Monday, December 30, 2024

The 57 Cents. Part 5

At the mass celebration on the 9th of November (Sunday Liturgy), Fr. Denis Desa narrated to us an incident that happened a long-long time back. This is a narration of the 57 cents.

The 57 Cent Church
A little girl stood near a small church one Sunday morning. Her name was Hattie May Wiatt and she had been turned away because it was ‘too crowded.’
Pastor Conwell happened to walk by the front gate where Hattie was standing. Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and taking her by the hand, took her inside and found a place for her in the Sunday school class. Hattie gave him the hug of a comforted and happy child. This embrace would be etched in his mind for a lifetime…

A short time later, Hattie became ill and died. Her parents sought out the kind-hearted pastor who had befriended their daughter and asked him to handle the final arrangements. At the funeral, her mother handed Pastor Conwell Hattie’s purse. It contained 57 cents and a note, scribbled in childish handwriting, which read: ‘This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go to Sunday School.’
Her mother told him tearfully that Hattie had been saving up her money to help build a bigger church…. The Pastor was deeply moved. He gratefully accepted the little girl’s contribution.
The pastor shared the story with the church congregation.
But the story does not end there….
Each of Hattie’s 57 pennies was auctioned. Church members made donations. Checks came in from far and wide. Hattie May Wiatt’s unselfish love had paid large dividends. Some of the members formed what they called the “Wiatt’s Mite Society” in which they were dedicated to making little Hattie’s 57 cents grow. The amount of money raised through these efforts was a sizeable investment towards the purchase of a new property. 54 of Hattie’s original pennies were, in time, donated back to the church, where they were put on display and can be seen to this day.

Today in the city of Philadelphia, The Temple Baptist Church, has a seating capacity of 3,300.
There is a Good Samaritan Hospital and also a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of children, built so that no child in the area will ever need to be left outside during Sunday school time.
A true story of a little girl whose 57 cents, sacrificially saved, made remarkable history. 

This goes to show WHAT GOD CAN DO WITH 57 CENTS.
Thank You, Fr. Denis Desa.
[[But more than this, it goes to show what God can do in each person's life if and when we willingly surrender to a loving God.]]

NOTE: I am not of the thought of building luxurious Church' especially if the Church in place is in good condition.
Because in all honesty that is what i see in Mangalore.
A Church is built and then there is a lot of festivities that go on. I cannot appreciate that. 
One cannot build an extraordinarily lavish Church and have people in our own country and on the other side of the world starve to death. That is not making good use of the talents God has provided us with. This is not what God expects. Just because God is quiet, it does not mean He is happy with us.  
The reason i put this narration of the 57 cents before you, is for you to be aware of how God works in a little child, to bring the Parish members to contribute to build a Church with her 57 cents. God had her willingly participate and death did not deter the Plan of God through her!
If a girl child can willingly participate and create history with her 57 cents.
If a lad in the Gospel of John could share his 5 loaves and 2 fish that fed the 5000.
If a widow with two copper coins, which could be her only sustenance sacrifice it as an offering to God,
Then what about each one of us?

It seems to me that the poor are always generous in their giving. They give their all. 
If each one of us did likewise, what a world this would be.
The Earth would be a New Heaven!

57=18thSep + 19thSep + 20thSep (57 turned around=LS)
LS=1219                        (L=12, S=19)
57+1219=1276 (12=6fname&6lname) (76reversal=67DT) Fr. Reuben Tellis.
57+12=69     (69=Fr. Christopher Goveas.)
==6976 = 6fname&6lname | 97 year of Ordination
In 2024 it is the 27th year. 
(Fr. R.T. 27) & (27reversal=72 Fr. John Pereira.)               
(97-i could be wrong about the year. But Fr. Daniel Fernandes' is the 4th name in this page.)
(19F&Lname) Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(20Fname)   Fr. Abel Fernandez.     

Please continue to read THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER

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