Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Seven's - Part 1

  Tell it like it is! - The GOSPEL Truth!     

I have seen the number 77 at every place, no matter where I go. 

Matthew 18:21-22 - Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.

Fr. R  e u  b e n    T  e  l l  i  s

    18 5 21 2 5 14   20 5 12 12 9 19  
    =65              =77

    6+5=11 * 7 =77

The story of the Bible is a story of God’s Love for His People.

The 7 I am statements of Jesus
1. "I am the bread of life"                      John 6:35
2. "I am the light of the world"                 John 8:12;9:5;12:46
3. "I am the door of the sheep"                  John 10:7
4. "I am the Good Shepherd"                      John 10:11,14
5. "I am the resurrection and the life"          John 11:25
6. "I am the true vine"                          John 15:1
7. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life"   John 14:6

I wish to mention The Archangels, because they are most important to me. My Grand-Father’s name was Michael. He lived to a good 100 years.
Gabriel is the name of my cousin.
Archangel Raphael is always with me. His sign of letting me know of his presence is the number 444 which is also the numberless page in my Bible. It Is a chapter on Tobit.
The first time, He let me know his presence was with a flap of His wing on my head. There was nothing anywhere near to me. I remembered that day, but it was much later, that I realized it was Archangel Raphael.
The Archangels (7 letter names) 777
Michael.      Gabriel.       Raphael.
(13+7=20(T) + 18(R)=38 = Fr. R.T.=18+20=38)

The Catholic Bible has 73 Books in ALL.
46 Books are from the Old Testament.

27 Books are from the New Testament.

73 Books in all. 73 is a reversal to 37.

In the grace of God, i take This a bit further as I now understand. I learnt about the number 46 about 2 years back, and there was so much I needed to know. Yesterday when I heard Fr. John, that possibly He is leaving, it saddened me and every number came into its place. 46+67+72+37=222 (Fr.DF,Fr.RT,Fr.JnP,Fr.CG)

Downwards-right            Fr RT 67 & Fr Joe & Fr VA
Downwards-centre           Fr CG 73 (reversal 37)
Upwards-right              Fr CG 37
Downwards-right to left    Fr CG 37
Upwards-left               Fr JnP 72
Middle & left              Fr JP 27 (reversal 72)
Middle & down              Fr JP 27 (reversal 72)
Middle-left & Upwards      Year 24
Downwards-left             Fr Joe 42 & Fr. JnP

Upwards-left               Fr DF 46
Diagonal Left-Right        Fr JnP 47 (reversal 74)
Diagonal Centre-downwards  Fr RT 77 & Fr CG & Fr JnP

26DONE 2662(26-reversal62) Fr Joe & Fr JnP & Fr AF–Msgr AR. Both 26  
23DONE 2332(23-reversal32)

99 44    99+44 =143
9+4=13   9+4=13 = = 1313
And if you take just 9+4=13  || And 6+7=13

The Names of The Priests above
Fr. RT- Fr. Reuben Tellis.               Year 67, Tellis=77
Fr. CG- Fr. Christopher Goveas.          37=CG
Fr. JnP-Fr. John Pereira.                47= John,72=Pereira, 26.
Fr. Joe-Fr. Joe Pereira.                 Year 42, 26.
Fr. DF- Fr. Daniel Fernandes.            46(F & Lname)
Fr. VA- Fr. Vernon Aguiar.               Year 67.
Fr. Abel Fernandez – Msgr. Alex Rebello. Both have 14,14-12,12=26&26

Linked to number 13:-
Fr. Byron Mendonca.
Fr. Leslie Malya.
Fr. William Athaide.
Fr. Ashwin Castelino.
Fr. Ashlyn Chand.
Fr. Joe Pereira.
Fr. Vernon Aguiar.
Fr. Reuben Tellis.*

1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.  
66 + 77  = 143 = Fr. Reuben Tellis.
37+37+69 = 143 = Fr. Christopher Goveas.
67 + 77  = 144 = Fr. Reuben Tellis.
69+69+6  = 144 = Fr. Christopher Goveas.
144+33   =177 for Fr. Reuben Tellis & Fr. Christopher Goveas.
143+177  =320

Revelation 3:20: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
Ephesians 3:20: Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think,


A Covenant is a sacred agreement between God and His children. 
In making a Covenant, God sets the terms of His covenants and God promises a blessing for obedience. 
As the story of the Bible unfolds, we see God is a covenant making, covenant keeping, and covenant fulfilling God.  

   The Seven Covenants of GOD
1. The Adamic Covenant.
2. The Noahic Covenant.
3. The Abrahamic Covenant.
4. The Mosaic Covenant.
5. The Davidic Covenant.
6. The New Covenant.
7. The Eternal Covenant.        

Each of these covenants has four elements-including promises, terms, blood, and a seal. They reveal God’s faithfulness to His people and His Redemptive Plan throughout history.
Promises: Each covenant includes specific promises made by God to His people. For example, the Abrahamic Covenant promised land, descendants, and blessings for all nations.
Terms: Covenants have terms or conditions that both parties must fulfill. The Mosaic Covenant, for instance, included the Ten Commandments and other laws.
Blood: Blood signifies the seriousness of the covenant. In the Old Testament, animals were sacrificed, symbolizing the covenant’s binding nature. Jesus’ blood represents the New Covenant.
Seal: A seal confirms the covenant’s authenticity. For instance, circumcision served as a seal for the Abrahamic Covenant, while the Holy Spirit is the seal of the New Covenant.

Fr. Reuben Tellis taught us this Prayer:
Oh! God I lay my life at your feet and offer you all that I am
May my feet follow your leading,
May my mind be renewed with your truth,
May my heart be full of your grace,
May my words be full of your wisdom,
May my mind be full of your truth,
May my dreams be full of your vision,
And my soul full of your peace.
I lay my life at your feet and offer you all that I am. Amen.


Matthew 27:

42 Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
43 But know this, that if the householder had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have watched and would not have let his house be broken into.
44 Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.


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