Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TO BE with You!

My People,

Good Morning! What a wonderful way to start a day, when you go on your knees and pray. I pray the Peace of Jesus follow you and the love of Mama Mary be with you.
On a Wednesday, the 20th of November, 2013, on my way back from work, just when reaching Bandra Station, I saw this lady suddenly get up with a baby in her arms. The baby girl was fast asleep but every-time her little hand would reach out to me, like she was really reaching out. I placed my finger in her little hand. As I did, I remembered Fr. Ashlyn telling us that parents always need to lay their hands on the childs head, thus blessing them. When I did, the baby’s grandmother told me that everyone had left the baby. As we got the down the train, I looked at the baby still fast asleep and said a prayer for her. I prayed for God’s protection on her always.
This is what I do, when I see someone kneel or stand before the Cross, or I watch them pray, I pray for them. I don’t know their need, but I always quote Matthew 18:20 and I ask for the will of God, in their lives. Prayer is a powerful thing.
Matthew 18:20 states: For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Prayer has divided seas and rolled up flowing rivers. Exodus
Prayer has quenched flames of fire. Daniel
Prayer has stopped the course of the moon and arrested the sun in its race. Joshua
Prayer has brought one man from the bottom of the sea. Jonah
PRAYER is an awesome, mighty force in the world of men.


Nothing in life is ever a coincidence.  On the 19th of November, 2013 I was on my way to Church, I was expressing my pain to God. I actually was crying out. From the other side I could see a huge man coming the same way I was walking, so I waited. Only one person could walk through that passage. Many a times I have given my seat to people in the train or bus, but never have I ever heard a thank you or seen a smile. This guy passes my way, so he says a hello! Then he follows it with a thank you and he immediately continues his sentence with a ‘How you doing’?
For the first time, in my life I was speechless. I just nodded. I thought oh God! I need to reply back to the kindness shown.  But he already passed me by. You could look at it from any other angle that you would want to look at it from. But then you kill goodness.
I required for someone to give me that little moment of kindness. God did that. Thank you, God!

Love is the most amazing aspect of emotion in our lives. What would it be like if not for love?
The more someone is with Jesus, the more that person becomes like Christ, in purity, holiness and love. His walk produces in him a great boldness.
Proverbs 28:1 says, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion”.
And they stand confident in Jesus’ righteousness. Therefore, they have nothing to hide; they can stand before anyone with a clear conscience. 


God allows trials to come our way, but He will also use some of these trials as a way of actually testing all of us out from time to time.

In the Book of Genesis, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac on an altar. When Abraham was ready to take his life, God sends an angel in the nick of time to stop him.
God will test us in a specific area. God may ask you to give something or someone up. But whatever God may be asking you to do for Him, realize that this is your obedience being tested.  Be fully obedient to God. If you can’t or won’t obey God with this specific command, then God will question and doubt your ability to fully obey Him further on down the road with anything else that He may be asking you to do for Him.
The Bible tells us that we are to be led by the Holy Spirit in this life – not by our own wants and our own desires.
Abraham became the father of many nations and his bloodline was used as the bloodline that brought our Savior Jesus Christ into the world.
Abraham perfectly obeyed the voice of God on being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac:
“In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have OBEYED My voice.” Genesis 22:18
Agree to do things God’s way rather than your own way in this life, then you will be promoted into God’s best for your life.
At this point God is going to ask you to just wait for the big breakthrough to occur.
The Israelites on the run from the Egyptians, are brought before the Red Sea. The Promised Land is on the other side. God causes all of them to wait for a while before He actually parts the Red Sea.
  • They cannot move forward or else they will drown in the Red Sea.
  • They cannot go backwards or else they will fall back into slavery.
  • They have to wait for God to part the Red Sea.
To wait is the hardest thing to do.
To wait on God, means you cannot see anything, happen in the natural.
To wait on God, means to trust completely, to surrender.
Patience is a virtue. Rely on God’s perfect timing.

After delivering the Israelites, Moses brought them right up to their Promised Land. But instead of sending all of them immediately in, He sends in the 12 spies so that they could see exactly what they were going to have to face once they actually entered into this land.
10 of the spies, Moses had sent, came back with a negative report. They came back telling the rest of the people that the inhabitants were “giants.”
However, Joshua and Caleb came back with a different report. They knew God would have no problems in taking out the giants they saw in this Promised Land.
The report, of the 10 spies angered God. He told them that all of the men over 20 years of age would not enter into the Promised Land. He said they would all wander in the desert for the next 40 years where they would all eventually die out there.
Joshua and Caleb believed that God could take out all of these giants and strongholds. These two men entered into the Promised Land.
This was a test of faith. And the test was – to believe in God and His supernatural power to defeat the enemies and strongholds they would have to face.
God could test any one of us with this kind of test. He will show you the opposition, the giants and the strongholds you will have to face.
Do you believe in the Strength of God?  
The Israelites lost their only chance to enter into the Promised land – simply because they could not hold on to the belief in God, when times grew tough.

When you believe, anything is POSSIBLE.
Joshua entered into the Promised Land and the Bible says that Joshua was able to conquer and gain full possession of every ounce of land that his foot had stepped on – all because he believed in the promises of God.
If God is no respecter of persons and He was able to do this for Joshua, then God can and will do the exact same thing for every one who believes. Amen.

Jesus arrived from Galilee at the Jordan and came to John, to be baptized by him.
After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit of God descended as a dove and lighted on Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens said,
“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” Matthew 13-17
God sends His Son, Jesus, out into the desert to face the temptations directly with the devil himself. The reason God permitted His Son Jesus to be tested with this temptation was because if Jesus would have committed so much as one sin against His Father, then He would not have been able to go to the Cross to save any of us.
Jesus had to be a “perfect sacrifice" in His human form, meaning that He had to be completely free of sin.
God tests us the only reason being is to test our resolve to stay out of any type of sin.
There is obviously always full forgiveness and full restoration for all of us with the Lord if we confess and repent of our sins. Jesus is mercy, Himself.

Some of us need to be able to forgive what wrong others may have done to hurt us in the past. In the Bible - the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, the 'Our Father' is very clear in that we have to forgive everyone who has ever wronged us and that if we do not, then God will not forgive us of our own trespasses.
To be with You!
As we come close together
I knew this love would be forever,
you're all and everything that I'll ever need.

I found this world with you,
I can’t believe it’s true.
I can't believe it's you,
I can't believe it's true,
That I found you!
IF the world around us falls apart,
I have you forever carved in my heart,
No matter what it takes I will be here with you.
Through the good times and the bad times,
I'll be everyone and everything  you need.

I could cross a million oceans,
I could climb the highest mountain,
I could swim the longest river,
Everything that I could, I would-do
Just to be with you.
With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.

Thank you, Abba Father, for the 24th of November, 2013.


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