Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Heart believes...

My Dedication: To our Popes-Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, to our Cardinals, to our Arch Bishops, to our Bishops, to our Priests of all orders! (To our present, the past and the future)

My People, 

Hello! It is said that, Time is a precious gift, to be handled with care and opened with love. When one waits a lifetime, there is never a rush when the heart believes. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

This is a special song and one of my favourites. I like singing it to myself or maybe hum, Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head – B. J. Thomas 
Raindrops are falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothing seems to fit
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling. 

So I just did me some talking to the sun 
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleeping on the job 
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling. 

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me
Won't defeat me, it won't be long
Till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep falling on my head 
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
I'm free…
Nothing's worrying me 
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me 

Raindrops keep falling on my head

But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me

P.S: I love the Rains...

I love the Christmas season. Christmas is a time, when we are reminded to open our hearts. It is a season of Hope. It is a hope that is rewarded. It reminds people to be joyful in expectation. 
For me Christmas began, this year, in the second week of September. I can’t deny what I feel. So it is Christmas. I love watching Christmas movies. And then these are the other two favourite movies that I love to watch. They are Serendipity and August Rush. I will share the reasons why I love these two in particular. Maybe it will give you a fair idea of what I am trying to imply and maybe it will just serve as a good boost. We all need someone to push us at times. I most certainly do. 

Serendipity means a fortunate accident. 
(Lines from the movie-(One must cling to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather, it’s a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. If we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum", what we currently refer to as destiny.))

Fate sends us little signs. It’s how we read the signs that determines our reaction to them. I Believe in signs, I always have! And yes, BE OPEN! only when one is open can one truly see. 

I have watched Serendipity at least 11 times, does it tell you of my fondness for the movie? 

Can you trust God, when your world is turned upside down? Would you then believe that whatever this outcome is and no matter how destructive, it, could be your turning point in life. Trust God that either God will remove you out of this predicament or He will establish you, right where you are?

God is perfect. Only God can right a wrong situation. 

MIRACLES happen! I believe one must possess an earth shaking faith.
Jesus in Mark 5:36 says, "Do not fear, only believe."
Fear makes us rationalize. The acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.
Faith is a total belief in God. IT IS GOD CAN AND GOD WILL!
So, if the whole universe has to open up, to bring the miracle to come to pass, then, it will happen. Not one minute early and not a second late! 

I hope you see this, the way I do. The movie August Rush begins with- 
Listen. Can you hear it? The music. 
I can hear it everywhere. In the wind... in the air... in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen. 

They tried to stop me from hearing the music. But when I'm builds up from inside me. 
And I think if I could learn how to play it...they might hear me. They would know I was theirs... and find me. 

Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you. But I believe in music...the way that some people believe in fairy tales. 

I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father. Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heard the night they met. Maybe that's how they found each other. Maybe that's how they'll find me.

I believe that, once upon a time...long ago...they heard the music and followed it. 

The boy, a 11 year old, is gifted and he is searching for his parents. He does not know who they are. Music will lead him to them. This is his quest for them, in his words. 

I quote Fr. Christopher, “no shortcuts”. I truly believe in that. 

I know what it means to never have the things you want the most. I know what it means to lose. I know what it means to cry and I know what it means to have ones heart broken. It is always a choice and it is always a struggle. God is always in the struggle. God is always with me.

Make haste, O God! Thou art my help; O Lord, do not tarry!

I have now come to understand Job (of the Bible), I have come to understand (a little bit maybe) of his turmoil. How it must have been for him to face loss after loss. To suffer so much physically and mentally and not understand the reason of the agony and what he was going through.
I have learnt that suffering increases our faith in God. For it is when we suffer that we have a desire to depend and seek God more. In our time of test and suffering, we have to choose to trust God, knowing that God will work it out for our good? 

Sometimes, somethings hurt us real bad.
Sometimes, the things that people do can scar us for a lifetime.
But this can only happen, when we permit our mind to hold on to the hurt. When we hold on to that which is bitter, the hurt, we become angry, ruthless and the worst part is we fail to realize that we have changed.
Anger is a symptom of all the bitter feelings stored inside. When we get angry, it is usually because someone called us something that we did not agree on, or something did not work the way we planned. Our pride got hurt. Anger is an expression of that un-swallowed pride. 
When someone does hurt me, I take the time to reflect on Jesus. I do this with the grace of God. 
It is true, Jesus was mocked, spat upon and slapped. Jesus was brutally tortured and humiliated. And everyone knew He was innocent? Was this little humiliation. No! This was just a tip of the iceberg.
What was Jesus reaction to all of this? Not a word did Jesus utter. No defiance came from the sweet mouth of Jesus. On the contrary, Jesus prays to His Father with great love, for His tormentors, ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do?
Therefore I ask myself, what am I? Who am I? Every time I remind myself, that this life is a gift of God. I am what He permits me to be.
To surrender to God, is like that Lotus that grows beautifully in muddy water. The Lotus never questions God. The Lotus just IS.
I have to be like that Lotus, looking to God for my sustenance. If God points to the North, then that is where I need to go. When I am every bit of what God intends me to be, then truly pride has no place. Then it is not I, but God resides in me. 
I wait on God, I wait on Him for everything in my life. I am what He permits me to be! My life is not my own!

For when we think we are in control of ourselves, we fail.
What would I be, but for the grace of God!

Let it always be “YET WILL I TRUST HIM”!
I say yet, because no matter what I go through or feel, no matter what it looks like, yet, through it all, I will trust You my God!

Something does not go our way, sometimes it seems there are more obstacles than solutions, “YET WILL I TRUST HIM”!
People speak ill about you and for no apparent reason, “YET WILL I TRUST HIM”!
In failures this is my song, I will trust You, my God, all the days of my life!

Trust God in the storms! God has the power to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think!

At the end of Job’s suffering, God gave him double for his trouble. God restored everything he lost with double after Job finished praying for his accusing friends.

 Please continue to read. . . The Heart believes...2

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