Note: I hope this makes it easier to understand.
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
55:11 Fr. Abel Fernandez. & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
[77] Fr.RT. & Fr.CG. & Fr.JP. & Fr.AF. & Fr.AC. & Fr.DF.
(Fr. Ashlyn Chand.)
[67+77=144] Fr.RT. & Fr.CG. & Fr.JP.
[72+72=144] Fr. Reuben Tellis. & Fr. Christopher Goveas. & Fr.JP.
(28) (28) (28) = 20 August(8) = 28 my Home.
Fr. Daniel Fernandes & Fr. John Pereira & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
PSALM 138+PSALM 139=277 Fr. JP=47+72= PSALM 119 = i am Thine,
Fr. C. G.=138(69+69Lname)+139Fname=27.7
PSALM 123 Psalm-Supplication for mercy.
PSALM 128 Psalm-The Happy Home of the faithful.
Fr. RT. Oh to be in Bandra=128.
PSALM 138 Psalm-Thanksgiving and Praise.
PSALM 139 Psalm-The Inescapable God.
Link: Psalm 139
[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 |66+67=133] = 133+133=266
[[277+288+266=831 reverse 138 PSALM]]
Isaiah 2:22 - Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?
Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem? Isaiah 2:22 is a powerful reminder of God telling us, don’t put your trust in man.
Place all your trust in GOD. God is our Creator-God is Eternal. His promises are everlasting. God is faithful.
Acts 2:22 - Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know
The Bible describes many powerful works and wonders and signs that God did through Jesus. Jesus controlled the storm, Jesus fed thousands. Jesus healed the sick, and even brought the dead back to life.
To further understand the numbers kindly refer to:
On the Psalms
Please also read:
My Prayer:
God, i praise Your Holy Name.
i thank You; Almighty God for Your faithfulness is a rock upon which we can build our lives.
Help me, oh God to come to You in trust with all my pain-my helplessness and the accusations. It is most difficult Lord, to face such hatred-bitterness. Help me oh Lord, to trust that ‘You have a way for me even when I see no way out’.
When i say, i trust You my God, i pray that with a knowing, that You have the best plan for my life.
Oh God, help me a poor weakling! Help me to grow in Your Grace, knowing to trust You in everything.
Jesus, You are my Hope.
Jesus, You are The Eternal Truth.
GOD-You are my ALWAYS!
Thank You, Abba Father.
Thank You, Jesus.
Thank You, Holy Spirit.
1st January 2025. 12+20+25=57 i am Thine, 1Jan=11&55Topic=Is55:11
Day: Solemnity Mary Mother of God.
Holy Hour 10:00-11:00
We had Msgr. Alex Rebello-Who, led us so very beautifully. I enjoyed IT extremely.
Celebration of the Mass: 11:00 p.m.
Msgr. Alex Rebello, Fr. Abel Fernandez, Fr. Anthony Rodrigues (Main Celebrant) and Fr. Jodman Pereira. [31stDEC2024.]
-i received The Body of Christ.
Other Priest Online mass. (1st mass)
First Reading – Numbers 6:22-27
Second Reading - Galatians 4:4-7
Gospel – Luke 2:16-21
(22+7+4=33) Jesus Christ.
(27.7) PSALM 27.7
(222) Acts 2:22 & Isaiah 2:22
(24+24=48DT |21+27=48 |67DT) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(64+2=66F&Lname | 21+44=65Fname) Fr. R. T.
(27+4+7=38RT |22+16=38) Fr. R. T.
(27 |21+6=27 |16+7+4=27reversal72&72&72) Fr. John Pereira.
(47Fname) Fr. J. P.
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
(22+7+4+4=37CG | 16+21=37) Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(2+6+22+7=37 |27+4+4+2=37) Fr. C. G.
[37+37=74Jesusreversal47Fname] Fr. J. P.
[37+37=74Jesusreversal47Fname] Fr. J. P.
[37+37+37=111] Hebrews 11:1
[111+6+4+2=123] PSALM 123
[111+6+4+7=128] PSALM 128
[111+21+6 =138] PSALM 138
[111+21+7 =139] PSALM 139
[138+139 =277] PSALM 27.7
(46 |46DF|44+2=46|22+6+2+16=46) Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(27+16+2=45Fname |21+22+2=45) Fr. D. F.
[46+46+46=138] PSALM 138 *2nd
[46+46+47=139] PSALM 139 *2nd
[138+139 =277] PSALM 27.7 *2nd
(44) Fr. Denis Desa.
(166F&Lname&DT) Fr. A. F.
(6+22+27=55 |4+7=11==Isaiah 55/11) Fr. Abel Fernandez.
& Msgr. Alex Rebello.
[21+27+7+2=57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
[22+27+4+4=57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
Come Jesus come!
2nd January 2025. 12+20+25=57 i am Thine,
Day: St. Basil the great and St. Gregory Nazianzen.(Bishops&Doctors)
Other Priest Online mass. (1st mass)
First Reading – 1 John 2:22-28
(222) Acts 2:22 & Isaiah2:22
Gospel – John 1:19-28
(19+2+1=22|22==2222) Isaiah 22:22
(119) PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
(12F&Lname |19+1=20T) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(19+1+28=48DT |19+1+28=48) Fr. R. T.
[48+48+12+20=128] PSALM 128
(22+28+19=69Lname) Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(22+28+19+2+1=72Lname) Fr. John Pereira.
(19+28=47Fname |19+28=47) Fr. J. P.
[72+47+47=166F&Lname] Fr. Abel Fernandez.
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
[28+28+19=75reversal57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
[28+28+1 =57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
Come Jesus come!
3rd January 2025.
Day: First Friday.
Day: The Most Holy Name of Jesus
Other Priest Online mass. (1st mass)
Online Funeral Mass. WITH
Fr. Joe Pereira, Fr. Reuben Tellis. (Left), with
Fr. Christopher Goveas. (Tabernacle) & Fr. Daniel Fernandes. (Right)
First Reading – 1 John 2:29; 3:1-6
Gospel – John 1:29-34
(29+29+6+3=67DT |34+31+2=67DT) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(34+31=65Fname + 1 =66F&Lname) Fr. R. T.
(31+6=37CG |29+6+2=37 |29+6+2=37) Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(34+3=37 |34+2+1=37|31+3+2+1=37) Fr. C. G.
(34+6+29=69Lname |34+6+29=69) Fr. C. G.
[69+69=138] PSALM 138 *1st
[37+37=74Jesusreversal47Fname] Fr. J. P.
[37+37+37+37+37+37=222] Acts2:22 & Isaiah2:22
[37+37+37 =111] Hebrews 11:1
[111+12 =123] PSALM 123 *1st
[111+16+1 =128] PSALM 128
[111+21+6 =138] PSALM 138 *2nd
[111+21+6+1 =139] PSALM 139
[138+139 =277] PSALM 27.7
(29+16=45Lname+1=46DF) Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(29+16=45+1=46 |34+3+6+2=45+1=46) Fr. D. F.
(29+16+2=47Fname|34+3+6+2+1+1=47|29+16+2=47) Fr. John Pereira.
[46+46+46=138] PSALM 138 *3nd
[45+46+47=138] PSALM 138 **1
[45+46+47=138] PSALM 138 **2
[45+46+47=138] PSALM 138 **3
[29+29+31+34=123] PSALM 123 *2nd
[29+21+6+1=57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
[29+21+6+1=57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
Come Jesus come!
4th January 2025. - i am Thine, Isaiah 55:11
Day: First Saturday.
Other Priest Online mass. (1st mass)
First Reading – 1 John 3:7-10
Gospel – John 1:35-42
(3+7=10 |10=1010) John 10:10
(17 |10+7=17=1717) John 17:17
[1010+1717=2727reversal72&72] Fr. J. P.
(35+3=38RT |35+42=77Lname ) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(10+3+7=20T) Fr. R. T.
(37CG |35+37+1=73reversal37) Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(42+17+10=69Lname) Fr. C. G.
[37+37=74Jesusreversal47Fname] Fr. John Pereira.
(37+10=47Fname) Fr. J. P.
(35+37=72Lname |17+10=27reversal72) Fr. J. P.
[47+47+72=166F&Lname&DT] Fr. Abel Fernandez.
[47+72=119] PSALM 119 - i am Thine,
[47+72=119] PSALM 119 - i am Thine,
(42Fname) Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(10+7+3=20Fname) Fr. A. F.
(35+10=45Fname+1=46DF) Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(42+3=45+1=46 |35+7+3=45+1=46) Fr. D. F.
[46+46+46=138] PSALM 138
[46+46+47=139] PSALM 139
[138+139 =277] PSALM 277
[45+46+47=138] PSALM 138 **1
[45+46+47=138] PSALM 138 **2
Come Jesus come!
5th January 2025. Sunday. - i am Thine, Isaiah 55:11
Day: Epiphany of The Lord.
Other Priest Online mass. (1st mass)
First Reading – Isaiah 60:1-6 =67 Fr. R. T.
Second Reading – Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6 =46 Fr. D. F.
Gospel – Matthew 2:1-12 =1221&33=AbbaFather-JesusC.
(2112reverse1221) Abba Father.
(1221=33) Jesus Christ.
(60+6=66F&Lname+1=67DT |16+32=48DT) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(60+6=66+1=67DT |60+3+3=66+1=67) Fr. R. T.
(60+6+1+1+3+6=77Lname |60+16+1=77) Fr. R. T.
(60+3+2=65Fname |60+5=65 |32+6=38RT) Fr. R. T.
(32+5=37CG |32+3+2=37 |23+6+6+2=37) Fr. Christopher Goveas.
[37+37=74Jesusreversal47Fname] Fr. J. P.
[37+37+37 =111] Hebrews 11:1
[111+12 =123] PSALM 123
[111+16+1 =128] PSALM 128
[111+21+6 =138] PSALM 138
[111+21+6+1=139] PSALM 139
(23+3+1=27reversalLname |16+5+6=27rev72&72) Fr. John Pereira.
(60+12=72 |60+5+6+1=72) Fr. J. P.
(32+3+5+6+1=47Fname) Fr. J. P.
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 - i am Thine,
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 - i am Thine,
(16|6=166F&Lname&DT) Fr. Abel Fernandez.
[47+47+72=166) Fr. A. F.
(60+1+6+32+3+5+6=113F&Lname) Fr. A. F.
(21+6+23+5=55|11= =Isaiah55/11 Msgr. Alex Rebello.
& Fr. A. F.
(32+3+5+6=46DF) Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[56+1 =57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
[56+1 =57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
[23+12+21+1=57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
Come Jesus come!
6th January 2025. - i am Thine, Isaiah 55:11
Day: St. André Bessette.
Other Priest Online mass. (1st mass)
First Reading – 1 John 3:22-4:6
Gospel – Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25
(12 |17+4=21 ==1221) Abba Father.
(1221=33 |4+12+17=33) Jesus Christ.
(4+3+4+6=17|17==1717) John 17:17
(23+25=48DT |4+22+4+6+12=48 |46+17+4=67DT) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(23+25+17=65Fname |17+4+22+34=77Lname) Fr. R. T.
(12+23+3=38RT) Fr. R. T.
(13+7=20 Lname & Fname) Fr. R. T. & Fr. A. F.
(22+17=39reversal93Lname |20+93=113F&Lname) Fr. Abel Fernandez.
(3+22+12=37CG |22+12+3=37 |12+25=37) Fr. Christopher Goveas.
[37+37=74Jesusreversal47Fname] Fr. J. P.
[37+37+37 =111] Hebrews 11:1
[111+12 =123] PSALM 123
[111+17 =128] PSALM 128
[111+17+4+6 =138] PSALM 138
[111+23+5 =139] PSALM 139
[138+139 =277] PSALM 27.7
(3+22+17+4=46DF |46| 46) Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(17+6+23=46 |22+23=45Fname) Fr. D. F.
[46+46+46=138] PSALM 138 *2nd
[45+46+47=138] PSALM 138 *3rd
[46+46+47=139] PSALM 139 *2nd
[138+139 =277] PSALM 27.7 *2nd
(23+4=27 |17+4+6=27reversal72&72Fname) Fr. John Pereira.
(22+46+4=72) Fr. J. P.
(26+17+4=47Fname |12+25+4+6=47) Fr. J. P.
(22+25=47 |22+4+4+17=47Fname) Fr. J. P.
[47+47+72=166F&Lname&DT) Fr. A. F.
[47+47+72=166F&Lname&DT) Fr. A. F.
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
[72+47=119] PSALM 119 – i am Thine,
(25+3=28) (22+6=28)
[23+6+25+3=57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
[22+12+23 =57=18SEP|19SEP|20SEP-2012.] THE PROMISE!
Happy Birthday Fr. Christopher Goveas!
PSALM 139 (Your First Name)
PSALM 138 (Your Last Name 69+69)
PSALM 27.7 (Adding Both 139+138)
[[28FrCG+28FrJP+28FrDF+28MsgrAR= =112]]= Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(11Fname + 6Lname =17 | 6January =6+1=7) =177
(11Fname + 6Day =17 ) =1717 (John 17:17)
(6 January = 61 + 6Lname =67)
AGG AGAG 111 7777 = 17 17 17 7 (The Promise-Feast of OLM 171717)
CG-initials Fr. Christopher Goveas =37 [(17+17+67+37=138PSALM)]
177+37=214 (Also Bus Route Home)
177ccc "To believe" has thus a twofold reference: to the person, and to the truth: to the truth, by trust in the person who bears witness to it.
37ccc In the historical conditions in which he finds himself, however, man experiences many difficulties in coming to know God by the light of reason alone:
Though human reason is, strictly speaking, truly capable by its own natural power and light of attaining to a true and certain knowledge of the one personal God, who watches over and controls the world by his providence, and of the natural law written in our hearts by the Creator; yet there are many obstacles which prevent reason from the effective and fruitful use of this inborn faculty. For the truths that concern the relations between God and man wholly transcend the visible order of things, and, if they are translated into human action and influence it, they call for self-surrender and abnegation. The human mind, in its turn, is hampered in the attaining of such truths, not only by the impact of the senses and the imagination, but also by disordered appetites which are the consequences of original sin. So it happens that men in such matters easily persuade themselves that what they would not like to be true is false or at least doubtful.13
214ccc God, "HE WHO IS", revealed himself to Israel as the one "abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness".27 These two terms express summarily the riches of the divine name. In all his works God displays, not only his kindness, goodness, grace and steadfast love, but also his trustworthiness, constancy, faithfulness and truth. "I give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness."28 He is the Truth, for "God is light and in him there is no darkness"; "God is love", as the apostle John teaches.29
491ccc Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God,134 was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854:
The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin.13
THANK YOU! Msgr. Alex Rebello, for having led us through the Holy-Hour on the 31st of December 2024, in such a Splendid Way! I enjoyed IT extremely.
Come Jesus come!
7th January 2025.
8th January 2025.
9th January 2025.
10th January 2025.
11th January 2025.
12th January 2025. Sunday.
Day: The Baptism of The Lord. 13th January 2025.
14th January 2025.
15th January 2025.
16th January 2025.
17th January 2025.
18th January 2025.
19th January 2025. Sunday.
20th January 2025.
21st January 2025.
22nd January 2025.
23rd January 2025.
24th January 2025.
25th January 2025.
26th January 2025. Sunday.
27th January 2025.
28th January 2025.
29th January 2025.
30th January 2025.
31st January 2025.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, I love you.
St. Gabriel the Archangel, I love you.
St. Raphael the Archangel, I love you.
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