Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I am Anita, and I am glad we finally met.

‘Hello’, such a simple and a wonderful word at that and yet sometimes it takes a lifetime to get to speak to someone. When Lionel Richie, sang ‘Hello’, it was an instant hit.
And do you wonder why? It’s not just because it’s a love song. But the way he expressed it. It seems so polite and gentle.

But the world today has changed. Things have never been the same. Rejection-has become such a part of life. To reject someone means to refuse to accept that individual as being anything of worth. We all go through rejection in our lives. I have. I have been denied, rejected and have been called dirt. But do you know, you can get angry or really mad, or maybe you are the kind of person that wants to tear that person up. Whatever it is, do think. I have learned that forgiveness is always best. I’ve had painful moments. I’ve cried my heart out, but I’ve never ever wondered where God was. I would call on Him and He would answer me.

The thing about being humiliated is you have a choice to sink to your lowest-lows or you get up and find your strength in your weakness. For when I am weak then I am strong-says Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:10.

The enemy will always find a new way to attack you-in order to keep you low. Especially, when you are exhausted the most, remember the love of Christ will carry you through. Rejection is nothing but our faith on trial.

Love creates a web of security. When you are truly loved, you become the one you love. Your thoughts, your mind your heart they both are in unison. Nothing separates you at all. When it is love, nothing does. Love is forever-to the end of time.

If you ever ask me what is it that I seek in my life? In a jiffy, I would say, LOVE! That’s everything I want! After God, that’s everything that I need.
In the words of Fr. William, ‘Love will bind us together’.

So with all the faith in God, hope-that never stops, and love in my heart, I’m wishing every prayer that I prayed come true. Because I know it already has.

With all my love,
For Love Prevails

In life we often, place limitations on ourselves, thus hindering God’s best for us. What limits you from experiencing the best that God has for you?
Could it be fear? Could it be your past experiences?  Remember God condemns no one. The word of God says “Arise, shine; for your light has come!” Isaiah 60:1
“Arise” means to mount up; move to a higher place or to stand up. Arise beyond any kind of limitation and begin to achieve God’s best today.
Jesus says “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly”.
Rise up by faith to live this life that Jesus is talking about and see your dreams come true. You can still achieve what you think you lost.

Things that God wanted people to do to reach the promise land:
Abraham: It’s already yours but you have to start a journey away from the known and toward the new and unknown.
Moses: It’s already yours but you have to step up to leadership.
Joshua: It’s already yours but you have to fight for it. How many of us lay down our swords when confronted with challenges?
People upon entering the Promised Land: - It’s already yours but you have to follow me in patient trust and wholehearted obedience.
To the people after they took possession: - It’s already yours, but you must believe and act upon the truth to keep it.
We must believe that God is the provider and our deliverer. Finally, if you are really ready to receive, remember God for it is He that gives. God’s ready. Are you?

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1st Corinthians 10:13 states-we won't be tested past the breaking point (but very well may be up to the breaking point). For it does not say that God will provide a way of escape, but the way out.
Perfect faith, like Daniel's, like Abraham's, resilient faith like Peter's, like Paul's, faith like Moses, patient faith like Job's, faith that wrestles with God to the end, ever strengthening the grip and refusing to let go no matter what-like Jacob's. Faith has to learn to believe in the opposite of everything. It has to look through the fear and doubt. Faith is the confidence in God's deliverance. Even when everyone in the world and every experience we have ever had says we are wrong, we need to know we are not. We need to know that God is a God of IMPOSSIBLES and nothing in this whole universe is ever impossible for the Almighty God. And so I trust, in You my Almighty God. I trust you to deliver me. I trust Your word. I know You cannot and will never fail. You are my God-My God of Impossibles.

Abraham had many tests. He waited his whole life for the son of promise then was faced with having to personally put him to death in a horrible way. But he believed God, and God worked it out in a way Abraham could never have anticipated. Abraham followed Gods instructions. He trusted God to do the rest, and His name is enshrined in the Word of God forever as the one who "trusted God" so that it was reckoned to him for righteousness Gen.15:6.

The more impossible the test-the greater the need for the believer to let go of everything except God. We have to be careful not to focus on our own understanding of the situation Proverbs.3:5. We need to remember that God is hearing our prayers, that He does have our deliverance ready at hand.

In Exodus 14 - A reference to the Israelites on the edge of the Red Sea. Situation IMPOSSIBLE! Bearing down on them from behind is the Eyptian army heading at them full speed. In front of them is an impassible Red sea. Moses trusted what God had said - He would create "the way out". The Red-Sea had to part. It did, just after Moses said "Stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord!" God did give them a way out, and He did destroy their enemies utterly. God turned the situation completely and at the last possible minute. God may very well choose to allow us to be thrown into the fiery furnace. If He does, we have to have the same attitude that Daniel's three friends had: "... the God we serve is able to save us ... but [even] if He does not, we [still] will not serve your gods ..." (Dan.3:17-18).

The book of JOB opens with a scene in heaven where Satan comes to accuse Job before God. He insists Job only serves God because God protects him and seeks God’s permission to test Job’s faith and loyalty. God grants His permission, only within certain boundaries. Why do the righteous suffer? This is the question raised after Job loses his family, his wealth, and his health. Job's three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, come to “comfort” him and to discuss his crushing series of tragedies. They insist his suffering is punishment for sin in his life. Job, though, remains devoted to God through all of this and contends that his life has not been one of sin. A fourth man, Elihu, tells Job he needs to humble himself and submit to God's use of trials to purify his life. Finally, Job questions God Himself and learns valuable lessons about the sovereignty of God and his need to totally trust in the Lord. Job is then restored to health, happiness and prosperity beyond his earlier state.
The Book of Job teaches us to trust God under all circumstances. “As for God, His way is perfect” Psalm 18:30. If God’s ways are “perfect,” then we can trust that whatever He does—and whatever He allows—is also perfect. This may not seem possible to us, but our minds are not God’s mind. It is true that we can’t expect to understand His mind perfectly, as He reminds us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9. Nevertheless, our responsibility to God is to obey Him, to trust Him and to submit to His will, whether we understand it or not.

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14
People boast about anything and everything — their bank accounts, their accomplishments etc.  I always remind myself that I need to be humble at all times.

Paul knew that the Bible forbids boasting. "This is what the LORD says," according to Jeremiah 9:23: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches". We are not to boast about anything at all. King Solomon wisely gave this warning: "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips" Proverbs 27:2 In other words, let someone else be the one who sings your songs.

Another reason to boast about the cross of Christ is because it is the greatest demonstration of God's love. It shows the love of God the Father, who gave up His only Son as a sacrifice to save His people. Therefore, to glory in the cross is to glory in God's love.

CONCLUSION: God’s ready! God is ready to give all that He has promised to all those who believe in Him. God wants you to have an abundance of Divine Life. He gave his only son who said, “I have come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 
Mark 11:24 states, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Ask God and be ready to receive. But will you choose to believe that no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Psalm 84:11

REMEMBER: Remember, unshakable faith comes from having your faith shaken. So rejoice in your problems, they are your strengths which make God strong in your life. The first step to wisdom is to fear the Lord, trusting upon His guidance and wisdom in the trials He allows in our life.
Grace is God’s unprecedented favor. God's grace is sufficient for any trial or suffering we shall ever encounter.
Often we wonder why God allows something, and we question or doubt God's goodness, without seeing the full picture.
To my God-Who called me into existence. I am forever indebted. To you all praise and Glory forever.

PRAYER: Abba Father! Here I am! I am ready Father. Keep me always faithful and obedient to You, I pray.  Amen.

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