, when Peter began to drown, the Lord, caught him up.
When it seems like you’ll be in over your head, trust Him and keep moving forward. God will get the glory, and it will be a witness to those around you.
It is about my conviction. Am I convinced?
But when you know, that you know, that you know, then there’s really nothing more to think about.
Let GO!
Let GOD lead the Way!
'It’s Time!'
My Previous Articles:-
Saturday, September 29, 2012
UNFORGETTABLE Memories. . . . .
When I heard Fr. William’s name 2 years back (2010)-I felt hope. As Fr. William, introduced himself in the church, he spoke the 3words-I will never forget, ‘FAITH, HOPE and LOVE’, (3 of my favourites). He confirmed my Hope.
Day 1: 18th September, 2012. 1313
Day 2: 19th September, 2012. 1313 (and in 2020)
Day 3: 20th September, 2012. 1313 (and in 2019)
And on the third day, was the Reading from 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.
I saw 1313 on 3 consecutive days from the 18th Sep-20th Sep of 2012.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
God's Sign
Pope Francis was elected on the 13th of March, 2013.
The first number that God got me to notice, years back, was 1111. On, the 7th of April, 2013, I also came across this: KINDLY LOOK at the word FIRST its repeated 4 times-in numeral look for 1111.
Francis is the first Jesuit pope.
The first from outside of Europe in more than a millennium.
The first from the Americas, and
The first from the Southern Hemisphere. It signifies 1111.
Numbers are my link with God. When God reconfirms His promise, to me, it is always in numbers.
God speaks to me in ways that I understand. And it is with His grace. I write so that it may be clear to you. There is nothing that God wont do for us.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Message 1
And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David; he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. Isaiah 22:22
I have seen the number 2222 numerous times and since years. My cousin read out to me this passage from Isaiah. I do not understand it completely. But Abba Father, told me it would be explained. (A seal)
Saturday, July 20, 2019
John 17:17 Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth.
The above verse is as to my finding of 1717. I came across this number for the first time after completing my retreat on the 16th of July 2017, on my way home and at Andheri station. The station time read 17:17:17.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Heart believes...3
20th September, 2019.
I was looking for some other topic altogether and I found Fr. Joe "You Raise Me Up" Kripanite 2016 (Serendipity moment). I felt deeply that I must continue to watch. Fr. Reuben (the chief guest) mentions he is born the year Fr. Joe was ordained.
In the 1st week of September, 2017, I remember Fr. Joe mentioned that he would complete 50 years of priesthood and his birthday was on the 6th of the month. He asked for us to pray for Him.
The number (the year) 67 for both.
(67 & 67)(6+7=13)(6+7=13) 1313
***Day 3: 20th September, 2012. 1313 (and in 2019)***
Felt deeply to come and look into this. I can't believe that I missed this out. Promise confirmed in 2019 and then again below in 2020.
Realized today (the date 20thSep2019) on the 5th of March 2022.
Friday, October 9, 2020
Online Mass 3
19th September, 2020. With Jesus.
Fr. Reuben mass - Mass time:14th minute and 14th second.
Abba Fathers, promise.
***Day 2: 19th September, 2012. 1313 (and in 2020)***
Please note: I do not mean to offend anybody. And if it hurt you, I am deeply sorry. But this is my witness to God, of what I see and understand.
The Gospels tell the story of a woman who suffered from haemorrhage for 12 long years. She was healed on touching the garment of Jesus. Immediately her bleeding stopped.
Jesus asks, “Who touched me?” He calls her to confess Him before others. Jesus wasn't looking to accuse but to affirm.
I am confessing Jesus and what my life is with Jesus and through Jesus.
For the greater Glory of God!
Online Mass 17 - November2021
9th November, 2021.
GOSPEL: John 2:13-22 [46 years to build the temple.]
(46 - 33 years of Jesus life =13 LOVE)
Keyboard numbers (U get the number 13 * 9 times on KB = 117)(Psalm 117 is a Universal call to worship-Praise the Lord, all nations!)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 6+7=13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5+8=13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 4+9=13
13 13 13
1Corinthians 13:13 – of Faith, Hope and Love, Love is the greatest.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 I am nothing without GOD!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Matthew 1:23 - ‘God is with us’
2222 Abba Father (SEAL)
17 17 17 (me) OLM Feast (Amboli Stn) 16 07 2017
33 46 21 (me)
Fr. Reuben (25+8=33yrs) ?Uncertain of the years adding to 33 in 22. But(25 years in 22.)
Fr. Daniel (DF=46)
Fr. Ashlyn (13+8=21yrs) ?Uncertain of the years adding to 21 in 22
Also all 3 Priests from Mt. Carmel and in the year 2017
(Priest 1, Priest 2, Priest 3 17 17 17)
Time - year 2022 ?
The combinations-possibilities are many. The numbers don't just mean one thing. One number means so many things. Isn't it beautiful the way The Holy Spirit works in us. 'Holy Mighty God' - All praise to You!
Online Mass 18 - December2021
24th December, 2021.
ππ²Christmas Vigilπ²π
ππ²Christmas Vigilπ²π
2. Fr. Ashlyn Chand (13)
3. Fr. Ashwin Castellino (13)
1. Fr. William (Wily) (13) faith, hope, love - the 3 words Fr. william spoke on His first day in Mount Carmel. (His words filled me with HOPE)
Fr. William-the first to come to Mt. Carmel, followed by Fr. Ashlyn and later by Fr. Ashwin (as ordained later).
1 Corinithians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
13:13 (x 3) (keyboard) 3 Priest (sequence confirmed) ✔ Jan 20, 2022.
Fr. Athaide William 123 (sequence confirmed) ✔ Jan 20, 2022.
Matthew 1:23 - “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emman′u-el” (which means, God with us).
_3_ _ 21 (me) 3 Priest (sequence confirmed) ✔ Jan 20, 2022. (as numbered before the names)
Online Mass 19 - January2022
2nd January, 2022. Sunday. 2222
Epiphany means a divine revelation, where God reveals Himself.
(As I woke up I remembered it was Sunday and I got myself ready to participate in the Mt. Carmel celebration of the mass. And when I looked there was only the 1st of Jan showing up. Something in me sank.
The Spirit of God reminded me of St. Michaels. I immediately did what I was told. And clicked on the icon and there before me was Fr. Ashlyn celebrating the mass. Suddenly, everything was wonderful!
(111-address)(The Trinity. Also Hebrews 11:1. Also my Birthday 11of1. Also September 11 and July 1.)
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
23rd January, 2022. Sunday. 2222
Bishop Barthol Barretto (22) and Fr. Reuben mass (25 in 22)
(Sacrament-Confirmation)Batch 1
24th January, 2022.
1567-1622 (mentioned by our Cardinal during the homily)
67 = (13) in the year 22. (Year confirmed) ✔
15 16 11 (5+6=11) ---- 1111
John 11:11 Thus he (Jesus) spoke, and then he said to them, “Our friend Laz′arus has fallen asleep, but I go to awake him out of sleep.”
*As guided by the Spirit of God and In obedience to Jesus*
'Holy Mighty God' - All praise to You!
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