Wednesday, August 6, 2014

When I say forever

My People,
Good Morning! I believe to love another person is to see the face of God.

“Two are better than one...if either of them falls down, one can help the other up...”  Ecclesiastes 4:9–10

A friend of mine, suggested the movie, from the year 1979 by the title ‘The Promise.’
It’s a wonderful movie, and I’m glad that love wins in the end that is what matters most of all to me. The below verse is from the title song,

When I say always,
I mean forever.
I trust tomorrow as much as today,
I am not afraid to say I love you.
But I promise you,
I'll never say goodbye.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr. - I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.   


We all need somebody to believe in us more than we believe in ourselves. There are enough people telling us what we can’t become and how we don’t have what it takes.
Let’s push people up. Let’s look with our eyes of faith and see their potential and tell them what they can become. If you will be that person for somebody else, God will make sure somebody will be that person for you.
Remember, words have creative power.


Reaching out to people is such a wonderful aspect of living.
When speaking with somebody, have you watched your actions, have you heard yourself speak?
We are so accustomed to the life we are living, that somewhere through time, we have lost ourselves. And the sad part is that most often we don’t even realize what we are and have become. Kindness is overruled with cruel words and actions. We comfort ourselves or rather blind ourselves with the belief that this kind of behaviour is what is called ‘attitude or self confidence’. Knowing fully well that both of which are a lie.

Each man to himself, we are all caught up in our own little web of lies and deception. We are lost without God.
We are lost without each other. When we fail to reach the people who need us, we fail on all counts.

Everybody wants to celebrate and they want to have their own people around them. That in doing so we miss out on being the people who we should be with the ones who look up to us, the ones who love us and the ones who want to be with us. Most often we run after things that matter very little, but we fail to see the truth.  

We need to respect our elders and we need to teach our kids the same. We need to pave the way for the future, so that the future knows and understands the past, and values and treasures the past and cherishes it in a way not to commit the same faults but to go ahead with a better experience into the future.

Our children are God’s blessings on us and to us and they carry a piece of us with them. They are our future. Lets show them the way to God so that when troubles come and they will—they will be bold and courageous because they can declare ‘Even through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil’.
That walk will be a certainty that ‘God walks with them!’

Only the past (our elders) can show that path. The future without them is bleak.
If and when everyone failed you, the Holy Spirit, never will. He is the most powerful force in the world, all gentleness, all kindness and all wisdom.


Day 1st August, 2014 – In the celebration of the mass, there are some hymns, like the ‘Community Glory’ and 'Let us bow in Adoration' that does not require meddling with. I believe that when a cantor or a choir lifts up their vocal (sing), in its wholeness, it must not only come from a single person or a group but from the congregation as a whole and it must be for the very same reason untouched in tune.
The Gloria is a venerable hymn in which the Church, gathered together in the Holy Spirit, glorifies and entreats God the Father and the Lamb-Jesus.
Therefore it cannot and must not and never-NEVER come from just a person or a group but the whole Church. God inhabits the praises of His people.
The heart as a collective sings its song of praise and love to God.


Day 1st August, 2014 – The priest makes an announcement that the hymn to be sung, is (for / about priests), one of the cantors announces the page number, and the 2nd cantor comes in and announces another page number overruling the lst cantor. So she leads with the singing and the priest makes a request to stop and open the 1st requested page number.
A cantor raises the bar. He or she opens up their vocals (sing) to encourage the congregation into singing, thus leading them into singing the sweet praises of God. It is never about a single person but the praises that come from all.
Look at it from the eyes of God. Understand it, He knows how you sound. God’s given you that fabulous voice now use it for His Glory!

Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle!


Day 22nd July, 2014 – Abba, Father asked me if I accept. . . ..? and I said ‘YES’.

When I say always,
I mean forever.
I trust tomorrow as much as I do today.
I am not afraid to say I love you.
And I promise you,

How could I ever say goodbye?

God is a promise-maker and a promise-keeper and we God’s people should trust Him on the promises God has made to us.
  • “God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” Hebrews 11:6.
    God is always on time, and He knows when we need to be filled with hope. Expect Him to keep His promise to reward you now when you are in the greatest  of needs.

  • Expect to see evidence of a miracle in your life. “With God all things are possible” Mark 10:27. Miracles start in the unseen, quiet ways and unfold little by little, one small mercy at a time. Expect to see God working in mysterious ways, unseen to the human eye.

  • Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest remains, let us fear lest any of you be judged to have failed to reach it. ”  Hebrews 4:9-11. In the midst of all calamities, problems, the Lord desires that you believe Him to bring you into His promised rest. God never intended that His children live in fear and despair. We need a faith to trust in God in the face of fear, in spite of the fear.

  • Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; ” 1 Corinthians 6:19 The Holy Spirit abides in the heart of the believer. He desires that you expect him to make His presence manifest to you with each passing day. He wants to bring you into an unshakable faith, just as He did the disciples.
    Believe in these promises! And you will see God do marvellous things.

Miracles do not end in themselves. The Bible reminds us that each miracle is a sign that leads us into another sign. The first of the signs, is the wedding at Cana of Galilee – which reveal Jesus’s glory; and His disciples believed in Him” - John 2:11.

St. John explains that the miracles are signs, for us to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God and that when we believe we will have life in His name.

When the seed of faith is sown, miracles are bound to occur.  Take the first step to believe and then IMPOSSIBLE becomes POSSIBLE.

I end with the lines from the movie - ‘The Promise’.
I believe that when two souls are destined to meet, like ours, and they grow like one, nothing can pull them apart! For as long as this earth, and the sea and the sky shall live! I promise to never say goodbye To you....


With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.
Day 22nd July, 2014. Thank You, Abba Father.

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