Sunday, March 31, 2019

Everybody needs Somebody to LOVE!

Everybody needs somebody.

Everybody loves somebody, sometime.
Everybody needs somebody.
Sometimes everybody needs somebody.

We need somebody to be with us when the storms of the world rage against us.

There are hurtful moments. The world is hurting.
We need somebody to pray when we are discouraged.
We need somebody to lift us in times of trouble.
We need somebody to tell us that it is going to be okay.
Everybody needs somebody to love. 

We need somebody to be for us in our times of need.
We need somebody to lean on.
We need somebody to talk to and at times listen.
We need somebody to understand.
Everybody needs somebody to love.

We need somebody to walk in when others walk out.
We need someone to stop the ache in the heart.
We need to hear that we are loved, that we make a difference.
To Every person, every song, I will love you always.
Everybody needs somebody to love.

But there are moments that I need somebody to be here just for me. I too need somebody to love.

Sometimes our truest friends disappoint us, and our closest loved ones do not understand us.
We are all lost in a world of our own, but we are never deserted if we understand that,
Everybody needs somebody to love.

In the heart of every person, there are thoughts and fears to what people might think of them.
There are some thoughts which cannot be expressed to even our closest ones.
Most people walk with closed hearts.
Everybody needs somebody to love.

The loneliest place in the world is often in the midst of a crowd.
The loneliest people in the world are sometimes the ones who are at the top.
Everybody needs somebody to love.

There is a longing within every heart-a desire so strong, of one to be loved and understood.
We long for a soul to soul connection, we long for someone to walk by our side.
When we do not find such a one, the human heart grows discouraged and despondent.
Remember: Everybody needs somebody to love.

When everything you look at is taking you down,
When no one seems to want to help, but every one wants to watch the show, 
When you are left in this world standing all alone,
For the times, a mother is helplessly holding her baby unable to provide food,
For the times a mother has to hold her dying baby in her arms and watch the life ebb away,
For the times the world is heartlessly showcasing the heart-breaking moments on camera,
For the times that being poor feels like, nothing but a curse,
For the times a poor man is left alone to wipe his wounds,
For the times the poor get cheated of their right to live, their right to life.
For all the times some politician plays his game, causing a friction, that causes a catastrophic war resulting in loss of innocent lives and people becoming homeless.
When hatred is all you have seen and known,
Lord mercy!

When the people who should have stood by us walk away,
When the ache in the heart is so deadly, that life seems unlivable.
When the ones we trust are the ones who seem to break our world apart.
When our voice for life is stomped by people who think very little of us.
When fear and worry tear us down.
When you are left to wipe your tears away.
When the world passes you by with no kind word spoken.
When all you face is hard times.
When your life seems to fall apart and there is nothing you can do or say.
Everybody at some point in life needs somebody to hug them. Everybody needs somebody to love.

Everybody needs somebody. We all do.
Everyone needs someone who cares.
To be loved, to be truly loved, what a dream!

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. We can love and be truly loved.

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