Friday, August 23, 2024

PSALM-18:4 - Royal Thanksgiving for Victory

Royal Thanksgiving for Victory
- To The Choir Master. -
Psalm 18 is also 2Samuel 22.
A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord, who addressed the words of this song to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. He said:

A. God’s past deliverance for David.

1. David praises the God of his deliverance.
1. I love thee, O Lord, my strength.
2. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer,
   my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
   my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
3. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
   and I am saved from my enemies.
In these titles, we see what God was for David:
My strength, My rock, My fortress, My deliverer, My God, My shield, My stronghold and the horn, of my salvation.

2. The danger that made David cry out to the LORD.
4. The cords of death encompassed me,
   the torrents of perdition assailed me;
5. the cords of Sheol entangled me,
   the snares of death confronted me.
6. In my distress I called upon the Lord;
   to my God I cried for help.
   From his temple he heard my voice,
   and my cry to him reached his ears.

3. The majestic deliverance God brought to David.

7.  TThen the earth reeled and rocked;
    the foundations also of the mountains trembled
    and quaked, because he was angry.
8.  Smoke went up from his nostrils,
    and devouring fire from his mouth;
    glowing coals flamed forth from him.
9.  He bowed the heavens, and came down;
    thick darkness was under his feet.
10. He rode on a cherub, and flew;
    he came swiftly upon the wings of the wind.
11. He made darkness his covering around him,
    his canopy thick clouds dark with water.
12. Out of the brightness before him
    there broke through his clouds
    hailstones and coals of fire.
13. The Lord also thundered in the heavens,
    and the Most High uttered his voice,
    hailstones and coals of fire.
14. And he sent out his arrows, and scattered them;
    he flashed forth lightnings, and routed them.
15. Then the channels of the sea were seen,
    and the foundations of the world were laid bare,
    at thy rebuke, O Lord,
    at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.

4. David set in safety.
16. He reached from on high, he took me,
    he drew me out of many waters.
17. He delivered me from my strong enemy,
    and from those who hated me;
    for they were too mighty for me.
18. They came upon me in the day of my calamity;
    but the Lord was my stay.
19. He brought me forth into a broad place;
    he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

5. God delivered David because of his righteousness.

20. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness;
    according to the cleanness of my hands he recompensed me.
21. For I have kept the ways of the Lord,
    and have not wickedly departed from my God.
22. For all his ordinances were before me,
    and his statutes I did not put away from me.
23. I was blameless before him,
    and I kept myself from guilt.
24. Therefore the Lord has recompensed me according to my                righteousness,
    according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.

6. An abiding principle of God’s dealing with man.
25. With the loyal thou dost show thyself loyal;
    with the blameless man thou dost show thyself blameless;
26. with the pure thou dost show thyself pure;
    and with the crooked thou dost show thyself perverse.
27. For thou dost deliver a humble people;
    but the haughty eyes thou dost bring down.

B. God’s present and future power for David.

1. God gives His light and word to empower David.

28. Yea, thou dost light my lamp;
    the Lord my God lightens my darkness.
29. Yea, by thee I can crush a troop;
    and by my God I can leap over a wall.
30. This God—his way is perfect;
    the promise of the Lord proves true;
    he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.
2. God gives David strength and skill.
31. For who is God, but the Lord?
    And who is a rock, except our God?—
32. the God who girded me with strength,
    and made my way safe.
33. He made my feet like hinds’ feet,
    and set me secure on the heights.
34. He trains my hands for war,
    so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
35. Thou hast given me the shield of thy salvation,
    and thy right hand supported me,
    and thy help made me great.
36. Thou didst give a wide place for my steps under me,
    and my feet did not slip.

3. God gives David victory over his enemies.
37. I pursued my enemies and overtook them;
    and did not turn back till they were consumed.
38. I thrust them through, so that they were not able to rise; 
    they fell under my feet.
39. For thou didst gird me with strength for the battle;
    thou didst make my assailants sink under me.
40. Thou didst make my enemies turn their backs to me,
    and those who hated me I destroyed.
41. They cried for help, but there was none to save,
    they cried to the Lord, but he did not answer them.
42. I beat them fine as dust before the wind;
    I cast them out like the mire of the streets.
4. God establishes David’s throne.
43. Thou didst deliver me from strife with the peoples;
    thou didst make me the head of the nations;
    people whom I had not known served me.
44. As soon as they heard of me they obeyed me;
    foreigners came cringing to me.
45. Foreigners lost heart,
    and came trembling out of their fastnesses.
46. The Lord lives; and blessed be my rock,
    and exalted be the God of my salvation,
47. the God who gave me vengeance
    and subdued peoples under me;
48. who delivered me from my enemies;
    yea, thou didst exalt me above my adversaries;
    thou didst deliver me from men of violence.
49. For this I will extol thee, O Lord, among the nations,
    and sing praises to thy name.

5.  God blesses His anointed king.
50. Great triumphs he gives to his king,
    and shows steadfast love to his anointed,
    to David and his descendants forever.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Priests Birthday wishes! August 2024.


 Priests BIRTHDAY!

Happy BIRTHDAY! Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
20th August 2024. 208

Happy BIRTHDAY! Fr. John Pereira.
20th August 2024. 208                                        

Happy BIRTHDAY! Msgr. Alex Rebello.
20th August 2024. 208   

Friday, August 2, 2024

Online & LIVE Mass 50 - AUGUST 2024.

Note: This covers all the calculations. I hope this makes it easier to read and understand.
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
55:11=Fr. Abel Fernandez. & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
[77]        Fr.RT. Fr.CG. Fr.JP. Fr.AF. & Fr.AC. & Fr.DF.
                                              (Fr. Ashlyn Chand.)
[67+77=144] Fr.RT. Fr.CG. Fr.JP.
[72+72=144] Fr. Reuben Tellis. Fr. Christopher Goveas. Fr.JP.  

46 77 = PSALM 123        Fr. DF.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138        Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139        Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138+PSALM 139=277    Fr. JP=47&72F&Lname=reversal=27&7=277
Link: Psalm 139
PSALM 123                  Psalm-Supplication for mercy. 
PSALM 128                  Psalm-The Happy Home of the faithful. 
                           Fr. RT. Oh to be in Bandra=128.
PSALM 139                  Psalm-Thanksgiving and Praise.  
PSALM 139                  Psalm-The Inescapable God.
(28) (28(28) = 20 August(8) = 28 my Home.
Fr. Daniel Fernandes & Fr. John Pereira & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
1st August 2024. 266 277=???
Day: St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop, Doctor of the Church.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
Online Eucharistic Adoration - Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
First  Reading – Jeremiah 18:1-6        
Gospel         – Matthew  13:47-53                             

18+1+6+13+47+53=138                PSALM 138
(53+13=66L&Fname 13+47+6=66)     Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(53+13+1=67DT | 13+47+6+1=67)      Fr. R. T.  
I come across this number numerous times. Now i know. 
(47+1=48DT | 47+18=65)             Fr. R. T.   
(53+6+18=77Lname)                  Fr. R. T.
(18+13+6=37CG)                     Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(47Fname | 18+16+13=47)            Fr. John Pereira. 
(53+18=1=72Lname)                  Fr. J. P. 
[47+47+72=166]                     Fr. Abel Fernandez.
(47 -(18+13=31)==16 & 16)          Fr. A. F.
(47 - 1=46DF)                      Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 

[66+72=PSALM 138]|[67+72=PSALM 139] = 138+139=277

Note: Today i happened to see the time and it read 13:03=133. And immediately i realized 67+66=133 (Fr.R.T.) and 133+20(T)=153, again 
Fr. R.T.
153 Fish - John 21:11 - So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three of them; and although there were so many, the net was not torn.

Thought: Always Believe! Always Love!
         Only With LOVE-[For Love is GOD]-you will find a WAY!
Come Jesus come!

2nd August 2024.  222 786 786
Day: First Friday.
Day: St. Peter Julian Eymard.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Jeremiah 26:1-9      
Gospel         – Matthew  13:54-58    

[26+54+58=138]                     PSALM 138
[26+1+54+58=139]                   PSALM 139
(13+54=67DT)                       Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(13+54+1+9=77Lname | 58+19=77)     Fr. R. T. 
(26+1=27reversal72Lname)           Fr. John Pereira.
(58+13+1=72Lname)                  Fr. J. P.
(54+19=73reversal 37CG)            Fr. Christopher Goveas. 

[PSALM 138  |  PSALM 139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144] | [72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133] | [66+67=133] = 133+133=266... (Yesterday, 1st August 24)

Note: I have seen 786 everywhere i go. For a very long time now, i have tried finding out what this means. Today, it is 786 twice. What can i say, about our Great and Mighty God!

Thought: GOD is the answer to every...everything!
Come Jesus come!

3rd August 2024.  727272   6767 7777
Day: First Saturday. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24   =77 Fr. RT
Gospel         – Matthew  14:1-12        =27 Fr. JP (Reversal)       

11:1                                      Hebrews 
26+11+16+24+14+12=103                     Jesus Christ.
(26+11+16+24=77Lname)                     Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(26+12+24+14+1=77)                        Fr. R. T.
(26+12+24+14=76)reversal 67DT             Fr. R. T.
(26+24+16=66F&Lname +1=67)                Fr. R. T.
(26+11=37CG)                              Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(14+1+12=27Lname)reversal72)              Fr. John Pereira.    
(11+16=27 | 1+26=27)reversal72&72)        Fr. J. P.

111+12=123  |111+16+1=128 |111+26+1=138 |111+16+12=139 [ALL PSALMs]
[66+72=138  |  67+72=139] 
[PSALM 138  |  PSALM 139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144] | [72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133] | [66+67=133] = 133+133=266 (Yesterday & TODAY)

144+144=288 + 28=316 (John 3:16)                         

Thought: Ever seen a little child laugh or smile. And did you not find it absurd that a baby could laugh on something which has no reason. 
We need to find our little self-our innocence
We need to be like a little child.
Come Jesus come!

4th August 2024Sunday.  6767 7777 6666 72 373737 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Exodus   16:2-4, 12-15     
Second Reading - Ephesians 4:17, 20-24      
Gospel         – John      6:24-35          

(16+17=33)                               Jesus Christ.
(4+17+20+24+2=67DT |6+24+35+2=67)        Fr. Reuben Tellis.  
(17+16+20+24=77Lname |24+35+16+2=77)     Fr. R. T.     
(16+17+12+15+6=66 |6+16+20+24=66F&LnameFr. R. T. 
(12+15=27reversal)72Lname                Fr. John Pereira. 
(35+2=37CG |16+15+6=37 |17+20=37)        Fr. Christopher Goveas.
{{37+37+37=111}}-(Hebrews 11:1)          Fr. C. G. 
(35+24+6+4=69Lname)                      Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74reversal)47Fname                Fr. J. P.      
(20+24+2=46DF | 17+24+4=45Fname)         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[47+46+45=] PSALM 138
(166)                                    Fr. Abel Fernandez.

(24+4=28) (20+6+2=28)(16+4+6+2=28)
[PSALM 138  |  PSALM 139] = 138+139=277
[66+72=138  |  67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144] | [72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133] | [66+67=133] = 133+133=266 (1st, 2nd & 3rd & TODAY)
111+12   = PSALM 123
111+17   = PSALM 128
111+12+15= PSALM 138
111+24+4 = PSALM 139

Thought: HOPE is the most beautiful song ever sung, for it gives and gives and gives. HOPE never quits. 
When everything in life seems broken, HOPE knows a way. 
Come Jesus come!

5th August 2024.  Day 76
Day: Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Jeremiah 28:1-17    =46  Fr. D. F. 
Gospel         – Matthew  14:13-21   =48  Fr. R. T.

(28+1+14+13+21=77Lname)               Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(28+1+17+21=67Lname)                  Fr. R. T.
(14+13+21=48DT)                       Fr. R. T.
(14+13=27reversal)72                  Fr. John Pereira.
(28+14+13+17=72)                      Fr. J. P.
(28+1+17=46DF | 28+17=45Fname)        Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[48+46+45=] PSALM 139 (Fname)         Fr. Christopher Goveas. 

(28) (14+13+1=28)
[67+77=144 |72+72=144)=(144+144=288)

Thought: Today is a GIFT, most precious - most beautiful! 
         Today we have our loved ones with us. 
         Tomorrow's Sun to me may never rise. 
         Cherish each moment that comes your way
         TODAY will not repeat itself.
Come Jesus come!

6th August 2024.  Day 77  ||474747 3737 7272||  
Day: The Transfiguration of Our Lord.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Daniel   7:9-10, 13-14        
Second Reading - 2 Peter  1:16-19               
Gospel         – Mark     9:2-10               

[9+10+13+14+1+16+19+9+2+10=103]         Jesus Christ.
(16+10+19+10+2+9=55/11==66F&Lname)      Fr. Reuben Tellis.   
(16+10+19+10+2+9+1=67DT)                Fr. R. T. 
(19+9+2+13+14+10+10=77Lname)            Fr. R. T.
(7+9+10+13+14+16=69Lname)               Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(7+9+10+9+2=37CG |16+19+2=37)           Fr. C. G. 
(16+2+19=37){37+37+37=111)              Fr. C. G. 
(37+37=74reversal) 47Fname              Fr. John Pereira.   
(1+16+19+10+1=47Fname)                  Fr. J. P.
(7+9+10+9+2+10=47)                      Fr. J. P. 
(13+14=27 reversal)72Lname              Fr. J. P.     
(7+9+9+2=27reversal) 72                 Fr. J. P. 
(1+16+19+10=46DF 1+16+19+9=45Fname)   Fr. Daniel Fernandes.

[111+10+2    =PSALM 123
[111+16+1    =PSALM 128
[111+13+14   =PSALM 138
[111+13+14+1 =PSALM 139

PSALM 138  |  PSALM 139] = 138+139=277
[66+72=138 |  67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144]| [72+72=144] = 144+144=288

Thought: A Peaceful heart is a Joyful heart.
Come Jesus come!

7th August 2024.  Day 78 & 7Aug=78 (15 & 15 ==5511==66)
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Jeremiah 31:1-7          =48 Fr. RT.
Gospel         – Matthew  15:21-28        =64 reversal 46 Fr. DF

(31+1+7+15+21+28=103)                 Jesus Christ. 
(31+28+17=76reversal 67DT |31+17=48Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(31+1+7+21+17=77Lname)                Fr. R. T.
(15+21+1=37CG 31+21+17=69Lname)     Fr. Christopher Goveas.  
(31+15=46DF)                          Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(31+15+1=47Lname)                     Fr. John Pereira.
[48+37+69+46+47+28+28=303/2           Fr. RT. Fr. Abel Fernandez. 
=151.5]=55/11 Isaiah 55:11            Msgr. Alex Rebello. 

(28) (21+7=28)

Why did God make you? (Catechism Class)
God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven.
Therefore, no matter how my previous year-month-day or life has been like, I must remember what I learnt in my catechism class, the line ends with… to be happy with Him forever in heaven.
When I wake up, I must wake up with the Thought:
I’m Happy to be Alive!
Come Jesus come!

8th August 2024
Day: St. Dominic
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Jeremiah 31:31-34    =96 reversal 69 Fr. C. G.
Gospel         – Matthew  16:13-23

(31+23+13=67DT 13+31+23=67)    Fr. Reuben Tellis.  
(31+16=47 |31+16=47Fname)        Fr. John Pereira. 
(13+34=47)                       Fr. J. P.
[47+47+47+67]    = 208           Fr. J. P. Fr. R. T. Fr. C. G.
[47+47+47+67+69] = 277           Fr. J. P. Fr. R. T. Fr. C. G. 
(31+31+34=96reversal) 69Lname    Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
[208=139Fname+69Lname]           Fr. C. G. 
[277PSALM=139PSALM+138PSALM]     Fr. J. P. Fr. R. T. Fr. C. G. 

[PSALM 138  |  PSALM 139] = 138+139=277     (277 = the details below)
[66+72=138  |  67+72=139] = 138+139=277 

Thought: To think lack (or ignorance) of knowledge is innocence, would be a foolish thought.
Yes, children are innocent. 
Innocence is Wisdom in The Spirit of God in choosing the path to and of God.
Come Jesus come!

9th August 2024.  6777 6777 7272 464646 1616 37373737
Day: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. (Edith Stein)
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Nahum    1:152:23:1-36-7          
Gospel         – Matthew 16:24-28                    

(1+15+2+2+3+1+3+6=33)                        Jesus Christ.   
(67DT |24+28+15=67)                          Fr. Reuben Tellis.  
(24+28+13+1=66L&Fname |24+22+16+3+1=66)      Fr. R. T.             
(22+28+6+7+13+1=77Lname |16+22+15+24=77)     Fr. R. T.              
[67+66=133 + 67+66=133==266]                 Fr. R. T.  
(31+6=37CG |16+15+6=37)                      Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(24+13=37 |24+6+7=37)                        Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74Fname reversal) 47                  Fr. John Pereira. 
(16+24+7=47Fname |16+31=47)                  Fr. J. P. 
(1+15+2+2+3+1+3=27Lname reversal) 72         Fr. J. P. 
(24+3=27reversal) 72                         Fr. J. P.
(16+24+6=46DF |16+28+2=46 |22+24=46)         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[46+46+46=138 PSALM]                         Fr. D. F.
|16+24+3+2=45Fname)                          Fr. D. F.
(16, 15+1=16==1616 | 16,6==166)              Fr. Abel Fernandez. 

[PSALM 138  |  PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138  |  67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144] | [72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133] | [66+67=133] = 133+133=266 (Dates: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 9)

Thought: Free your mind of all that worries you. 
         Always give yourself a reason to smile - laugh!
         Don't let a day pass you by for lack of fun. 
         Fun is essential for a healthy mind and body and soul. 
Come Jesus come!

10th August 2024.
Day: St. Lawrence.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Corinthians  9:6-10  
Gospel         – John          12:24-26 

(24+9=33)                          Jesus Christ. 
(24+26+10+6=66F&Lname)             Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(24+26+9+6+12=77Lname)             Fr. R. T.  
(24+26+12+10=72Lname)              Fr. John Pereira.   
(12+9+26=47Fname)                  Fr. J. P. 
(12+10+24=46DF | 12+9+24=45)       Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[47+46+45=138 PSALM]               Fr. JP. & Fr. DF.
[66+72   =138 PSALM]               Fr. RT. & Fr. JP. 
[77+37+69=183reversal 138PSALM]    Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. 
(12+6+9+10=37CG)                   Fr. Christopher Goveas.   
(24+26+9+10=69Lname)               Fr. C. G. 

Link to PSALMS 138-139=277:PSALM-27:7July24

Note: The Sacrament of the anointing of the sick was given to my father, today. It is the day of St. Lawrence.
My father received Jesus after 3 months. In his condition, he is unable to be part of the online celebration of the mass. We had to wait for a Priest and Jesus came. It is all that matters that my father received Jesus in Communion and Jesus laid His Hands on my father.
Please remember Your Promise to me, my sweet Jesus! I wait on You with my whole heart.

Thought: How can I praise Thee oh Lord!
         Your Works are Wonderful!
         Your Ways are Wonderful.

Thank You, Abba Father.
Thank You, Jesus.
Thank You, Holy Spirit.
Come Jesus come!

11th August 2024Sunday. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings  19:4-8    
Second Reading – Ephesians 4:30-5:2  
Gospel         – John      6:41-51      

(52+51=103)                            Jesus Christ.
(51+6+4+4+2=67DT)                      Fr. Reuben Tellis.  
(41+30+6=77Lname |51+19+5+2=77)        Fr. R. T.
[67+77=144]                            Fr. R. T.
(48 ||19+6=25 + 19+4=23==23+25=48)     Fr. R. T.

(19+4+8+4+30+5+2=72Lname)              Fr. John Pereira.
(41+6=47Fname)                         Fr. J. P.
(30+5+2=37CG |51+8+6+4=69Lname)        Fr. Christopher Goveas.   
[47+37+69=153] John 21:11 153Fish      Fr. J. P. Fr. C. G.  

(46Fname | 41+5=46DF| 44+2=46)         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[46+46+46=138 PSALM]

Thought: Every day is a Blessing. Every day we begin anew.
It is a new day, a CHANCE to look at life from another perspective.
Come Jesus come!

12th August 2024. 12AUG=128 PSALM  (Oh to be in Bandra!) 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28
Gospel         – Matthew 17:22-27          = 66 Fr. RT.
(17+22+27=66F&Lname)                  Fr. Reuben Tellis.   
(17+22+27+1=67DT)                     Fr. R. T. 
(25+24+28=77Lname |22+27+28=77)       Fr. R. T.
[66+67=133 | 67+77=144]               Fr. R. T.
[133+144=277PSALM]                    Fr. R. T.
Link to PSALMS 138-139=277:PSALM-27:7July24

(17+24+5=46DF |17+28+1=46)            Fr. Daniel Fernandes.    
(17+27+2=46)(22+24=46)                Fr. D. F.
[46+46+46=138 PSALM)                  Fr. D. F.  
4444 6666== 1616 3636

(27reversal) 72Lname                  Fr. John Pereira.
(24+28+22=74reversal) 47Fname         Fr. J. P.
(22+25=47) 47Fname                    Fr. J. P.
[72+47+47=166]                        Fr. Abel Fernandez. (1616-166)

(22+27+24=73reversal) 37CG            Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(28) (27+1=28)

No time in God is ever wasted.
God’s Best comes in at a time, we least expect.
It is The suddenly when everything falls into place.
It is in the time of waiting; we learn to rely on God a whole 100%.
Come Jesus come!

13th August 202413AUG=138 PSALM
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
Online Eucharistic Adoration 30 minutes. Fr. Daniel Fernandes 120824.
First  Reading – Ezekiel 2:8--3:4                 
Gospel         – Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14      

(18+15=33)                                Jesus Christ.
(28+34+5=67DT | 18+34+10+5=67)            Fr. Reuben Tellis.    
(18+10+12+14+8+4=66 | 28+18+14+5+1=66)    Fr. R. T. 
(28+34+5+10=77Lname)                      Fr. R. T.   
(67+67=134 | 66+77=143)                   Fr. R. T.  
[134+143=277 PSALM]                       
(1(3+4=7)=17) + (1(3+4=7)=17) = = 1717    Fr. R. T. 
[66+67=133 | 67+77=144]                   Fr. R. T.  
[133+144=277 PSALM]                        
[66+72=138 PSALM] + [67+72=139 PSALM] = 27.7 PSALM-----------

(18+15+10+3=46DF | 18+15+10+2=45Fname)    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  
(18+28=46)                                Fr. D. F. 
(18+15+10+4=47Fname)                      Fr. John Pereira.  
[46+45+47=138 PSALM]                      Fr. D. F. & Fr. J. P.  

(12+14+1=27reversal 72Lname)              Fr. J. P.  
(28+16+18+10=72) == [72+72=144]           Fr. J. P.
(12+14+10+1=37CG)                         Fr. Christopher Goveas.    

Thought: Our GOD is a God of HOPE!
         God is Faithful.
         God is Amazing!
         Our GOD is INDESCRIBABLE!
         i remember a long-time back, hearing, Fr. Daniel 
         and Jonathan sing,
         Our God is An AWESOME GOD!
Come Jesus come!

14th August 2024.
Day: St. Maximillian Kolbe.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel 9:1-710:18-22    =67 Fr. R.T.
Gospel         – Matthew 18:15-20           

(18+15=33 | 15+18=33)                       Jesus Christ.
(18R+20T=38RT | 20+18=38| 20+18=38)         Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(9+1+7+10+18+22=67DT |10+18+22+17=67)       Fr. R. T.  
(9+7+10+18+22=66 |10+18+22+15+1=66F&Lname)  Fr. R. T.   
(9+1+7+20+18+22=77Lname)                    Fr. R. T. 
[66+67=133 | 66+67=133]                     Fr. R. T. 
{{133+133=266}}                             "    
[67+77=144]                                 Fr. R. T.    

(9+1+7+20=37CG |18+19=37 |18+18+1=37)       Fr. Christopher Goveas.  
…(15+22=37)(20+17=37)                       "
(37+37=74reversal)47Fname                   Fr. John Pereira.
(9+1+7+10=27 |20+7=27)                      Fr. J. P.
…(18+9=27reversal 72&72&72)                 "
[72+72=144]                                 "
(37+37+37=111)                              Fr. CG. (Hebrews 11:1)  
111+17    =128 PSALM                        " 
111+20+7  =138 PSALM                        " 
111+18+10 =139 PSALM                        " 
138 + 139 = 277PSALM                        Fr. J. P. (277)
128+138=266                                 Fr. D. F. Fr. J. P.   
266/2=133 (Fr. Reuben Tellis)  
66+67=133 (Fr. Reuben Tellis)

(9+1+7+10+18=45Fname |20+9+17=46DF)         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(18+10=28) (10+18=28) (20+1+7=28)
[47+46+45=138 PSALM]

[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 66+67=133] = 133+133=266   (Dates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9 & 14)

Isaiah 2:22 - Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?
Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem? Isaiah 2:22 is a powerful reminder of God telling us, don’t put your trust in man. 
Place all your trust in GOD. God is our Creator-God is Eternal. His promises are everlasting. God is faithful.
Acts 2:22 - Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know
The Bible describes many powerful works and wonders and signs that God did through Jesus. Jesus controlled the storm, Jesus fed thousands. Jesus healed the sick, and even brought the dead back to life.

My Prayer:
God, i praise Your Holy Name.
i thank You; Almighty God for Your faithfulness is a rock upon which we can build our lives.
Help me, oh God to come to You in trust with all my pain-my helplessness and the accusations. It is most difficult Lord, to face such hatred-bitterness. Help me oh Lord, to trust that ‘You have a way for me even when I see no way out’.
When i say, i trust You my God, i pray that with a knowing, that You have the best plan for my life.
Oh God, help me a poor weakling! Help me to grow in Your Grace, knowing to trust You in everything.
Jesus, You are my Hope.
Jesus, You are The Eternal Truth.
GOD-You are my ALWAYS!

Thank You, Abba Father.
Thank You, Jesus.
Thank You, Holy Spirit.

Thought: Jesus, I wait on You! Please help me, Lord. I need You.
Come Jesus come!

15th August 2024.
Day: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Day: Independence Day!
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Revelation     11:19; 12:1-6, 10  
Second Reading - 1 Corinthians  15:20-27 
Gospel         – Luke            1:39-56              

[PSALM 139]
(20+12+1=33)                           Jesus Christ. 

(39+27+10+1=77Lname | 56+20+1=77)      Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(39+27=66F&Lname |39+27=66)            Fr. R. T.
(39+27+1=67DT |56+10+1=67)             Fr. R. T.
[66+67=133] + [66+67=133] =266         Fr. R. T.
[66+67=133] + [67+77=144]              Fr. R. T.
133 + 144 = PSALM 277                "

(11+19+1+6=37CG 27+10=37)            Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(37+37=74reversal) 47                  Fr. J. P.
(20+15+1+1=37)==(37+37+37=111)         Fr. C. G.
111+12    =123 PSALM                   " 
111+16+1  =128 PSALM                   " 
111+27    =138 PSALM                   " 
111+27+1  =139 PSALM                   " 
(11+19+39=69Lname | 39+20+10=69)       Fr. C. G.
[69 + 69 = PSALM 138]                  Fr. C. G.

(27Lname |20+6+1=27reversal)72 & 72    Fr. John Pereira.  
[72+72=144]                            "
(15+12=27reversal 72 |56+15+1=72)      Fr. J. P. 
[72+72=144]                            "
(20+27=47Fname)                        Fr. J. P.
(39+1+6=46DF | 20+19+1+6=46)           Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
[47+46+46=] PSALM 139                  Fr. J. P. & Fr. D. F. 
[46+46+46=] PSALM 138                  Fr. D. F.

[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 66+67=133] = 133+133=26(Dates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 14 & 15)

Link to PSALMS 138-139=277:PSALM-27:7July24 
Note: The number 222 explained for the date - 14 August 2024.

Thought: Jesus, I wait on You! I need You. Please help me. 
Come Jesus come!

16th August 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel 16:59-63      = 138 PSALM
Gospel         – Matthew 19:3-12       139 PSALM & 123 PSALM

[19:3 |123+16= 139 PSALM]
[16+59+63    = 138 PSALM]
[138 + 139   = 277 PSALM]        

[3-12        = 123 PSALM]
(277 - 123   = 154)
(154 / 2     = 77Lname)           Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(123 - 77    = 46DF)              Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 

(12+3+59=74reversal) 47Fname      Fr. John Pereira.
(19-((3))12)=7= = 37CG)           Fr. Christopher Goveas.  
[47+37=84reversal 48DT]           Fr. R. T.
[47+37+28=112/2   56DT]           Fr. R. T.


NOTEPSALM 138 + PSALM 139 + PSALM 123 = 400
Genesis 15:13 - Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know of a surety that your descendants will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and will be slaves there, and they will be oppressed for four hundred years;
God shows Abram that Israel will be enslaved (in Egypt) for 400 years.

Thought: Jesus, I wait on You! I need You with all my heart. 
Come Jesus come!

17th August 2024. 88th Day!
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading – Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13, 30-32         
Gospel        – Matthew 19:
13-15            =47 Fr. J. P. 

(15+18=33)                                 Jesus Christ.   
(32+19+15=66F&Lname |13+13+30+10=66)       
Fr. Reuben Tellis.   
(32+19+15+1=67DT |13+13+30+10+1=67)        Fr. R. T.
[66+67=133 66+67=133]                    Fr. R. T.
[67+77=144 67+77=144]                    Fr. R. T.
(32+19+15+1+10=77Lname 19+13+32+13=77)   Fr. R. T.   

|13+10+1+13=37)                Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74reversal) 47Fname                 Fr. J. P. 
(18+1+10+13+30=72Lname |30+32+10=72)       Fr. John Pereira.   
[72+72=144]                                Fr. J. P.  
(19+13+15=47Fname |32+15=47)               Fr. J. P.  
(30+15+1=46DF |32+13+1=46)                 Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  
[47+72+47=166]                             Fr. Abel Fernandez. (1616)
[47+46+46=139 PSALM]                       Fr. J. P. & Fr. D. F.

(13+15=28)(18+10=28) [72+28+28=128 PSALM=Oh2beInBandra! Fr. R.T.]

NOTEPSALM 138 + PSALM 139 + PSALM 123 = 400 (Date 16/08/2024)
[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 | 66+67=133= 133+133=26(Dates:1,2,3,4,9,14,15&17) 

Thought: The fact is everything in Mother Nature is prone to change. In a word it is, unavoidable.
The truth is in this span of life, we will experience both good and bad. And learning to cope with our experiences shows us whether we are ready for the next step or not.
And what is the next step, we do not know till we get there.
Be OPEN to accept change.
Come Jesus come!

18th August 2024Sunday.    =188
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Proverbs  9:1-6         =16
Second Reading - Ephesians 5:15-20       =40
Gospel         – John      6:51-58    

15/51= 55:11 Isaiah                  Fr. Abel Fernandez.   
                                     Msgr. Alex Rebello. 
(91reverse=19+58=77Lname)            Fr. Reuben Tellis.
Fr. R. T.
(58+9=67DT |15+51+1=67)              Fr. R. T.
F&Lname |51+9+6=66)         Fr. R. T.
[66+67=133 66+67=133]

(58+6+9=73reversal)37CG              Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(58+15=73reversal)37CG               Fr. C. G.
(20+6+6+5=37)                        Fr. C. G.
(37+37+37=111)                       Hebrews 11:1 
111 +6+6     = 123                   123 PSALM   
111 +1+6+5+15138                   138 PSALM
(6&9=69Lname |58+5+6=69)             Fr. C. G.
[69+69=138 PSALM)

(15+5+6+20=46DF |9+16+20+1=46)      Fr. Daniel Fernandes.(15+5+6+20+1=47Fname)                Fr. John Pereira.

(37+37=74reversal)47                 Fr. J. P. (from Fr.CG.)
(58+16=74reversal 47)                Fr. J. P.
(51+5+16=72Lname | 56+15+1=72)       Fr. J. P.
(51+20+1=72)                         Fr. J. P.
(1+6+5+15=27reversal)72              Fr. J. P.

Thought: Greed is destructive!
It destroys relationships and creates havoc. Greed begins in a family setting and has its tentacles spread all around the world.
Where does one pick up this attribute to be Greedy?
It begins at home; it begins with favouritism. The child does not get corrected for the wrongdoings. Blaming others for the faults is a learnt behaviour.
Let me explain.
When one is a favourite, one learns to get away with things. This child does everything right to please the parents (not necessarily in the truthful manner). If records were maintained, the trend would point to the favoured child being always right.
Not being corrected is of no help to the child.
Greed is wrong. Desiring something that is not yours is wrong. Look at the world and what a mess we have made.
From the parents the child learns the wrong usage of power. And this is a vicious cycle. The more one has the more one wants.
In the life of a child correction is a necessity. 
Love gives freely, it gives its all. Love never counts the cost. Love is Sacrifice. Love is a reward itself for it seeks nothing in return. Love trusts God.
Come Jesus come!

19th August 2024.    =198
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel 24:15-24   
Gospel         – Matthew 19:16-22   

(24+24=48DT)                            Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(24+24+19=67DT)                         Fr. R. T.
(24+15+16+22=77Lname)                   Fr. R. T.
(39 + 38 =77)

(22+24=46 22+24=46DF)                 Fr. Daniel Fernandes.    
(24+24+16=64reversal)46                 Fr. D. F.    
[46+46+46=138 PSALM]                    Fr. D. F.  
(16+22+24+24=86Lname)                   Fr. D. F. 
[86+37   =123 PSALM]                    Fr. D. F. 
(22+15=37CG)                            Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(19+15+16+22=72Lname)                   Fr. John Pereira. 

Thought: Peace is an effort!
Peace is important for the greater good and survival of mankind.
Only through Sacrifice, can Peace be attained.
Love always seeks to give its best to all.
If there is a lack of Peace at home, due to a certain situation, then it will pass. Because everybody faces a trying time at some point in their life. And it is understandable. Certain situations take time to solve. But whatever you do, when you go to bed at night, let not anger have its way.
If Peace does not reside in a home and it has been a long time, the first thing you would notice is the absence of love, and you would understand it also means the lack of the Presence of God. 
In a War situation, all you see is Destruction. It is the complete absence of Love. It is the absence of the Love of God!
A war is not for the lack of - a war is to plunder the other country of its resources.
Love is a journey, i carry my home with me. My heart is God and God loves everyone. Then how can i make differences with people and choose to love someone and disregard or hate someone else?
Love seeks to give.
Where Love is Peace resides!
Come Jesus come!

20th August 2024.    =208
Day: St. Bernard
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel 28:1-10          =((39=19+20))
Gospel         – Matthew 19:23-30         =  72 = Fr. J.P. ==111

(10+23=33)                            Jesus Christ.
28:1 reverse 128                      Psalm 128='Oh2beInBandra!
(19+23+30=72Lname)                    Fr. John Pereira. 
(28+19=47Lname)                       Fr. J. P.
(28+1+10+30=69Lname)                  Fr. Christopher Goveas.  
[47Fr.JP+69Fr.CG+28=144]                                    Fr. Reuben Tellis.*                             
(23+10+30+1=64reversal) 46DF          Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  

(28+1+10+19+23+30=111)                Hebrews 11:1
111 (28) = 139 PSALM
128 +  10  138 PSALM 
138PSALM + 139PSALM  = 27.7 PSALM

Happy Birthday! Msgr. Alex RebelloFr. Daniel Fernandes and 
                Fr. John Pereira
Note: It is for me in this lifetime a chance-a day of celebration of 4 Priests! WOW!
Msgr. A.R. 208Fr. D.F. 208 Fr. J.P. 208
(Fr. C.G. = 208139Fname + 69Lname)
This is no coincidence. This is God at His BEST! 
When you add Fr. Christopher's 177+37=214(the answer 214-is a BEST Bus service in Mumbai. 
What it means, is, God saying, "I AM at My BEST"=214-BEST!
214 bus takes me home. God is making His BEST Way, for me, to take me home. 
And not to have you confused, this is a reminder that Fr. Reuben sang a song, 'Oh to be in Bandra.' 
At 12:24 hours into midnight i heard Fr. Reuben Tellis sharing His thoughts for the 25th of August-Sunday. Count me extremely-extremely overjoyed.

Thought: The most beautiful home on Earth is where God resides. And that home is not just built of bricks. It is your heart, the one that becomes the sanctuary of God, if you permit Him. God will do nothing without our will in agreement with His!
OPEN your heart, to be God’s dwelling Place.
Come Jesus come!

21st August 2024.
Day: St. Pius X
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
Online Eucharistic Adoration - Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
First  Reading – Ezekiel 34:1-11        =46 Fr.DF. & Fr.JP.(diagonal)
Second Reading - Matthew 20:1-16        =37 Fr.CG.
Gospel         – Psalms  23:1-        =83 rev 38Fr.RT.       

111 | 1-11reverse 11:1                        Hebrews 11:1
1-11 1                                        Hebrews 11:11
111+11+1     =123 PSALM
111+16+1     =128 PSALM
111+20+1+6   =138 PSALM
111+20+6+1+1 =139 PSALM

(11+16+6=33)                                  Jesus Christ. 
(16 |1-6F&Lname-DT |166DT)                    Fr. Abel Fernandez.
(1+6 |1+6=77Lname |34+20+23=77)               Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(11+16+6+34=67DT |20+1+16+23+1+6=67)          Fr. R. T. 
(34+20+11+1+1=67)                             Fr. R. T. 
(34+20+11+1=66 |20+1+16+23+6=66)              Fr. R. T. 

[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 | 66+67=133= 133+133=26(Dates:1,2,3,4,9,14,15,17,21)
[[277+288+266=831 reverse 138 PSALM]]

(34+1+11=46DF |20+23+1+1+1=46 |23+16+6+1=46)  Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
[46+46+46=138 PSALM)
[46+77   =123 PSALM]
(20+1+16=37CG |34+1+1+1=37)                   Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74reversal) 47Fname                    Fr. John Pereira.
(11+16=27 |11+16=27 reversal) 72&72           Fr. J. P.  
(20+23+11+16+1+1=72)                          Fr. J. P.  
[72+67=139 PSALM]                             Fr. J. P. & Fr. R. T. 

(20+6+1+1=28) (11+16+1=28)

Thought: Tough times can do two things in our lives; it can break us beyond the point of repair, or we can TRUST in an all Wise and Loving God, to make us what He KNOWS we can be. Only GOD can Mould us to Perfection!
Come Jesus come!

22nd August 2024. 22202=22:22 Isaiah
Day: The Queenship of the Virgin Mary.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Isaiah 9:1-7
Gospel         – Luke   1:26-38          = 65 Fr. R.T.

(26+7=33)                            Jesus Christ.
(1+26+38=65Fname)                    Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(1+26+38+1=66)                       Fr. R. T. 
(38=18R+20T)                         Fr. R. T.
[65+38=103 | 33+66=99]=202
(9+17+1=27reversal)72Lname           Fr. John Pereira.  
(1+26=27)72                          Fr. J. P.   
(38+9=47Fname)                       Fr. J. P. 

(26+9+1+1=37CG)                      Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(38+7+1=46DF | 38+7=45Fname)         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.     
[37+46+45=128 PSALM]                 Fr. C. G. Fr. D. F. 
[47+46+45=138 PSALM]                 Fr. J. P. & Fr. D. F. 
[67RT+66RT=133]                      Fr. R. T.  

[26+1=27-7==277 PSALM]  

Thought: Life is simple.
         Love everybody—Heal the wounds.
         Touch the heart of a person.
         God has given each person that ability.
         Heal the brokenness. Choose to be the healer.
Give life everything you’ve got. Hold nothing back.
And when your time is done, you’ve lived life to the fullest-you’ve lived the God EXPECTED LIFE!
Come Jesus come!

23rd August 2024.
Day: St. Rose of Lima.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel 37:1-14          228/2=114
Gospel         – Matthew 22:34-40   

(37+40=77Lname |40+14+1+22=77)            Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(37+1=38==18+20RT)                        Fr. R. T.
(22+40+14=76reversal) 67DT                Fr. R. T.          
(34+14=48DT)                              Fr. R. T.
[38+67+48=153Fish-John:21-11]             Fr. R. T.   
[[66RT+67DT=133+20T==153]]                "
[[154+153=307==37 (1515=5511)&(3+4=7)]]   " 

(37CG)                                    Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+22+14=73reversal) 37                  Fr. C. G.      
(37+37=74 reversal)47Fname                Fr. John Pereira.
(34+40=74 reversal)47Fname                Fr. J. P.         
(34+37+1=72Lname)                         Fr. J. P.
[47+47+72=166]                            Fr. Abel Fernandez.

[77+77+37+37=228] == (14+14 | 10+10==28+20T=48DT)
[67+72=139 PSALM)

Thought: Love is the greatest hunger, the greatest desire and the greatest fulfilment in one’s life.
We are nothing without LOVE! For GOD is LOVE!
Come Jesus come!

24th August 2024.    2424=66 & 48
Day: St. Bartholomew, Apostle.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Revelation 21:9-14    
Gospel         – John        1:45-51

(14+1=15 | 51) 5511 Isaiah                  Fr. Abel Fernandez. &
                                            Msgr. Alex Rebello. 
(21+9+45+1=76reversal) 67DT                 Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(45+21+1=67)                                Fr. R. T.
(45+21=66F&Lname | 14+1+51=66)              Fr. R. T.   
(14+51=65Fname)                             Fr. R. T.  
[67+66=133 | 67+66=133]                     "
[133+133=266]                               " 
266+65=331reversal 133                      "

(45+14+1+9=69Lname)                         Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(45Fname |45+1=46DF |21+9+14+1=45)          Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
(51+9+14=74reversal) 47Lname                Fr. John Pereira.
(51+21=72Lname)                             Fr. J. P.  
[46+45+47=138 PSALM)

Thought: If one's happiness is based on a job status or one's material possessions then any shift in that specific area and it could end one's happiness.
Don't hold on to your material possessions. Wealth is only a temporary phase because as humans we are here on a time specific mission. When we are done, we are called by our Creator. 
Money changes hands. There is no guarantee to that which is of the world.
Happiness is who you are in God!
Come Jesus come!

25th August 2024Sunday. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Joshua   24:1-215-18        =69 Fr. CG.
Second Reading – Ephesians 4:32 | 5:1-2, 21-32  
Gospel         – John      6:60-69    

(1221)                                     ABBA Father.
(15+18=33) (32+1=33)*2                     Jesus Christ.
(6+60=66F&Lname | 15+18+12+21=66)          Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(6+60+1=67DT | 15+18+12+21+1=67)           Fr. R. T.  
(32+32+2+1=67)                             Fr. R. T.
[67+77=144 | 67+77=144]                    Fr. R. T. 
[66+67=133 | 66+67=133]                    Fr. R. T. 
[133+133=266]                              Fr. R. T.   
(60+15+2=77Lname | 69+5+2+1=77)            Fr. R. T. 

(69Fname 24+12+15+18=69)                 Fr. Christopher Goveas.
[69+69=138 PSALM]
(15+18+4=37CG |32+5=37 |24+4+6+1+2=37)     Fr. C. G. 
(24+4+6+1+2=37|32+4+1=37 |32+4+1=37)       Fr. C. G. 
(37+37+37=111)                             Hebrews 11:1   
(37+37+37=111)                             111+111=222
[111+12    =] 123 PSALM
[111+12+5  =] 128 PSALM
[111+21+6  =] 138 PSALM
[111+21+6+1=] 139 PSALM

(69+5=74reversal) 47                       Fr. John Pereira.
(24+1+2=27reversal)72Fname                 Fr. J. P.
(60+12=72 | 69+2+1=72)                     Fr. J. P.
(24+12+12+21+2+1=72)                       Fr. J. P.  
[72+72=144 | 72+72=144]                    "
[144+144=288]                              "  

(46DF |32+4+6+2+2=46 |13+18+12+1=46)  Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[46+46+46=138 PSALM]                  " 


Explanation to 222 - Please also check for date 14082024
Isaiah 2:22 - Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?
Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem? Isaiah 2:22 is a powerful reminder of God telling us, don’t put your trust in man. 
Place all your trust in GOD. God is our Creator-God is Eternal. His promises are everlasting. God is faithful.
Acts 2:22 - Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know
The Bible describes many powerful works and wonders and signs that God did through Jesus. Jesus controlled the storm, Jesus fed thousands. Jesus healed the sick, and even brought the dead back to life.

[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 | 66+67=133= 133+133=26(Dts:1,2,3,4,9,14,15,17,21,25)
[[277+288+266=831 reverse 138 PSALM]]

Thought: What it means to be humble?
Know who you are in God!
And then no matter what a person says about you, or how they treat you, it will matter very little. I say, “matter very little”, for there is a hurt, you will experience.
In all humbleness, I must surrender to God, everything, knowing full well and accepting the Will of God in my life. I know that whatever God does, God does for my good and I trust Him.
Come Jesus come!

26th August 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Thessalonians  1:1-5, 11-12 
Gospel         – Matthew         23:13-22 

(22+11=33)                                 Jesus Christ.
(23+13+22+12+5+1+1=77Lname)                Fr. Reuben Tellis.   
(23+13+22+5+1+1=65Fname)                   Fr. R. T.    
[77+65=142]                                Fr. R. T.
(1+15+11=27Lname |22+5=27reversal)72&72    Fr. John Pereira.    
(11+12+23+1=47Fname)                       Fr. J. P. 
(13+11+12+11=47)                           Fr. J. P. 
(23+22=45Lname | 11+12+23=46DF)            Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[47+45+46=138 PSALM]                       Fr. D. F.
(22+13+1+1=37CG)                           Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(11+12+23+22+1=69Lname)                    Fr. C. G.
[47+37+69=153Fish] John 21:11              Fr. C. G.


Thought: There are times when people hurt you real bad. It is precisely those times when it is most difficult to be kind. But do it. Because it is easy to hurt someone who hurt you, and that person will expect you to hurt them back. But what a turnaround it is when you do something kind.
It is not about who said the last word.
It is about who loved the most. Kindness is love!
Come Jesus come!

27th August 2024.
Day: St. Monica.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17   =37 Fr. C.G.
Gospel         – Matthew        23:23-26        =72 Fr. J.P.

(23+26+17=66L&Fname |23+23+14+2+1+3=66)     Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(23+26+17+1=67DT    |23+23+21=67)           Fr. R. T. 
(23+26+13+14=76reversal) 67                 Fr. R. T.    
(23+23+26+3+2=77Lname |23+23+14+17=77)      Fr. R. T.  
[66+77=143][67+67=134]                      Fr. R. T.  
[143+134=277 PSALM]                         Fr. R. T.   
[77+77=154][67+67=134]                      Fr. R. T.  
[154+134=288]                               Fr. R. T. 
[66+67=133][66+67=133                       Fr. R. T. 
[133+133=266]                               Fr. R. T. 
[277+288+266=831 reversal 138 PSALM]        "

(23+26+17+3=69Lname)                        Fr. Christopher Goveas. 
(2+1+3+14+17=37CG |23+14=37)                Fr. C. G. 
(37+37=74reversal) 47                       Fr. John Pereira. 
(23+23+26=72Lname)                          Fr. J. P.  
(23+21+3=47Fname)                           Fr. J. P.  
(47+47+72=166)                              Fr. Abel Fernandez.  

(23+23=46DF |2+13+14+17=46| 26+17+3=46)     Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[47+46+46=] 139 PSALM
[46+46+46=] 138 PSALM
[139+138 =] 277 PSALM

Thought: It is best to be kind at all times. For we know nothing of what transpires in a life of a person. We know nothing of the hurt, or rejection in the life of a person.
It is always good to be kind, always keeping in mind that everybody needs somebody to love, everybody needs somebody to help heal their wounds.
Come Jesus come!

28th August 2024.
Day: St. Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
Psalm 128
First Reading – 2 Thessalonians 3:6-1016-18  =53 +
Gospel        – Matthew        23:27-32        =82 
                                               =135reversal=153 Fish
(27+6=33)                             Jesus Christ.
(23+27+10+6=66F&Lname)                Fr. Reuben Tellis.   
(23+32+16+6=77Lname)                  Fr. R. T.     
(6+10+16+18+27=77Lname)               Fr. R. T.

(23+27+10+6+3=69Lname)                Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(16+18+3=37CG |27+10=37)              Fr. C. G.
(23+32+18=73reversal) 37              Fr. C. G.
(37+37+37=111)                        Hebrews 11:1
[111+27 =]   138 PSALM
[111+10+18=] 139 PSALM
[138 PSALM + 138 PSALM = 277 PSALM]

(32+10+3=45Fname |36+10=46DF)         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.         
(10+6=16 | 16 = 1616)                 Fr. Abel Fernandez.   
(27Lname reversal)  72                Fr. John Pereira.   
(18+6+3=27 reversal)72                Fr. J. P.

John 21:11 - So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fisha hundred and fifty-three of them; and although there were so many, the net was not torn.
Thought: 153 FISH = I AGAPE YOU!

Note: Abba Father had promised me my Father's Restoration.
Jesus had promised me at the beginning of the month that on the 28th my Father would be Restored.
Come Jesus come!

29th August 2024.
Day: The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Jeremiah 1:17-19      =37 Fr. C.G.
Gospel         – Mark     6:17-29       

(16+17=33)                            Jesus Christ.
(19+29=48DT)                          Fr. Reuben Tellis.    
(1+17+19=37CG)                        Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(6+17+29+17=69Lname)                  Fr. C. G.  

John 17:17 - Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth.
Note: My Father left for his Heavenly Home at 24:15 hours.
Come Jesus come!

30th August 2024.
Funeral Mass at 04:30 p.m. (Capuchin Priest)               (1st mass)
~I received The Body and Blood of Christ.~
First Reading – 1 Corinthians 1:17-25    
Gospel        – Matthew      25:1-13 
Gospel - John 11:17-27 (Gospel at the mass)    

(25,25|25=2+5=7|25=2+5=7==77Lname)         Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(25+13=38 |25+13+1=39==77)                 Fr. R. T. 
(25+25+17=67DT)                            Fr. R. T.
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144]                    Fr. R. T.
[144+144=288                             Fr. R. T.  
(25+1+1=27rev |25+1+1=27reversal) 72&72    Fr. John Pereira.  

Note: Funeral Day.
Today is day 101 in Mangalore. I was told not to go out until my father was restored. I have been home all the 101 days.  
Come Jesus come!

31st August 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Corinthians 1:26-31    
Gospel         – Matthew      25:14-30      =69 Fr. CG.

(25+1+26+14=66L&Fname)                     Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(25+26+14=65Fname)                         Fr. R. T.
(31+30+14+1=76 reversal) 67DT              Fr. R. T.  
(1+26=27reversal--72Lname                  Fr. John Pereira. 
|26+31+14+1=72Lname)                       Fr. J. P. 
(31+14+1=46DF)                             Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
[66+72   =]138 PSALM
[66+46+72=]184 PSALM  

Note: I Love God with all of my heart, but I am not able to hear mass today.
Come Jesus come!

Hebrews 11:1-Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.