My People,
Good Morning! I wish you God’s Peace!
will be my last article. Please bear with me as this message of mine gets a little bit lengthy. I
am sorry. I am not tired of writing never can be,
but its a matter of the heart. Praise God!
you love me? This is a question we all ask or want to ask of the person we
love. We want to know how they feel.
Love You! Three words! Eight alphabets! My goodness, what a change it makes to
a persons life.
love you. I always have and I always will love you. This love for you will never end. I
love you….. I DO!
is my favourite song and this is what I like to sing when I think of LOVE – its a Don Williams number - I've
Been Loved By The Best.
is how I define faithfulness in a relationship-this is me and here I go-with
saying I love you. I really really
do. More than you will ever know.
love you more than anything and everything in the world. And without you I’d be lost because you are everything that is
everything in this world to me. So if you could hear me sing, this would be my
love song to you.
if you ever leave me
I'll just put my heart awayI couldn't love again, believe me
No one could please me anyway
And if another ever came along
just turn them down 'cause after allI've been loved by the best
I can't settle now for less
Why bother with the rest
Baby, I've been to the top, I guess
With you I have been blessed
I won't take nothin' less
I've been loved by the best
If you ever get tired of me
Well, I won't look for someone new
'Cause looking back on how you loved me
No one could measure up to you
And if they try to win this heart of mine
I just have to say,
''Don't waste your time'’I've been loved by the best I can't settle now for less
Why bother with the rest
Baby, I've been to the top, I guess
With you I have been blessed
I won't take nothin' less
I've been loved by the best
When I look into your eyes I know
You're the only love I ever want'
Cause, after you and me
Baby, I can see Nothin' else could be even close
been loved by the best
can't settle now for lessWhy bother with the rest
Baby, I've been to the top I guess
you I have been blessedI won't take nothin' less
I've been loved by the best.
a world would this be, if there was no love? Can you imagine that?
have seen people use the sentence ‘I love you’ so often, that first it’s overly
used and secondly it has lost its meaning to people. You cannot love your cat,
dog and a human being with the same breath.
is sacrifice. You know why some marriages fail? Go back to the first sentence
of this paragraph. Yes, ‘SACRIFICE’. Sadly people these day think of the ‘I’
is supposed to be ‘WE’. I don’t see that anymore. Okay so I need to correct
myself. I see it very rarely. And its not only marriages, it could be any kind of relationships.
you speak these words, “I love
you”, it’s a commitment made. Would you stand by (be here for) the one you
love? I’m asking? That would be what I would expect.
number 444 is my everyday number. I can see it from anywhere in the universe. So
in a way the number does get my notice. In my Bible Pg. 444 – refers to the
Book of Tobit - which took me quiet some time to figure out. But God always will
lead you right.
The book begins with Tobit, an
Israelite of the Northern Kingdom who was deported to Nineveh , who suffers blindness. He is
faithful to covenantal worship and charitable works. The Lord rewards his
faithfulness with wealth and a good position in the king's government. Yet a
series of unfortunate circumstances leave Tobit poor, depressed and blind. He
prays for death. Sarah in Media suffers torment and simultaneously she prays for death . She has been married seven
times but a demon killed each of her husbands before the marriage could be
The Lord hears the prayers of
Tobit and Sarah. Because of their good life and prayers, God sends the
Archangel Raphael (the angel of love) to help them. When Tobit asks his son Tobiah to go and
recover a large sum of money he had deposited many years prior with his
relative, Raphael joins Tobiah on the journey disguised as an Israelite named
As the pair make their way to
Tobit's relative, they catch a fish whose innards have healing properties. Then
they stop at the house of Raguel, Sarah's father. Raphael convinces Tobiah to
marry Sarah and they marry immediately. Tobiah uses parts of the fish to ward
off the murderous demon and he survives the wedding night. Finally, Tobiah uses
the fish's gall to cure Tobit's blindness (11:11).
Raphael heals Tobit of blindness,
he protects and guides Tobias on his travels and he delivers Sarah from an evil
demon. Tobit, Tobias and Sarah were beset by trials and difficulties to purify
them, but they remained steadfast in their faith during the period of testing,
and eventually enjoyed God’s blessings and mercy. All prayed for deliverance
and God sent St. Raphael.
message of the book is that God is both just and free. Suffering is not a
punishment but a test. The believer is called upon to trust God and live his
way. The book presents the sanctity of marriage, intercession through Angels,
reward of good works, and parental respect, as well as the importance of prayer
in our daily lives, fasting, and especially almsgiving.
arose from bed and said to his wife, “My love, get up. Let us pray and beg our
Lord to have mercy on us and to grant us deliverance.” She got
up, and they started to pray and beg that deliverance might be theirs. He began
with these words:
“Blessed are you, O God of our fathers; praised be your name
forever and ever. Let the heavens and all your creation praise you forever. You made Adam and you gave him his wife Eve to be his help and
support; and from these two the human race descended. You said, ‘It is not good
for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.’
Now, Lord, you know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for
a noble purpose. Call down your mercy on me and on her, and allow us to live
together to a happy old age.” They said together, “Amen, Amen,”.
The truth and the power of love are in the ability to place oneself between the
forces of good and evil, because love is confident of being victorious. Love
conquers all the obstacles.
of Tobit illustrates-how God cares for those who love Him. It shows Him
rewarding human faithfulness with His faithful deliverance. They have to
undergo trials to experience deliverance. Tobit and Sarah suffer but God
delivers them in the end. Raphael was sent to heal Tobit and Sarah. What we
learn from this chapter is the importance of prayer and we also learn that God
sending greeting cards my mom would add all the names of our family, and would also add the name of the child she was expecting in brackets (brother). This happened when my mom was expecting for 3 of my
brothers. I am speaking of my moms faith.
3rd of May, it was for me the longest day in a very long time. I sat
with a friend of mine, and what she told me, I won’t reveal it here. But she
was in a terrible anguish. The reason I know is because after talking with her,
I just felt all of her misery, all of her hopelessness. And no matter how I
tried, the pain simply would not go away. This is not the first time I have
experienced something of this sort. By the time, I reached home, I was just
glad that somehow I started feeling somewhat better. I did pray for her.
3rd of May, is the day my brother was called to his
eternal home up in Heaven. My
brother wanted for God to remember him and God did call him home. My brother loved Mt. Carmels Church and he would often go for the 7:30 p.m.
As I
saw Fr. Warner celebrating the mass, it simply relaxed me
completely. I will never forget. Thank you,
have this habit once I have updated my topic on my blog, I return back to read
it. I was adviced by the ‘Holy Spirit’ not to read
the new topic (God’s Sign… Part 2) on my blog till the *condition* was
fulfilled. And on the 3rd of May, just on entering the Church, I
noticed the part of the condition sitting there, and with that there was an additional
blessing that of hearing Fr. Warner’s mass. Obedience to the Holy Spirit is a
John 14:13-14 states: “Whatever
you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son;
if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” - from the Gospel of the day and for the date
27th April, 2013 as mentioned in my topic God’s Sign…. Part 2.
4th of May, I am waiting to hear from the ‘Holy Spirit’. I attend
the masses in the morning, and in the evening and nothing.
5th of May, Today being Sunday, I attend the morning mass and the
evening again. It’s been a silent day.
6th of May, I attend both the morning and the evening. Nothing. What
do I do?
know I trust God, with all my heart. I wait and so as I wait I say, PRAISE GOD!
Then I reflect on Exodus 14:14 - The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Being Still – is nothing but to wait and I am
waiting with my arms outstretched and with a heart full of expectations. David says there are three things to
do as you wait –
Wait quietly -- “I wait quietly before God, for my
hope is in him.” Psalm 62:5
Wait patiently -- “Be still in the presence of the
Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalm 37:7
Wait expectantly -- “I wait expectantly, trusting God to
help, for he has promised.” Psalm 105:5
this is so important: you must expect to hear from God. Expect for Him to give
you an insight; this is the faith factor where you wait expectantly. Waiting on
God is never a waste of time. In fact, it's some of the best time you are ever
going to invest in your life.
live the Gospel value - very difficult.
follow Christ - not going to be easy.
love Jesus - is to love every one. It takes God’s strength to love. Are you
can’t choose to love and whom to love. You know when you really are like Jesus,
it’s not difficult to love. Everybody is huggable to me. Okay
there are always exceptions, and there are some people who make me really mad.
But this is what JESUS always tells me love
gave us a commandment: “A
new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love
one another. By this everyone will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
“You must love the LORD your
God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” He added, “A second
is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” Matthew 22:39
is hard to define love, in just a sentence. That would be no justice at all. I
guess the best place to start would be in chapter I Corinthians 13.
“Love never gives up. Love
cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on
others, isn’t always “me first,” doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score
of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the
flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trust God always, always looks for
the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end. Love never dies...” I
Corinthians 13:4-8
the first part of that verse, love never gives up. I ask God to enable me to
never give up. He is the only one who can empower me to do so. Then I stand on
His Word. Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
me. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One
who makes me who I am.
OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR HIM and His grace is sufficient for us. He will never leave us nor forget us. Seasons change...and things pass. One thing is for sure, God is faithful and true to His promises even when at the time it seems He has forgotten us, nothing can hide us from His love.
While Paul was spreading the Gospel in
things get tough and those who you thought would hang in there with you, leave you out, it can be painful. It was the Church folk who left Paul.
God always
has someone there to help you in your time of need. Paul was so appreciative of
the help he got that he asks the Lord to have
mercy not only on this brother but on his whole household. Paul asked the Lord
to give Onesiphorus' household mercy. This is what Onesiphorus did for Paul that you and I should do for other people in need. Here is the first
of the four things that Onesiphorus did for Paul while he was locked up
says in verse 16 that "he often
refreshed me". It is a blessing to have someone who is a breath of
fresh air. It is great to have somebody who revives your spirit rather than kills
Paul, tells us in verse 16 "and he
was not ashamed of my chain." Paul was saying that Onesiphorus was not
embarrassed by the fact that Paul was locked up and in chains for the Gospel. He had compassion and embraced his brother in
pain and we too need to do the same. When we do this we become Christ like.
says in verse 17 that when he arrived in Rome ,
Onesiphorus sought him out diligently and
found me". We have to have the spirit of Onesiphorus and be diligent
in seeking those who are lost and in need even when it is risky.
goes onto pray again for Onesiphorus in verse 18. When you are good to people
their prayers will always be with you. Paul prays again, "Lord grant to
him that he may find mercy from that Day". Day here is the Day of
Judgment. There will be a day when the Lord is going to judge the world and
send his wrath. Paul is saying “cover him Lord he is one of the good ones.
knows well of what you do for those in need. It don't matter if anyone else
doesn’t know, the Lord knows and He will reward you.
a Titus to someone who’s downcast in spirit. Pray to have the spirit of
Onesiphorus, who sought out the hurting to bring them to healing. Think of it:
You’ve been given all the power of heaven to refresh a hurting believer,
someone who needs the consolation that God has given uniquely to you. Yes,
there are people who need you and the Lord intends your past consolations to
bring refreshing to them. Call that someone today and pray for them and
encourage them.
wish you an Ephesians 320 ‘Now unto Him (God) that is able to do exceeding
abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh
in us.'
with all my faith in God, hope-that never stops, and love in my heart, I know my
prayer has come true, I found you.
all my love,
Love Prevails
PRAYER: Like Joshua, may I be able to stand in Your
presence, and dare to ask with boldness and faith from You, for that which You
have in Your will for me. Like Noah, may I see Your will come to pass in my
life. Teach me to be like Abraham, to be always obedient to Your Holy will. And
like David, may I sing Your praises forever.
Abba Father, most of all teach me to be like Jesus, to be ever so humble, to
completely be obedient to Your Holy Will, and to love You with all of my heart,
Forever and Ever. Amen.
Abba, Father, remember me your servant. Keep me always obedient and faithful to You always, Amen.
REMEMBER: This God is my God, The Almighty God, this
is the God to whom I come. This God is the One whose promises I am counting on.
Whatever my predicament may be, as soon as I compare it with the circumstances
surrounding the miracles of the sun, there can be no doubts.
Unforgettable memories: Saturday, September 29, 2012.
Day 1: 18th September, 2012. 1313
Day 2: 19th September, 2012. 1313
Day 2: 19th September, 2012. 1313
Day 3: 20th September, 2012. 1313
On the 3rd day when I saw the number again it just was a reconfirmation. And what followed it on the third day, itself was the Reading from the 1st book of Corinthians 13:1-13.
Hi Anita,
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blog for a long time now. Love your writing and I am a little disappointed that this was your last article. Don’t stop, you make a difference.
God Bless!
DeleteWonderful words here, Claire.
The last year as I was praying to God, I heard Abba, Father tell me to, “WAIT”. I have mentioned this in my article, With Love, Published on Tuesday, May 29, 2012.
Psalm 46:10 states-“Be still, and know that I am God...”
Let me explain this further, Claire, yesterday, the 21st of May, I sat to respond, the Holy Spirit, asked me to reply the next day. Today, morning the 22nd of May, I was reminded of the time I was appearing for my graduation exams. Those were troublesome times and at that point I saw no way.
I had a dream where God showed me that I would pass my exams. And I believed. I did not study I watched movies a day before my paper. So the Spirit of God reminded me of how helpless I really was and how I completely relied on Him. I was still and God Shone through.
Exodus 14:14 states: The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."
God Bless you!
With all my love,
Does this mean you stopped believing? Have you been hurt?
ReplyDeleteIt was nice coming here every week.
DeleteMy dear sweet person, Melanie, I like your name. How can I ever stop believing? Have you ever loved anyone Melanie?
If you have, Melanie, every part of the journey together is a step taken in belief. No one can truly say that they have loved and never believed. That would be a lie.
Love hurts. It does. It wouldn’t be love if it didn’t. And also read my reply to Claire, I think you would understand better.
I believe in Abba Father, I believe in Jesus and I believe in the Holy Spirit.
I leave you with this message from the Gospel for the 20th May, 2013 from Mark 9:14–29. And Jesus said to him, "If you can! All things are possible to him who believes."
With all my love,