Sunday, April 28, 2013

God's Sign....... Part 2

My People,

Good Morning! I love to hear the sparrows chirp in the morning. It is the sweetest music that just gets your heart moving. They are so tiny and so full of life. They give me hope.
Growing up, was never easy. If I liked something, it never remained to be mine. Way back then I always believed in God – but where I lacked in understanding – the Holy Spirit guides me.
Looking back – on yesterday – they were all a preparation for the times to come.
Psalm 56:8 states You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book.
God cares so much about us all. What you are going through is so important to Him that He records every sorrow and collects every tear you've shed. God keeps account of every wrong that's ever been done to you. God wants to heal every hurt. He sees the longings of your heart, and you can rest knowing that God is working things out for your good! Remember God collects every tear and will restore every broken place in your life!
Two months back, there was this cute altar girl, who was new and really mischievious - and I thought that her behaviour was little out of line especially during the mass.
Clearly I was wrong to make that judgement. Today she was the only kid serving at the 7:30 p.m. mass and I was very proud of watching her. I learned my lesson well.
How often we commit the same mistake? How often do we judge others, and give them a hard time?
Only God knows each and every person and the true potential, He has placed in each and every individual.
One thing I ask, is please do not discriminate another person. Don't hurt any one. Don't look down and never think yourself superior to others. Its wrong done to the other person and wrong before God. No matter who you are, you are answerable.
God made all men equal. So no matter what the reason, love and help each other.
So many times in life, we come to a certain point and don’t really know which way to go. There are often two choices and one will always outweigh the other. What do you do? God always gives us choices And most often, God will bring us to the crossroads so that we know that it is He Who has blessed us. So if you have been yearning for something, then God will not hold it back from you. God always gives us the desires of our heart. What we need is the COURAGE and BOLDNESS to trust in God and make the decision. You have to know that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. "IF GOD LEADS YOU TO IT, HE WILL LEAD YOU THROUGH IT."
Psalm 25:4 states Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths”
When you have a heart to please God, you may miss an exit, you may make a wrong turn, but God has already recalculated another route. He’s still going to get you to where you’re supposed to be. He loves you with an everlasting love, and when you seek Him with your whole heart, no matter where you are in life, He’ll get you back on track! Amen.

I appreciate Simplicity. For with simplicity one can reach into the heart of a person. Only with simplicity can you truly love.

Love is kind... Just, the other day, I overheard a priest talk so lovingly to people. There was so much kindness in his words, and much love. Believe me, kindness impacts. I cannot and will not forget the way he spoke to the people. His act of kindness is forever engraved in my heart.
Don’t look for faults in others. But in your kindness and compassion, be the one who cheers them on. Be simple. Be appreciative. God loves that. It pleases His heart immensely. Imagine the world with all simple and kind people. What a wonderful world that would be.
I wait on God - I wait on The Holy Spirit.

The 16th of April was the first day we were moved to our new work location. 
The 22nd of April – I saw the no. 768 on one of the trees as I walked into the office. 768 is the number that I have often noticed and tried to understand but somehow could not find the answer to. This was for me a sign from God.

The 24th April, I reach my office in Goregaon East. It’s a beautiful place. Since two to three years, often when passing that way I would wonder how it would be to walk into that place.
Today as I walk along, I am wandering through-I just look up at the trees above and I look at the flowers that have bloomed (they are sort of pinkish-purple in color) and that’s when I remember seeing those very flowers in my dream a long time back.
I believe God talks in dreams-HE does with me. When I saw the flowers, I immediately recognized this as another sign - a sign of the things to come. My dreams, they follow a sequence. When I see a sign I know the next is not far behind.
I have thoughts run in my head at what I can say is at a speed that I myself cannot comprehend. This is the Holy Spirit.

The 25th April, Its 06:25 am, I am in my office compound and I am gazing at the flowers. I am glad, I am. I feel so much happiness in my heart. I know my time will come. I am standing right in front of the signs that God has given me, so the first thing I think is of you, and I want to share them with you.
As I am looking at the flowers and walking, I fell, scraped my right knee and the side of my face brushed to the concrete ground. I know and thank my Guardian Angel for holding my face in his hands. I just felt a little bruise on the face but everything was fine. Got up and then dusted the dirt off. Sat for two minutes, then took my cell and clicked the snap of the flowers. That’s what I wanted to do before the fall, that’s what I did after the fall.  

Long before I could begin my walk with God, I had a dream where the devil was a very evil looking woman who kept punching me down. The punches were so bad that I could not fight. When I woke up the next day, I was in terrible pain. Back then, I did not realize that I was fighting the devil.
Most recently, somewhere in October-November, I went to my room and suddenly from nowhere something punched my eye so bad, all I know is my immediate reaction was I called out to Padre Pio. I held my eye, I did not know what to expect, so I prayed hard to Padre Pio and then looked in the mirror. My eye was intact. I know the punch was from nowhere. I looked all over the room and could not find anything that even matched or came close. When I told my brother, he told me the devil hit you. He might have been joking, but that’s what it felt like.
Praise God! Thank you God, for letting me find Padre Pio.

I love Psalm 23: It’s my favourite prayer, after the Our Father and St. Francis of Assisi’s-Make me a Channel of Your Peace. One of the verses from Psalm 23:4 states Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
The devil fears two things the name of JESUS and the Word (The Bible).
The devil attacks you because you believe in Jesus. He knows that you are getting to where God wills you to be. He knows that it is your belief that will get you there-and it is faith that he fears. When you trust in God, that means he looses on keeping you in his grip. Therefore he has no control over you. When you have faith then God fights on your behalf and the devil has to flee. That is exactly when – God and you stomp the devil together.

When we put our hope in God, we will never be disappointed. There may be temporary disappointments, but we will never be permanently disappointed. Somewhere down the road, God will cause it to all work out for our good. With God on your side, you will always end in victory! When I think about it – I just think how wonderful a God we serve, He encourages us in every way possible.
Isaiah 49:23 states “...those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
Turn your circumstances over to God, by refusing to worry, that’s when God can do a work in your life.
Choose to put your hope in Abba, Father; you won’t be disappointed. Trust Him because God is faithful.

My God can and will do the IMPOSSIBLE! I BELIELVE! Amen.  

REMEMBER: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

LOVE IS......

Love is understanding
Love is undemanding
Love can stand the test of time.
Love is Forever! 
And forever I am yours 
And forever You are mine.  

With all my Love,


PRAYER: Abba Father, keep me always obedient and faithful to You I pray. Amen.

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