Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Trust Love!

My People,

Good Morning! I love proverbs-they are the best means to convey a message in short. Alfred Lord Tennyson said, ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’ So your heart gets broken and it is because you loved. And isn’t it good, that you loved?

1 Corintihians 10:24 states- None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.

I love the feeling of opening the wrapper of a Cadbury bar, and as I break a piece of the chocolate tiny fragments of the chocolate fall away. I take a bite of the first piece of  the chocolate as it melts away it leaves this delicate creamy texture in the mouth. The feeling, it leaves is what makes me want to take another bite  of the chocolate. I know if you love chocolates, you will agree with me on this. Won't you?

Is it a good time to be talking about a burger? So you place a whole dollop of mayonnaise (my favourite), then a lettuce leaf with a whole chunk of meat, then a slice of tomato with maybe a slice of cucumber and then to top it with cheese (optional) and that completes the burger. And you can’t wait to take that first bite. The co-ordination of the eyes, with the mouth and it’s a complete satisfaction, guaranteed. So you think.

Let’s HOLD on to this thought for some time, shall we?

Most times, people want things and they are confused as to what when and why they want what they want. So the thing you need to

·         Figure out is what you want from life?

·         And learn how to ask for it.

For a successful relationship, you definitely need God. All wisdom comes from Him.
To me the most important aspect of a relationship is the ability to  understand. Sometimes you don't have to say a thing and yet you've said it all.
And the other aspect is that to be a good listener-to me this is crucial.
You will only listen and understand when you love. Love is open to every possibility.


To feel anger is natural for us, depending on whatever the circumstance that leads to the feeling. To react to the feelings, that is something that is experienced for a couple of minutes and some live it for days or some build their whole lives around it.
There is no justification for anger. Reasons could be plenty. But we are given a head and a heart to reason with, a brain to think and a heart to love. Love must overrule everything else.
Forgive the people who hurt you. Difficult it is, but Forgive anyway.
If something unjust has happened, someone has wronged you, do express yourself, do the right thing. Fight for what is right. But do not let anger win the day.
Ephesians 4:26 states: - "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,


Day 14th August, 2014 – The person on the other end was really being mean and asked me to agree on certain things that I thought were untrue to my nature. I, very politely disagreed which angered the person to want to throw the paper towards me. I walked out giving the reason for doing so.
I have said this so many times before – ‘You are God’s masterpiece’, when I say that I can’t let someone treat me like crap. Can I?
Life is beautiful and wonderful and we are here on a voyage, we need to enjoy each moment to the fullest. And that means, when someone does not know how to treat us right, we let them know in the most loving manner as possible.
Humility is a wonderful aspect of life? And it should be. Never confuse yourself with that. But there are times when one has to do the right thing.
I say this to everyone, ‘Love your life’, how can I love mine any less? And for that I need to take a stand, I need to voice my opinion? Do you understand?

From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, O Jesus.

We can’t let someone treat us bad and walk away with it. Forgiveness is a good thing. Believe me on the 15th of August, I attended both the masses and when we prayed ‘The Our Father’, on the lines of,
‘Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us,
I pray for the two people here’ – people who are doing everything to cause trouble for me. On the 16th August and the 17th August, I prayed with them in mind. All I did was make sure that there is not even a 0.0000001% chance of anger on my part towards them.

No one can predict who you are or what you can become? No one can write you off?
The answers are always upto God.

I will say this to the day I die, children are always innocent. Their innocence depends on us parents, so yeah we are the ones who are and can inspire them. So if you happen to advise them, do not lie-and you get away with it, having things favour you, then my dear, you have paved the way for your children to apply the same road. After all in your example, lying makes you get better things. So tell me, why will your children choose to be anyone else, when they have you, clearly show them the wrong path? And then you wonder as to whose curse you carry?  I have to ask this - have you shut your eyes to the truth?
Understand and appreciate your kids. The saying ‘An apple does not fall far from the tree’ is true. Your kids will be everything you are minus one or two things. Very rarely, they will be something totally different.
Children are very perceptive. They understand the unspoken words. In reality they understand more of the hugs, the time that you as parents spent with them. Don’t bribe them, because that will be what they learn and they will use it against you. Because that’s what they learnt from you and in the latter years it will be a tragedy.
Children need both their parents, if both are present. Tragedies can’t be undone.
A child when he or she grows under the love of observing the parents becomes a confident and an able child, not just because they are there, but the love and support of the parents keeps all sense of fear far from damaging the psyche of the child.
LOVE is all the support the child needs. Give him or her all that. And they will know God.

Okay I love chocolates and burgers.
And we all have different tastes. Thank God for that. I mean if we all liked one or two things, what a chaotic world would that be? I think half of the world would be hungry. Amusing isn’t it? God is amazing. It’s just that we don’t give Him the credit that He deserves.
The below picuture is of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Look at how Jesus holds His heart In His hands.
It speaks of a love that is completely giving, completely open and a heart that is ready to be broken for love.

God is Awesome. Aint, no God like my God!  
Satisfaction cannot always be guaranteed. We like to relish things in certain ways, but when it comes to God – we do what needs to be done as an obligation.
We don’t understand what it means to wait? When you are in love, you want to think of the moments that you spend with your beloved, you want to think of the next time you meet them. You want to think of what it is you would say to them.  And you count the days and time when you would meet them. You savour every second.
Time is of the essence. You cherish each moment with them. 
Chocolates satisfy our taste buds, burgers satisfy our appetite but only momentarily. And yet we give it all our attention and we enjoy those moments.
The love of your beloved, it gives that sense of happiness, that is needed in the heart of a man.
Jesus is everything we want and need. Nothing can ever fill that spot in our hearts the way only JESUS knows. And yet how much of it do we really give to Jesus who gives us His All?
When the Priest, places the ‘Holy Eucharist’- ‘The Body of Christ’ on my palm, I know he has given me the most precious-the most pricesless possession and placed - in my hands. I want to hold on to Jesus for more than that time in my hands. I want to hold Him and hold Him tight, I want to - I want to never let go. 
And when Jesus enters my heart, I know the Son of God, has entered in – Everyday, is a new day and no day is repeated. I give it my best, I try not to repeat my faults.
Philippians 4:13 states-I can do all things in him who strengthens me.
I always thank Jesus for coming into my heart. I say Thank you Jesus, Son of God (Son of the Living God) for choosing me as one of Your people. And then I say, Here I am, I come to do Your will.

You can expect that your courage will be tested. You'll face a wall an obstacle you don't think you can get beyond.
You've probably thought about that battle today. Your opponent may be someone in your family or someone at work. Whatever the challenge, the battle you face right now looks impossible to overcome.
We were raised to believe that the only way to win is through intimidation. You must control your opponent and the situation.

God specializes in impossible situations. Matthew 19:26 and Luke 1:37
When you are overwhelmed, outnumbered, out-manned, out-muscled and outsmarted, God steps in since He specializes in leading you to victory. Only He does it His way.

Joshua faced a battle that he knew he couldn't' win. God's charge to him was to go and conquer the land. "I will be with you: I will not fail you or forsake you."; God said. "Be strong and courageous."; Joshua 1:5-6. Joshua could have thought - "can't be done. This is a wall we cannot bring down".

Joshua marched and shouted just as God told him to, and the walls fell down. There was no fight! He listened for the trumpet blast like the other people in the army and stood back and watched as the entire city was exposed as a result of God's miraculous intervention. The odds were against them, and they couldn't possibly do battle against their fierce enemy. Their only hope of victory was obeying God and the walls around the city fell flat. The battle belonged to the Lord. Joshua's part was not to win the war but simply to make himself available to the true will of God.

We can learn a great deal from Joshua's winning strategy to help us in our own seemingly impossible battles:

Get a clear understanding of God's plan. Before you can march to God's orders, you must understand His plan for you. The first concerns - Most want to get back at their enemy, but God says to forgive him.

Cooperate completely with God's plan. When God's Word directs you to do something, don't argue....just do it. You may need to ask Him for the strength and the willingness to follow, but determine to follow Him anyway.

Follow God's plan....by faith. Hebrews 11 explains why God's plan worked for Joshua. "By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they had been encircled for seven days." Joshua's people followed God with childlike faith. They simply believed that this is what they should do. As a result God rewarded their faith.

Face your challenge, face your battle now. You cannot fight it in your own...it's got to be the Lord's battle. God can turn an impossible situation into an astounding victory. But it means you need the courage to surrender to His Will with love and do it His way...by faith and in His strength. When you do that you will be amazed how  impossibilities become realities.

Remember, the Battle is God’s!
With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Day 19th August, 2014 - 1313-1Corinthians (3 times) & 1111-Hebrews.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.

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