Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Hearts SONG!

Love is a forever song that two hearts across the universe know it as theirs. It is the love song of all ages.

I've got a never-ending love for you
From now on, that's all I want to do
From the first time we met
I knew I'd have a never-ending love for you.

I've got a never-ending love for you
From now on, that's all I want to do
From the first time we met, I knew
I'd sing my never-ending song of love to You.

This is a beautiful, happy love song. The words we believe to be true, when in love (In love, you say love is forever.) And isn’t it true? Love is forever and the song goes on. It is the Song of Hope, it is the Song of Joy, it is the Song of Love, it is the Song of Songs!

What makes a Perfect Love Song?

Could it be the lyrics. Or maybe it takes you to an enchanted place or time, maybe somewhere where you feel complete relaxation. At certain time, it could be, the way your heart beats to the music-to the song. 
This is a 1976 hit – You to me are Everything by The Real Thing. 
I would take the stars out of the sky for you
Stop the rain from falling if you asked me to
I'd do anything for you, your wish is my command
I could move a mountain when your hand is in my hand

Words cannot express how much you mean to me
There must be some other way to make you see
If it takes my heart and soul, you know I'd pay the price
Everything that I possess I'd gladly sacrifice

Oh, you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I could sing
Oh, baby, oh, baby

So maybe we agree, in this song, it is the words, but what if I tell you that the music to the song is equally good. Give it a ear…listen!
You cannot have a song with just mere words. There is always a music that goes with the words. From what we know and see in the world, for a love song to be a hit, it has to be the lyrics of the song and the music that accompanies it.
And yes, in the world we live, words have lost their meaning, because somewhere, people have lost themselves. They have forgotten what it means to be true. But to a few of us. Love means EVERYTHING!

A “tender,” heart is always gentle, kind and compassionate! It is selfless in its outlook and puts the other first. It is the spirit of giving that feels cheerfully excited in giving.

Get rid of all bitterness, wrath, anger, evil speaking, and malice, for these things only exist in a hard-hearted person. Bitterness is the death of tender-heartedness.

Human nature is selfish. Most people are not sensitive to the situations and needs of others, and they do not make the effort to consider them. Jesus has given us two commandments in ONE: 
Matthew 22:37-39 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 
The second commandment is to love others as ourselves. We need to be sensitive to other people's concerns and feelings. Consider others more important than yourself in your own thoughts.

Lead by example being tender hearted always and let Love pave the path to a loving Tomorrow.


We are all links in a chain, a bond that takes its flight to the Heavens, and connects us all to the Heart of God! In the words of Helen Keller: Alone We Can Do So Little. Together We Can Do So Much.
Love is a never-ending song. Think about it:-
  • It begins the first moment you open your eyes and see.

  • The little rays of light from the Sun, when you wake up-albeit you can’t hear it. (like The Birds)
  • The Birds they sense the beginning of day, and they chirp away joyously. It is their RESPONSE to the SUN! J
  • The breeze, the winds they know, they move. (A response)
  • The Sea flows through rivers and streams. The flow is continuous.
  • The trees and plants their motion is that of a slow dance.
  • The Moon and stars they are the last to sing, but they do so with their guiding light.
Everything in nature SINGS. Each one with love calls to the other. And the other responds.

Love is not put in the heart to stay. Love is not Love, until its given away.
For love is the sweetest song that is sung and heard all around the universe and through creation. It has been so from Time Immemorial!

My heart is in rhythm with Yours. It always was, is and forever to eternity, will be!

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