A couple-husband & wife fail to live a life of love, they constantly fight-there is a lot of abuse.
Most often you hear of how men treat their wives, and what a woman goes through in a marriage. And i certainly am not denying that fact. But what you also need to update yourself on is how a woman these days is a dictator in the marriage and in the home.
Then there are families, where the couple has separated due to unavoidable circumstances, and in such marriages, the children become hostile.
Then there are times when Parents create differences in their children. Most often there is a clear favourite and most Parents favour their sons, and it is sometimes not visible to an outsider.
Some parents play the divide and rule game with their children? Is this good. Are we just? NO.
Children's behaviours towards everyone around them-will depend on how they are brought up. If the Parents-are loving to each other and the children, then there is love all around. But if the parents are hostile then there is a lot of hatred-rivalry between brothers and sisters. It becomes the survival of the fittest. THUS:-
It is a Failure to love each other as good spouses--should, failure to love your children unconditionally and teach them what it feels like to be loved by God.
Failure to teach children the importance of a good family life is failure to love.
Failure to be fair and treat everyone equally would mean that the child would learn the importance of being Just.
No matter how Godly one says they are, the real test is...
The love of the husband and wife and the love to the children.
Parents often forget girls/daughters are human beings too.
There are so many things that go wrong from one’s home front.
Injustice begins in one’s own home.
When we don’t call injustice as to what it is, it is failure to deal with what needs to be dealt with in a right manner.
Justice must begin within one’s home, then we can truly pray for justice in the world.
Where Justice is Peace resides.
As human beings, we do all the wrongs possible to achieve our goals.
Sometimes, in arrogance, we destroy other people's lives, we abuse them, we make it impossible for them to live. Sometimes some people get cheated off their livelihood. Sometimes people break people's heart in a destructive manner.
We know our sins. When something goes wrong, we got to come into God's presence and admit our faults to Him. God knows but He needs to hear how sorry we are for what we've done.
But we don't do that, instead this is what most do...
Sometimes the greatest of contributions comes from one's way of justifying their wrongs with offering a charity.
We think that we can buy God's forgiveness. But do you not remember, God's forgiveness is for all who come to Him and repent.
When we sin, sin blocks our path to God. Sin makes us arrogant and proud. We think a little charity here, a little charity there will cover up all our sinful tracks. We have become blind and unjust in our ways. Money cannot undo the unjust acts we have committed towards our brothers and sisters.
God is always watching. God collects all our tears. And will He ever forget the tears that roll down. NO.
God is JUST!
God is true to His character, which means HE is always JUST.
God's Love is JUST!
Justice and Righteousness are the foundation of God's Throne.
God sets the standard for JUSTICE.
God is fair to everyone and forgives those who repent.
God has no favourites.
Justice and Righteousness are the foundation of God's Throne.
God sets the standard for JUSTICE.
God is fair to everyone and forgives those who repent.
God has no favourites.
God rewards those who walk in His Ways.
I Pray oh Lord, For Your love to flow into our hearts.
Help us understand how to love one another without being biased towards anyone.
Teach us Your ways and fill us with Your grace, oh Lord.
Help us, show us the way, lead us Lord,
Help us to be JUST of heart to all!
There are many conflicts in a family with regards to property. This causes unnecessary tension and robs one's peace. Where injustice is the practice, Peace does not and cannot reside.
A heart that knows and trusts Jesus has Peace! This Peace of Christ flows from one’s heart and flows to each member of the family and from there out into the world.
"I pray oh Lord, Jesus asking forgiveness, we have failed You, and failed our brothers and sisters in the world, when we failed to understand their plight-when we failed to reach out to them, when their homes were terrorized, when everything was snatched away from them, when people lost their lives, their livelihood, their homes, their families, we sat watching it on the news, talking about it, and doing nothing concrete, we thought that sending some packages of food is the right thing we have done. Lord, we have failed miserably.
Truly, we have not understood the suffering and we have not felt the tears that flow from their eyes. But You collect the tears that fall from each of Your child. You know the pain. And yet when something happens to us, we cry out to YOU, oh Lord asking and praying for justice. Our pain is pain. We have been selfish, oh Lord? Forgive us, To You oh Lord, we are all Your Children?"
In the very many prayers i have heard, on matters such as Redevelopment or Property Dispute.
Redevelopment is nothing but extreme cases of greed. Because some of the buildings can be repaired. Once repaired they could be good for another 10-15 years. But the greed of the extra room (or extra sq.feet-i am not sure of the terms used) gets to each one. What happens in some cases is the matter takes too long and either way people don't get what they were promised.
And Property dispute, we fight for things that in some cases takes a whole lifetime. And by the time, we have wasted our good years in fighting that could have been lived well.
In both cases we pray for Justice. And how blind can we be. Considering the wars that kill so many people, that millions or more people are homeless and at times they have to flee for their lives leaving their country and whatever they owned. We feel our tears, we fail to understand their brokeness. Property dispute and Redevelopment are our created tragedies.
But these people (war-zones and natural calamity) are innocent. Justice rightly is theirs.
WE PRAY: For a good understanding in families and a good heart to share whatever we have with one another without causing chaos. For it is Your will, oh Lord that we all come in love and share our blessings with each other. We pray that we build each other. We pray for Your grace, Lead us oh Lord, in Your Way!
WE PRAY: For an end to war, for an end to violence, for an end to our greed - an end to injustice; For the times we have failed to do the right thing and to share our resources-our Blessings. Lord have mercy on us.
WE PRAY: For an end to poverty and hunger;
For the times we fail to provide a voice and be giving of all the Blessing God has blessed us with. Lord have mercy on us.
For the Poor,
For the aborted babies,
For the girl child,
For the loss of innocence of children,
For this World and all its peoples,
For those who are ill, for those who have lost loved ones.
For the war-torn countries, the loss of home, the loss of life, the lack of food and water,
For the innocent victims-those hurt and brutally attacked-brutally killed,
For the natural calamity countries, the loss of home, the loss of life, the lack of food and water,
For accidental deaths,
For all the ways people treat each other in a violent manner.
Lord have mercy on us.
Without You Lord, i am nothing, i am a wretched sinner.
Remember my prayer oh Lord, when my life is done. May i always be your little candle burning before you with a prayer from my heart to Yours my JUST GOD!
Please continue to read A Just God! Part 4
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