Sunday, March 31, 2019

FAITH-The bridge is out

My mom, had this forwarded on the 22nd of February, 2019. Please read.

A Pastor was driving home one night with his wife and two daughters in the car. It was raining and because of the intensity of the rain he could hardly see past his headlights. He had to drive over a huge bridge. There were signs posted that said “DO NOT PICK UP HITCH-HIKERS.” There was an institution for the criminally insane near the base of the bridge and sometimes people would escape from it and try to hitch a ride.

On this particular night, as he turned his car on to the bridge, he had to drive exceptionally slow because he could hardly see the road. Somewhere near the top of the bridge a man suddenly appeared in the headlights. He was soaked, standing in the middle of the road with his shirt off frantically waving it over his head and screaming. The Pastor’s wife began to say, “Oh please don’t stop, try to drive around him!” But the man was unavoidable and there was nowhere for the car to go to. So he had to stop the car and as soon as he did, the man slapped his hand down on the hood of the car and kept screaming at the top of his lungs.

The Pastor looked over at his wife and said to lock the door after him and not to unlock it until he returned. His family was now crying and pleading with him not to get out of the car. He opened the door and stepped outside… He was immediately soaked from the rain. As he approached the front of the car to grab the man, all of a sudden he could make out what the man was screaming, “THE BRIDGE IS OUT! THE BRIDGE IS OUT! A BUS LOAD OF KIDS JUST WENT OVER!” As these words registered in the Pastor’s mind, he looked back in the car at his wife and two daughters. He wrapped his arm around the man and wept in gratitude. The Pastor stood there with the man for the next half an hour in the middle of the road, waving his jacket above his head screaming. ”THE BRIDGE IS OUT! THE BRIDGE IS OUT!”

For a lost and dying world, “THE BRIDGE IS OUT!”
For a people heading to a Christ less eternity, “THE BRIDGE IS OUT!”

Where are the men and the women who will stand in the middle of the road and forbid people to perish?

Where are those who will stand in the gap, on the streets, the highways and the byways to forbid multitudes with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST from going to such a horrible place?

Spread the GOSPEL.
THE BRIDGE IS OUT!  ..And time is running out.


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