Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TO BE with You!

My People,

Good Morning! What a wonderful way to start a day, when you go on your knees and pray. I pray the Peace of Jesus follow you and the love of Mama Mary be with you.
On a Wednesday, the 20th of November, 2013, on my way back from work, just when reaching Bandra Station, I saw this lady suddenly get up with a baby in her arms. The baby girl was fast asleep but every-time her little hand would reach out to me, like she was really reaching out. I placed my finger in her little hand. As I did, I remembered Fr. Ashlyn telling us that parents always need to lay their hands on the childs head, thus blessing them. When I did, the baby’s grandmother told me that everyone had left the baby. As we got the down the train, I looked at the baby still fast asleep and said a prayer for her. I prayed for God’s protection on her always.
This is what I do, when I see someone kneel or stand before the Cross, or I watch them pray, I pray for them. I don’t know their need, but I always quote Matthew 18:20 and I ask for the will of God, in their lives. Prayer is a powerful thing.
Matthew 18:20 states: For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Prayer has divided seas and rolled up flowing rivers. Exodus
Prayer has quenched flames of fire. Daniel
Prayer has stopped the course of the moon and arrested the sun in its race. Joshua
Prayer has brought one man from the bottom of the sea. Jonah
PRAYER is an awesome, mighty force in the world of men.


Nothing in life is ever a coincidence.  On the 19th of November, 2013 I was on my way to Church, I was expressing my pain to God. I actually was crying out. From the other side I could see a huge man coming the same way I was walking, so I waited. Only one person could walk through that passage. Many a times I have given my seat to people in the train or bus, but never have I ever heard a thank you or seen a smile. This guy passes my way, so he says a hello! Then he follows it with a thank you and he immediately continues his sentence with a ‘How you doing’?
For the first time, in my life I was speechless. I just nodded. I thought oh God! I need to reply back to the kindness shown.  But he already passed me by. You could look at it from any other angle that you would want to look at it from. But then you kill goodness.
I required for someone to give me that little moment of kindness. God did that. Thank you, God!

Love is the most amazing aspect of emotion in our lives. What would it be like if not for love?
The more someone is with Jesus, the more that person becomes like Christ, in purity, holiness and love. His walk produces in him a great boldness.
Proverbs 28:1 says, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion”.
And they stand confident in Jesus’ righteousness. Therefore, they have nothing to hide; they can stand before anyone with a clear conscience. 


God allows trials to come our way, but He will also use some of these trials as a way of actually testing all of us out from time to time.

In the Book of Genesis, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac on an altar. When Abraham was ready to take his life, God sends an angel in the nick of time to stop him.
God will test us in a specific area. God may ask you to give something or someone up. But whatever God may be asking you to do for Him, realize that this is your obedience being tested.  Be fully obedient to God. If you can’t or won’t obey God with this specific command, then God will question and doubt your ability to fully obey Him further on down the road with anything else that He may be asking you to do for Him.
The Bible tells us that we are to be led by the Holy Spirit in this life – not by our own wants and our own desires.
Abraham became the father of many nations and his bloodline was used as the bloodline that brought our Savior Jesus Christ into the world.
Abraham perfectly obeyed the voice of God on being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac:
“In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have OBEYED My voice.” Genesis 22:18
Agree to do things God’s way rather than your own way in this life, then you will be promoted into God’s best for your life.
At this point God is going to ask you to just wait for the big breakthrough to occur.
The Israelites on the run from the Egyptians, are brought before the Red Sea. The Promised Land is on the other side. God causes all of them to wait for a while before He actually parts the Red Sea.
  • They cannot move forward or else they will drown in the Red Sea.
  • They cannot go backwards or else they will fall back into slavery.
  • They have to wait for God to part the Red Sea.
To wait is the hardest thing to do.
To wait on God, means you cannot see anything, happen in the natural.
To wait on God, means to trust completely, to surrender.
Patience is a virtue. Rely on God’s perfect timing.

After delivering the Israelites, Moses brought them right up to their Promised Land. But instead of sending all of them immediately in, He sends in the 12 spies so that they could see exactly what they were going to have to face once they actually entered into this land.
10 of the spies, Moses had sent, came back with a negative report. They came back telling the rest of the people that the inhabitants were “giants.”
However, Joshua and Caleb came back with a different report. They knew God would have no problems in taking out the giants they saw in this Promised Land.
The report, of the 10 spies angered God. He told them that all of the men over 20 years of age would not enter into the Promised Land. He said they would all wander in the desert for the next 40 years where they would all eventually die out there.
Joshua and Caleb believed that God could take out all of these giants and strongholds. These two men entered into the Promised Land.
This was a test of faith. And the test was – to believe in God and His supernatural power to defeat the enemies and strongholds they would have to face.
God could test any one of us with this kind of test. He will show you the opposition, the giants and the strongholds you will have to face.
Do you believe in the Strength of God?  
The Israelites lost their only chance to enter into the Promised land – simply because they could not hold on to the belief in God, when times grew tough.

When you believe, anything is POSSIBLE.
Joshua entered into the Promised Land and the Bible says that Joshua was able to conquer and gain full possession of every ounce of land that his foot had stepped on – all because he believed in the promises of God.
If God is no respecter of persons and He was able to do this for Joshua, then God can and will do the exact same thing for every one who believes. Amen.

Jesus arrived from Galilee at the Jordan and came to John, to be baptized by him.
After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit of God descended as a dove and lighted on Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens said,
“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” Matthew 13-17
God sends His Son, Jesus, out into the desert to face the temptations directly with the devil himself. The reason God permitted His Son Jesus to be tested with this temptation was because if Jesus would have committed so much as one sin against His Father, then He would not have been able to go to the Cross to save any of us.
Jesus had to be a “perfect sacrifice" in His human form, meaning that He had to be completely free of sin.
God tests us the only reason being is to test our resolve to stay out of any type of sin.
There is obviously always full forgiveness and full restoration for all of us with the Lord if we confess and repent of our sins. Jesus is mercy, Himself.

Some of us need to be able to forgive what wrong others may have done to hurt us in the past. In the Bible - the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, the 'Our Father' is very clear in that we have to forgive everyone who has ever wronged us and that if we do not, then God will not forgive us of our own trespasses.
To be with You!
As we come close together
I knew this love would be forever,
you're all and everything that I'll ever need.

I found this world with you,
I can’t believe it’s true.
I can't believe it's you,
I can't believe it's true,
That I found you!
IF the world around us falls apart,
I have you forever carved in my heart,
No matter what it takes I will be here with you.
Through the good times and the bad times,
I'll be everyone and everything  you need.

I could cross a million oceans,
I could climb the highest mountain,
I could swim the longest river,
Everything that I could, I would-do
Just to be with you.
With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.

Thank you, Abba Father, for the 24th of November, 2013.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Saved by Grace!

My People,

Good Morning! May the Peace and Love of Jesus and Mama Mary be with you.

Life is full of surprises! Isn’t it? This kind of reminds me of my favourite line from the movie, ‘Forest Gump’. ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.’ I love chocolates, and life to me is like chocolates. Think about it, when the chocolate melts in the mouth, it kind of leaves a wonderful taste and you’re in that moment. Not a care in the world. Life should flow the same way. You’re in the moment, nothing should trouble you. You’re at Peace because you trust in God.

I know, I trust in God, with my life.

Dreams, we all want them to come true. Difference is some of us will gladly wait trusting in God and some of us will take matters into our own hand. No matter what your choice know that God waits and loves you.

As a 9 year old, this was my prayer, I would pray for someone to love me, the most in the world. Back then, all that mattered was to be loved by someone so much, that everything else seems ……… this was all that I wanted.
God made a promise to me, Daniel and Emmanuel. This is when I wrote my feelings down to Abba Father, in my letter titled 'Here I am' on the 14th February 2010, in my Bible.
“Thank you Lord for a kind, wonderful, honest, God-fearing, healthy, loving, generous, compassionate, understanding husband. Thank you for making him the greatest listener in the whole world. God thank you for blessing us in the sacrament of Holy matrimony. Keep us and bless us to be faithful and loving to each other to eternity.  God teach us to accept each other and always put love in everything we do. May we always begin and end with You."  
This was part of my letter - part of my prayer to Abba, Father.
I love Hebrews chapter 11:11 - By faith he received power of procreation, even though he was too old—and Sarah herself was barren—because he considered him faithful who had promised.


It’s good to remember and every once in a while, it’s good to relive the wonderful memories. To return back to the good speaks of the sense of a Hope that will and should fill your heart? Hope is a good thing.

This is what I remember and it is and will always be one of my fondest memories. One of the ladies in the Bible study sessions, asked Fr. Ashlyn, whether he would coduct the class if there was just one person in it. And Fr. Ashlyn answered he would.

Life at times can be a struggle. From my earliest years in school, whenever I got close to anyone, they would have to move-and move to faraway locations. I hurt the most. I realized that it was best for me to stay away from people – that way I would never hurt. Problem is it still hurt anyway.
I have never got the things I wanted. But this is not a complaint. I have been hurt the most. I have cried at times. People criticize me more than you would ever know and that’s okay too. I have learned to look at it from Jesus point of view. Everybody needs somebody, who they can throw their hurts on. All I ask from God, is His grace.


Fr. William, commented, that a lady from Australia had visited Fr. Lenny and she mentioned to him that she sends 300 (or 3000) sms to people, i.e. praying or encouraging them someway-in the biblical sense.
I think that’s cute. But really speaking, how hard is it to send messages from a cell? To have the patience to send those messages to 300 people, good job, what else can I say?

Years back, there were people working in gulf that did not have a church to attend to. For some parts of the world, in certain countries, it still holds true. In such places, Evangelization through the net is the only means of spreading the word of God-thus encouraging the People--time to time and praying over them.

I love reading messages on the net. Some of them are really inspirational and uplifting. Some people really do work tirelessly, and God bless one and all.
There are some people who are addicted to sending the message of God, on Facebook twitter or so on and so forth. They send messages tirelessly and it’s a wonderful way to go but that is not the only way to spread the word of God.
We must live our lives the way Jesus did. That is true evangelizatiion.
One should never leave household chores (works) undone. You cannot neglect your duties towards your family.

If you are married – the love of God is the first and then your duties to your spouse and your children. You cannot preach God to the world, when you fail with your household duties.
The Bible clearly defines the duties of a husband and wife to each other and to their children.
There are several verses in the fifth chapter of Ephesians. Let me state three of these for you.
Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord".
verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything".
verse 33, "nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband".
I Peter 3:1, "Like wise you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands".

I Peter 3:7, teaches that the husband is to honor his wife. Honor means that you should show her respect and this involves courtesy and emotional support. Be sure that as her husband that you do not ridicule her in public by the cutting remarks that you make. She wears YOUR name and is to be viewed as part of your body.
Ephesians 4:32 teaches, "forbear one another". This means to be gentle toward her. Control of temper, abstaining from physical violence and restraining a sharp tongue that makes one feel inferior - are ways by which you can exhibit forbearance.

Colossians 3:21, "Fathers provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged". The husband therefore does not leave all the discipline up to his wife, but shares in the moulding and direction of children. The husband takes responsibility not only in providing a living but also takes an interest in the development of the children. 

We live in a superficial world. Time changes no one. People change, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the worst.
Have you never wondered why I begin all my correspondence with a Good Morning? When infact my topic always gets updated in the night.
I am saying thank God, you are here and thank God, for the morning. Because everything that comes from God is good.
Next time, you hear some one wish you a Good Morning, don’t go eating the word good out of it. Wish good to others because God blesses everyone.

Practice what you preach. Jesus fasted for 40 days and always did His Fathers will. He became us, and gave His life in ransom, so that we might live. His dying words on the Cross, ‘Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”. And Jesus final surrender comes with these words ‘It is finished”.  Jesus was obedient to the will of His Father even unto death.

Evangelization-is what we all Christians are called to do. Mark 16:15-20 states: And he said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;  they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God  

People have to be told in the sternest way possible that they need to get off from their seats of comfort, and walk to Church. If you can make it to a party, there is no excuse that should keep you away from God.
And yes, dust off the dirt from the cover of the Bible and read.

On 4th October, 2013, first Friday mass, I sat on my toes, before the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I asked for me to lay my head next to Jesus heart. And I asked Jesus for His grace to come into His presence. I am not worthy.

While In school, it was All souls day, and I felt some one pat my head. I woke up to find no one. And when I fell asleep, the patting continued. I knew it was my grandmother, from the way she patted my head. No one ever wanted to believe me at home. I don’t blame them. I was kind of a rebel.
The day, the 15th November, 2013 at 3:20 a.m. that is the time I woke up from my sleep.

Do you know what purgatory is like? I don’t think any one of us knows how it looks or what it feels like? We may have an idea but that does not help much does it? IF you knew, would it bring about a change? I wish for you to think deeply and wisely.
So you work in a big firm, and you are somebody. Let’s just say that you are a regular at Church. Oh! you think you do absolutely well. And maybe just maybe you’ve been to all the Holy places. You know the Bible quotes-let me add this, well done.
Let me begin, with these two points.
  1. You have secured a good post. Maybe you did all the right things to secure the job and maybe not. Maybe you just got plain lucky. Maybe you did everything to be in the right standing with the right people. People always find time when they want – to please people for the things they think they want. They don’t mind walking miles for that.
  2. You think you are justified by going for mass daily. I think you do something absolutely wonderful. But then hardly has the mass got over and you begin to gossip.  Tell me where is the reverence to God or to the Body of Christ you just received?

All our lives, we work hard for things we want. That could be a big house, maybe a car, maybe jewellery. The reasons could be many and the wants they never stop. We find ourselves motivated … Good for you!

So you get yourself a big dream house, a big pay package, a car and so on! I’m happy for you.

I would like you to listen to what I have to say here, very carefully, 'You mean the world to me.'

On the 15th of November, I woke up with terrible tiredness and my whole body ached with pain. In my dream, I was visited by so many souls and all I understood was they needed prayers.

I learned from those Holy Souls, I learnt Humility. I am dust and to dust I will return. For them to come to me for prayers, they taught me how they yearn to be in Heaven. What they showed me is a glimpse of what holiness is.  

Love Always.....

I never in my wildest dreams
Thought that love would feel so good and true,
I never imagined that I would find a wonderful you.

Love is but forever, eternal and sincere,
A flame that will through time outlive the years.

What is Love, but an emotion so strong and so pure,
In life all the tests it will endure,
It has the strength to shame the mountains,
And fear of death overthrow.

So I’ll scream it from the mountaintop,
I wish the whole world to know,
That love for you is my reason to be,
And will never ever bow.

With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!

PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.
Thank you, Abba Father, for the 11th of November, 2013.

Prayer to Free 1,000 souls from Purgatory:
Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


My People,

The Love of Jesus ever fill your heart, with Peace He only can impart. I pray for Mama Mary to be with you and blessings to follow you all your life through.

Happiness is what we all seek, isn’t it? But not everybody quiet understands what it means. It is not something that is momentary. It’s not dependent on circumstances. Maybe you just had a bad day or just got stuck in a bad situation. No matter where you are or what you do, you seem to be unhappy. Happiness is not a choice but something that comes from within.

What we all need is love. Love is the only language the Heart understands. So often in life, people are left to stand all by themselves. I know and understand I myself have been there.

In my everyday, walk of life, I come across people who are so hurt, that it never occurs to them that they give themselves off with the way they talk. I listen when people talk, there is so much harshness-they don’t even realize that time and circumstances have made them hard hearted. There is so much hurt, so much hatred....

The 10th of November, 2013, Sunday, before the 6.00 p.m. mass could begin, the organ player was playing to the sound of ‘Lord I lift Your name on High.’ It reminded me of instrumental music that I would love to listen to. Maybe he was just keying in, but I believe that music soothes the soul, and it is the language of love, that can at times calm the aching heart.
The morning, 10:15 mass was celebrated by Fr. Lenny. His homily was his BOLDEST best. 
Homilies for the day stated:

  1. That most often sons are pampered by their mothers, rather than being taught the right behaviours.
  2. In a marriage, when women are high income earners they tend to be dominating, which should not be the case.
  3. In a marriage, both the husband and wife should love each other.


Most people believe that Peace means the absence of trouble. You may be in the midst of great trials and still have peace. Paul said he could be content in any circumstance; and he demonstrated that he had peace even in the jail, where he sang and remained confident that God was being gracious to him. Likewise, in James 1:2 we read "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials."
Jesus knew that He was facing death on a Cross, yet He took time to comfort His disciples with the message of peace: In John 14:27 Jesus says,Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
The peace that Jesus gives is totally different from what the world gives. It’s a peace that surpasses all understanding; it makes us peaceful when all natural reasoning says we should be upset.

People often look for reasons to blame someone or something else for their problems – and make excuses for the way they are. But we can’t let the things from our past or present, become an excuse to stay there.
I have learned that I have to take responsibility for my actions. Living with frustration and worry did nobody any good.
God’s Peace Is for YOU! The promises of God are for us that are willing to do what we need to do to inherit the promises.


This is a short story, that Fr. Leslie gave on the 31st of May, 2013, in his homily - A mother’s sacrifice.
It goes with the commandment - Honour your father and mother. #
My mom had only one eye. I hated her......She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family.
There was one time during my primary school when my mom came to say hello to me. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school, one of my schoolmates said "'EEEE, you're mom has only one eye!"

I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my mom to just disappear. I confronted her that day and said " If you will only make me a laughing stock, why don't you just die? My mom did not respond......I didn't even stop to think about the words I hurled at her because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings.

I wanted to be out of that house and have nothing to do with her. So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study. Then I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had kids. I was happy with my life and the comforts. Then one day, my mother came to visit me. She hadn't seen me in years and hasn’t even meet her grandchildren.

When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her and I yelled at her for coming over to the house uninvited. I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my children!" GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" And to this, my mother answered calmly "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address". And she disappeared out of sight.

One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity. My neighbours said that she died. I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.

My Dearest son,

I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to your house and scared your children. I was so glad when I heard that you're coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up.

You see, when you were very little, you got an accident, and lost one eye. As a mother, I couldnt stand watching you having to grow with one eye. So I gave you mine. I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me with that one eye. I wanted you to be successful in life. Till then..I love you my son.

With all my love to you,
Your mother
Author Unknown

Many times, people feel distant from God but can’t explain why.
Mark 11:25 states: “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.”
Scripture tells us there are many things that can hinder our prayers. One of them is unforgiveness. When we choose to forgive, the wall comes down. When you go before God in prayer, ask Him to search your heart and mind. See if there is any unforgiveness that is blocking your prayers and affecting your relationship with Him. No matter how the other person may have hurt you, or however they may have treated you, nothing on this earth is worth losing your peace with the Almighty God.
Forgiveness means you are trusting God with it all. Choose forgiveness and don’t let anything stand in the way of God and you.
What does it mean to pray without ceasing? I believe all throug the day, under our breath, in our thoughts, we’re constantly thinking about God, thanking Him for His goodness, meditating on His promises, and asking for His help. Prayer should be automatic. Acknowledge God. That’s when God will fight your battles. Today, be determined to pray without ceasing and listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to pray. Know that God is with you and for you. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17


The devil is persistent and will do whatever he can to keep us from God’s will. But we need to have the perseverance to never give up – by God’s grace.

Remember, the Spirit of the living God, makes us more than conquerors. Things are not going to go our way all the time, and when it doesn’t, we can be prepared to stay in peace in the midst of it all.

The peace Jesus gives - enables us to remain calm in the most fearful circumstances. It enables us to rejoice in pain and trial, and sing in the middle of suffering. The ability to remain calm in troubled times can be one of our greatest testimonies to a troubled world.


My Prayer. . . .

A special world for you and me
A special bond the world cannot see

Beneath the Shining stars and the radiant moon,
Love wraps us up in its cocoon.

The treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul,
how much I love you...
you'll never really know.

You bring a joy to my heart,
I've never felt before,
With each and every passing day,
I love you more and more.

So with these words,
I pray God to make it come true,
"Forever and Always, to eternity”
I will always Love You."

With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.
Daniel & Emmanuel - Abba Father, Yours and Yours alone.
Promise Date: 16th June, 2013. The promise of Lilies!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BE with Me!

My People,

Good Morning! The Peace of Jesus and the love of mama Mary be with you always.
There are times, when I need to sit and listen to some good music. I love listening to country. It brings back all the good memories and makes my heart race with time. What is it about country music, if you’d ask me that? Well, I think, I love the way they keep it simple, they sing from the heart and they sing to mine. 
Love is like the ocean. We all know that the Earth is 71% water. Imagine all the love in the world. The sea is never calm. At times there could be tides or typhoons. Love is like that. Whichever way you look at it, these are conflicts-conflicts cause pain.
Have you ever noticed - Not everybody you smile at will smile back at you?  Why is that?
Not everybody will reciprocate to your kind gestures.
Not everybody will understand you.
Not everybody will love you back.
Not everybody – has someone to walk with them when things go bad.
Not everybody – gets to know how loved and blessed they really are.

Lack of love causes emotional pain in people. It causes scars that build in fear. Some people become hard hearted. They never socialize. They keep a distance from people.
It’s not that they never want to be loved.
It’s just that they never found anybody worth their trust.
It’s just that every time they began to trust, someone hurt them even more.
Open the door of your heart, if not completely, then ever so gently. Jesus, says come my Beloved, Come be with me.
Look at this below passage from the Bible. Love is the ocean (sea) here. And the storm is the conflict that love comes to face. All you have to do is believe in Jesus.

This relates to Jesus and His disciples in a boat, being tossed about on a stormy sea. Christ has just calmed the waves with a single command. Jesus turns to His disciples and said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” Mark 4:40
It was only human to fear in such a storm. But Jesus was telling them, how could you possibly walk with me for this long, and not know me?”
The disciples were astonished by the miracle Jesus had performed, and they were filled with awe, and said to one another, "Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him?" 4:41 Mark.
Jesus’ own disciples didn’t know him. They’d performed miracles of healing, and fed masses of hungry people. But they were still strangers to who Jesus really was.
The disciples came to Jesus, requesting, “Increase our faith”. Luke 17:5  Many of us today ask, “How can I obtain faith?” But they don’t seek the Lord Himself for their answer.
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God for ever and ever. Psalm 52:8
The green that David refers to here signifies spiritual health. It means to grow, fruitful. David is telling us, my health comes from trusting God.
People trust people. You can deny it. But it does not change the fact. When people want something, the thought is – How best can I please, to get my work done? Or they simply choose to be a ‘yes man.’
”Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. Jeremiah 17:5-6.
The Lord is warning, “Don’t trust in man. If you put your faith in human power rather than in me, you’ll be cursed.”
Yet, if we put our trust in the Lord, here is what our faith will produce: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."” 17:7-8

As we trust wholly in Abba, Father, His divine strength—flows in us and through us. While everything around us is decaying, we’ll flourish as green trees, healthy and strong. And when the hour of trial comes, we won’t wither. Instead, our faith will grow.
The cross of Christ has provided us with forgiveness of our sins. We are given the power of victory over all bondages and dominion over sin. We are supplied with mercy and grace. And, of course, we are given the promise of eternal life.
The Cross has given us the means of escape from the terrors of sin and hell.
The Cross provides God’s people with peace and joy.
The Cross has provided us with open access to Abba, Father.
From the point of crucifixion of Jesus, not only was man able to enter into God's presence, but God could come out to man.

Gods gift of holiness can never be a reward for anything we have done. It is an unearned, undeserved favor—an outright gift.
God demands absolute holiness! The kind of repentance that God is looking for is confessing the weakness of our futile efforts and denying that we have any power at all in ourselves.
You can never be clothed in Christ's holiness until you fall on your face before God's throne, wretched and totally helpless! You must be given holiness as a gift.
The greatest gift you can give to God is your faith that He will give you His holiness.
There are some facts that are simply unacceptable to me. This would be one of it. The 2nd of November, 2013, after the 7:30 p.m. mass the organ player distributed sweets to the choir members. They ate the sweets in the Church itself.
No reverence was shown to God the Father,
No reverence to His Holy Son, Jesus,
No reverence to the Holy Spirit.
No reverence at all to ‘The presence of God in the Holy Eucharist.’

Moses was tending sheep when God called to him from the burning bush, commanding him: "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" Exodus 3:5
When God commanded Moses to take off his shoes because he was on holy ground, He was not referring to a piece of real estate—He was talking about a spiritual state. God can't use a man until He gets him on holy ground.
The place was holy! The place was the spiritual condition Moses had finally come to, a place in his growth where God could get through to him. He was finally at the place ready to listen, willing to respond to the dealing of a holy God.

Our God is no respecter of persons. God, in those forty trying years, was preparing Israel as well as Moses. By way of loving judgment, the Lord was driving Israel back to a hunger for GOD.
God could prove Himself strong on their behalf in no other way.
We will have to go the same route to usefulness. That is, stripping of all self-pride and self-confidence.
The Bible tells us Jacob received an incredible revelation through a face-to-face encounter with God: “Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved” Genesis 32:30
What was the circumstance surrounding this revelation? It was the scariest point in Jacob’s life. At the time, Jacob was caught between two powerful forces: his angry father-in-law, Laban, and his hostile, embittered brother, Esau.
Jacob faced total calamity, convinced he was about to lose everything. Things looked utterly hopeless; yet in that dark hour, Jacob had an encounter with God as never before.
Something marvelous happens when we simply trust. A peace comes over us, enabling us to say, “It doesn’t matter what comes out of this ordeal. My God has everything under control. I have nothing to fear.”
God has not forgotten you! He knows exactly where you are, what you are going through right now, and He is watching every step along your path. We forget that God has us in the palm of His hand.
Can it be that we continue in hurting—continue living in defeat and failure—simply because we really do not believe God answers our prayers anymore?
Do we really believe God will act just in time, in answer to our prayer of faith?
Be honest have you almost given up on certain things you have prayed so much about? Have you grown weary with waiting?
God has not forsaken me—nor you! A thousand times no! He is right now wanting us to believe He is working all things out for our good. “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
So stop trying to figure it out; stop worrying. The answer is coming. You will reap in due season if you faint not! “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart”

Be with me..... 

Be with me so I know
You will never let me go
I carry Your heart in me everywhere I go.

I have waited a lifetime
I’ve made wishes,
I’ve dreamt dreams,
And when this dream comes true,
I pray that all my memories of love will be of you.
You make me whole
You make me see

You bring out the best in me.

You make me feel
Things so completely
You have made my dream a reality.

I believed in the beginning of a fairytale,
That You my love, will always be,
A part of my heart;
A part of me.
Love is and will always be
My love for You to eternity.

With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


Called to – In CHURCH
  • Fast for one hour before Communion from all solids and liquids. This is a small sacrifice we offer to Jesus to show our respect and reverence for His true presence in the Eucharist.
  • Dress with dignity.
  • Bless yourself with Holy Water upon entering and leaving the Church. Holy Water used upon entering Church as a reminder of one's Baptism and a gesture of purifying oneself before approaching the presence of God.
  • Keep your voice low when greeting one another in Church. We must be mindful of the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as well as being considerate of others who are praying.
The priest should be the last person to enter the church and the first person to leave.
Cell Phones should be off or in an inaudible mode.

PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.
‘Come, be with me.’ Thank you, Abba Father.  30th October, 2013.
2nd November, 2013 - heart to heart. Abba, Father, You know.