Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Storm - Forewarning

Listening to Pope Francis, late yesterday evening, I realized that I had written on the storm, one of my many topics and I thought since our thoughts coincided, it was the Spirit of God, letting me know this is how I must proceed. So these messages, which I will have posted will be with reference to the storm.

This is something that I would have to share with you, since we are on the topic of the storm. .. 
All through my growing years, I would have this recurring dream of water coming from all angles leaving me no way to escape. 
With each passing year, the dream felt more real and a lot scary. Once I woke up to find myself completely drenched in water. And really there was no reason why I should have got wet. 

When my family would go to the beach, I would just sit back to watch over their stuff. I love being at the beach, but I could make no sense of my dream. I thought someday, the water would take me. 

After my brother Adrian, went to be with the Lord, my dreams stopped. When his time to leave was drawing near – each year, the dream got worse, it became a nightmare. 
But there is this one instance, there was no dream and I woke up fully drenched. I thought it had all stopped. It made no sense at all-because after my brother Adrian, left this world, I realized that the sea had become calm, I could walk freely and the water would stay within its limit in my dreams. 

I told my cousin, who knew of my dreams and though he was amused, but when he saw my condition, he went checking as to how I could possibly get wet. We looked over but there was nothing. Finally he looked at a TV cable and it was just hanging there, looking further, he found water drops in it, which is really a strange thing. 

All those years and the nightmares and this one strange episode. 

A storm is a forewarning of things we sometimes fail to understand. I failed to understand what my dream was telling me. 

I hope you would read this carefully. Perhaps, we will then understand why God says, Do not worry and Do not be afraid!

Hold the hand of Jesus…….

This is my request, that if you could, please do continue to read. 
Storm - Eagles Eye

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