Saturday, June 1, 2024

Online & LIVE Mass 48 - JUNE 2024.

1st June 2024. 171717,4444,7272 ||3737 4747 = 3+4 3+4=== 7&7 (777777)
Day: First Saturday. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   – Jude 17:20-25   =62
Gospel          - Mark 11:27-33   =71

33                             Jesus Christ.
(11dt, 27yr 20T)               Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(17+20+25+11+27+33=133)        Fr. R. T.
(20+17=37)                     Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(17+20+25+11=73) reversal 37   Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74)       reversal 47   Fr. John Pereira.
(20+27=47)                     Fr. J. P.
(27-reversal 72Lname)          Fr. J. P.
(44+28=72)                     Fr. J. P.
(17+27=44, 33+11=44)           ?
(17+11=28)                     28      

72+72=144                      Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P. 
77Fr CG + 77 & 77Fr JP  

Thought: We are made in the Image and Likeness of God! Therefore, every person that God has created is beautiful. But not everyone sees it in the way God does. 
Come Jesus come!

2nd June 2024. Sunday. 
Day: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   – Exodus  24:3-8 
Second Reading  – Hebrews 9:11-15  
Gospel          - Mark    14:12-1622-26 

(16+22+26+3=67dt28+28=56)                 Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(14dt, 11dt, 12F&Lname)                     Fr. R. T.
(15+14+8=37)                                Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(24+3=27), (16+8+3=27) reversal 72 & 72     Fr. John Pereira.
(24+8+15=47)                                Fr. J. P.
(16+12=28), (9+8+11=28)== 1010
John 10:10 - I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

67 + 72 = PSALM 139                         Fr. C. G. 

72+72=144                          Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P. 
(24+3+8+9+11+15+14+12+16+26=138) PSALM 138
⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶  138. Thanksgiving and Praise. A Psalm of David.
1 I give thee thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; 
  before the gods I sing thy praise;
2 I bow down toward thy holy temple and give thanks to thy name 
  for thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness; 
  for thou hast exalted above everything thy name and thy word.
3 On the day I called, thou didst answer me, 
  my strength of soul thou didst increase.
4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, 
  for they have heard the words of thy mouth;
5 and they shall sing of the ways of the Lord, 
  for great is the glory of the Lord.
6 For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly; 
  but the haughty he knows from afar.
7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, 
  thou dost preserve my life; thou dost stretch out thy hand 
  against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand delivers me.
8 The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; 
  thy steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. 
  Do not forsake the work of thy hands.
77Fr. RT + 77Fr. CG + 77Fr. JP + 46Fr. DF = 277
277 - PSALM 
138 = PSALM 139
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139 = 277  YEAH! :) 

Thought: Be Happy!
         Don’t go looking for faults. 
         Always strive to see the good in others.
         Be at Peace!
Know this and know it well, that what we have been given is The greatest Gift ever-Jesus!
We are truly loved, for God has given us Himself.
How truly Blessed we are, when we see and understand the TRUTH as God expects of us.
Come Jesus come!

3rd June 2024.
Day: Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   – 2 Peter 1:2-7    
Gospel          - Mark    12:1-12

(12L&Fname, 12Dt, 12Dt)                 Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(12+12+12+1=37CG)                       Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(12+12+12+1+1+7=45Fname)                Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  
(27 - reversal 72Lname)                 Fr. John Pereira.

12*12=144                         Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P.  

Thought: The acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.
There is nothing real to our fears other than what we think and come to believe. When the enemy wants to hold you back, he will continue to place obstacles making it difficult to see a way thus enforcing what you have come to believe.
OPEN your mind! Jesus says BE OPEN!
CHANGE your way of thinking
There is no limit to what can be achieved when we truly believe in the Power of GOD and not our fears.
REMEMBER: GOD will make a WAY! In John 14:6 Jesus says:- “I am the way and the truth and the life.” 
Come Jesus come!

4th June 2024.  1212 1717 1818 |3737 4747 = 3+4 3+4=== 7&7 (777777)
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   – 2 Peter 3:12-1517-18
Gospel          - Mark    12:13-17

(12,12 L&Fname | 13-yr)             Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(15+3=18 & 18 -R)                   Fr. R. T.
(3+12+15+17+18=65)                  Fr. R. T.
(12*12=144)                         Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P.
(17+17+3=37CG) | (12+12+13=37)      Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname         Fr. John Pereira.
(3+12+15+17=47)                     Fr. J. P.
(15+12=27) reversal 72Lname         Fr. J. P.
(4 June=46=DF)                      Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
(15+13=28)(12+13+3=28)              Fr. J. P. Fr. D. F.

(46+28=74, Fr. D.F. | 72+28=100, Fr. J.P.)
72+72=144                           Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P.

John 17:17 - Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth. 
John 10:10 - I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 
     27 27   reversal 7272 Fr. J.P.

Thought: It is good to be kind and polite. A Thank-you never hurts.
         When you do hurt someone, be quick to say sorry. 
         Never leave a person hurt and alone.
         Always be the one to uplift and encourage and LOVE!
Come Jesus come!

5th June 2024. 56 56 56= 11 11 11
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   –  2 Timothy  1:1-3, 6-12
Gospel          -  Mark      12:18-27
PSALMS                       123:1-2

The day i received my First Holy Communion.
Matthew 1:23 - “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emman′u-el” (which means, God with us). 

(12L&Fname,12Dt,12Dt)               Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(12*12*12=1728)18-R & 72.           Fr. R. T.
(12*12=144)                         Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P.
(13-yr | 18-R | 6name | 11Dt)       Fr. R. T.
(123+12+12+12+18=177)               Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(177 + 37 = 214)BandraBusRoute      Fr. C. G. (mywayHome)
(12+12+13=37CG)|(12+12+12+1=37)     Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname         Fr. John Pereira.
(27) reversal 72Lname               Fr. J. P.


For the 18th May, we received an invitation and part of one of the numbers was 3737377 
(373737 =111) (Here, I leave a 7 while counting)
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 
There is also 333
Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known. 
There is also 7777
111+333+7777+7=8228 (82 reversal is 28)
Can be taken as (20Aug/20Aug=20/8= 28 & 28=56) which is TODAY!

Note: I meant to write this a long time back, but today I remembered to do it before anything else.

Of course 37 37 37 is Fr. Christopher Goveas.
77 -Fr. Reuben Tellis, Fr. Christopher Goveas & Fr. John Pereira.
Today is my special day. The day that I love the most in my life. And It means even more than my birthday. Without Jesus, there is nothing at all.
It has been a long-long wait (I think nearly a year) and just today morning, I did get to watch the Peacock dance so beautifully. And then an hour later I saw one of the Peacocks beautifully seated on the grill fence. I wanted to click the snaps. But my camera on my cell, it clicks half the snap well and the other half has a fuzzy look. But that is the only problem in my cell. It is 8 years old and it is working fine. I asked my cousin to click from his cell, the snap for me. I will add this snap maybe some other time.
And yes, there was Thunder and good showers of rain. It is a beautiful – beautiful feeling.
I love the Rains!

Thought: Jesus, I need You completely! Nothing else in this life will ever do!
Come Jesus come!

6th June 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   –  2 Timothy  2:8-15
Gospel          -  Mark      12:28-34 

(12 | 28+28=56yr)                Fr. Reuben Tellis.         
(1+2=3, 3+4=7 | 37)              Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(12+28+34=74) reversal 47Fname   Fr. John Pereira.
(12+15=27)    reversal 72Lname   Fr. J. P.
(74+27+37=138)                   PSALM 138
(28+15+34=77)                    Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P.
(34+12=46)DF| (15+2+28=45Fname)  Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
(28 | 28) 

Thought: Thank You, God for this morning!
I don’t know what this day or the days to come have in store for me. But I know this, that You, my GOD are Infinitely Good & TRUE!
Everything in Creation happens with Your Will.
Everything that is Your Will – works to perfection.
And let this prayer reach Your Heart oh God of mine, Your Will in my life always! My life was, is and forever Yours!
Come Jesus come!

7th June 2024.      37373737 | 5656 | 6767 | 148 148 |
Day: The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – Hosea    11:1, 3-4, 8-9   
Second Reading – Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19   =56
Gospel         - John      19:31-37        

(3,3=33)(14+19=33)                      Jesus Christ.
(11, 13, 14Dt | 12L&Fname)              Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(19+19+8+9+1=56 | 3+8+12+14+19=56)      Fr. R. T.
(38+12+8+9=67Dt | 31+19+12+4+1=67)      Fr. R. T.
(19+31+37+3+8+12+14+19=143)             Fr. R. T. Fr. C. G.
(37 + 34+3=37)=74                       Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(3+8+12+14=37)(11+12+14=37)             Fr. C. G.
(37 + 37 + 37 + 37  = 148)              Fr. C. G. 
(111 37 148)                        Fr. C. G.
(74+74=148) reversal 47(2)              Fr. John Pereira.
(74=reversal) 47Fname                   Fr. John Pereira.
(34+38=72Lname)                         Fr. J. P. (4772)

67 + 72 = PSALM 139                     Fr. C. G. 

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 

Thought: No matter how broken or hurt you are, whisper a prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! 
Pray: Remember me. Help me my God! I need You Jesus!
Jesus meek and humble of Heart make my heart like unto Thine!
Come Jesus come!

8th June 2024.  
Day: The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading   – Isaiah 61:9-11    
Gospel          - Luke    2:41-51   

(11DT)(9+2=11)(11+9=20T)            Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(9+2+11+51=73) reversal 37          Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(61+9+2=72Lname) (61+11=72)         Fr. John Pereira.
(41+9+11=61 | 61)(6+1=7,6+1=7|77)   Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. & Fr. J. P.
 72+72=144                          Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G. Fr. J. P.
(41+51+61= 153FISH) John 21:11      I AGAPE YOU!

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.    

Thought: Begin your day with GOD!
         When you have God-
         End your day with a grateful heart!
         Then you have Love-
         This is your Key to LIFE!         
Come Jesus come!

9th June 2024Sunday.  1551 reversal 5511 | 6767
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – Genesis       3:8-15   
Second Reading – 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Gospel         - Mark          3:20-35 

(33 | 20+13=33)                    Jesus Christ.
(13|3= 133)                        Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(35+13=48Dt | 28+28=56 )           Fr. R. T.
(33+33=66 | 15+51=66F&LName)       Fr. R. T.
(33+133=166) 16thJune              Fr. Abel Fernandez. (16 & 166)
55:11                              Fr. A. F. & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(20+13+14=37CG | 13+4+15+5=37)     Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname        Fr. John Pereira.
(3+20+35+13+1=72Lname)             Fr. J. P.
(13+15=28 | 20+8=28) =56           Msgr. A. R. Fr. J. P.

67 + 72 = PSALM 139                Fr. C. G.    

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Thought: Life is everything you make it and want it to be. 
         But when lived in the Will and Grace of God:
         It supersedes all expectations! 
         It is beyond human imagination! 
         The road is difficult, trials plenty. 
         But when the pieces begin to fall in place.           
         You truly know, you can dance, in the Rain.  
Come Jesus come!

10th June 2024.   28 28 28 28 | 17 17 | 11 11 |
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – 1 Kings 17:1-6
Gospel         - Matthew  5:1-2

(17+16=33)                          Jesus Christ.
(17+17+2+1=37 } 17+12+5+2+1=37)     Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74, reversal 47Fname)        Fr. John Pereira. 
(11Dt, 12F&Lname)                   Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(17 | 5+12=17 == 17,17)
(11 | 5+6=11  == 11,11)
                 28 28 = 56
(16+12=2| 17+11=28)  = 56         Msgr. Alex Rebello & Fr. J. P. 
Note: Last night when sleeping i realized this calculation:
The promise was 1313 on all 3 days, 18.19.20 September 2012.
      Fr. Abel Fernandez.     (16 & 166)
      Fr. Christopher Goveas  (17 & 177)   (177+37=214 (Fr.CG myway)
It reads 67, 67, 67  = 13 13 13

Just now it is 6:00 in the evening, i realized a new aspect to this. 
      Fr. Abel  (1)   &  Fr. Christopher (3) == 13 = 1+3=4
      Fernandez (6)   +  Goveas          (7) == 13 = 1+3=4
It is when i heard Fr. Joe sing at the Kripanite, that is when i realized that 67 was one of the common factors.
      Fr. Joe Pereira.                  (67== 13 = 1+3=4
      Fr. Reuben Tellis.*               (67) == 13 = 1+3=4
= 13 13 13 13 = = 4444
The search for 4444 is now complete.
444 is from my Bible's numberless page-indicating the chapter on TOBIT.

John 17:17 - Sanctify them in the truth; thy word is truth. 
1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11

Thought: Our choice to do good must come from our dependency on God-the God factor, and it must not be based on our feelings. 
We must aim to do good at all times irrespective of what we feel and how people treat us. The goodness that comes, always comes from the Heart of God.
God is GOOD all the time! 
To Sacrifice, for the good of the other-for the good of all is the greatest virtue of LOVE!
Come Jesus come!

11th June 20246767 reversal 6677 | 131313 -- 4747 
Day: St. Barnabas (Apostle)
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – Acts    11:21-2613:1-3
Gospel         - Matthew 10:7-13  

(13+13+13+21+7=67 | 26+13+11+10+7=67)  Fr. Reuben Tellis.
reversal 66 + 77= 143                  Fr. R. T.
143                                    Fr. R. T. Fr. C. G.
(26+10+1=37)                           Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(11+21+26+13+1=72Lname)                Fr. John Pereira.
(26+21=47Fname | 13+13+13+1+7=47)      Fr. J. P.
67 + 72    = PSALM 139                 Fr. C. G.  
1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶  PSALM 139 The Inescapable God. A Psalm of David.
Link: Psalm 139

Every Day is a piece of Gold.
In this life we for a moment hold.
So, take the time-it takes to spend,
moments together with family and friend.
LOVE is ETERNAL, Love is true.
Remember GOD in His WORD,
is always waiting for you!
Come Jesus come!

12th June 2024.  3737 | 7474 reversal 4747 | 18+19=37
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings 18:20-39   =77 Fr. Reuben Tellis.
Gospel         - Matthew  5:17-19 

(20LnameT+18FnameR=38 | 17+39=56)      Fr. Reuben Tellis.*
(18+17=35Dtof27)                       Fr. R. T.
(18+20+39=77T | 77+5=82reversal 28     Fr. R. T.
77                                     Fr. R.T. & Fr. C.G. & Fr. J.P.
(20+17=37CG | 18+19=37)                Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74 | 17+18+39=74) 
reversal 47 & 47=Fname                 Fr. John Pereira.

Note: June 10 - Day 1 - 13 13 13 13 = 4444  (1717,28282828,5511)
      June 11 - Day 2 - 13 13 13 = 67 67 67
      June 12 - Day 3 - 18 R, 20 T, 56-35yr.
      June 13 - St. Anthony of Padua Feast. (No13)

Thought: An encouraging thought in the morning changes our whole perspective for the day, and the days in our life. 
Don't give in to fear. 
Focus on Jesus, keep your gaze always fixed on Him. 
And when you feel you are sinking like Peter did, Jesus will lift you up and say oh man-oh woman of little faith, why did you doubt?
REMEMBER: God is our Greatest Encourager!  

Come Jesus come!

13th June 202446 46 46   138+139=277  18|20|66=67
Day: St. Anthony of Padua.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings 18:41-46    = 105
Gospel         – Matthew  5:20-26    = 51

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

(18R + 20T = 38)               Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(41+26=67)                     Fr. R. T.
(41+20+5=66L&Fname |46+20=66)  Fr. R. T.
(46+18+5=69)                   Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(46+26=72Lname)                Fr. John Pereira.
(46 | 20+26=46 | 41+5=46)      Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  
(4+6=10 | 4+6=10 | 4+6=10)     also is 28 28 28 (also added below)
(2+8=10 2+8=10 2+8=10)     Fr. DF Fr. JP Msgr. Alex Rebello.
46+28=74) reversal 47Fname     Fr. John Pereira.
46 + 46 + 46 = 138             PSALM 138
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277   Fr. John Pereira. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶   PSALM 138  Thanksgiving and Praise. 
1 I give thee thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; 
  before the gods I sing thy praise;
2 I bow down toward thy holy temple and give thanks to thy name 
  for thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness; 
  for thou hast exalted above everything thy name and thy word.
3 On the day I called, thou didst answer me, 
  my strength of soul thou didst increase.
4 All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, 
  for they have heard the words of thy mouth;
5 and they shall sing of the ways of the Lord, 
  for great is the glory of the Lord.
6 For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly; 
  but the haughty he knows from afar.
7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, 
  thou dost preserve my life; thou dost stretch out thy hand 
  against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand delivers me.
8 The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; 
  thy steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. 
  Do not forsake the work of thy hands.
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139 = 277  

⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶   PSALM 139  The Inescapable God. 
O lord you have searched me, and you know me
You know when I sit and when I rise,
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down,
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue,
you know it completely, O Lord.
You hem me in behind and before,
you have laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
too lofty for me to attain.

Where can I go from your spirit?

Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heaven, you are there.
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise in the wings of the dawn,
and settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
and your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say surely the darkness will hide me,
and the light become night around me,
even the darkness will not be dark to you.
The night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

For you created my inmost being.

You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, because I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. 
Your works are wonderful!
I know that fully well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was made in that secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me, 
were written in your book before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts Oh God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, 
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with you.

If only you would slay the wicked, O God!

Away from me you bloodthirsty people.
They speak of you with evil intent.
Your adversaries misuse your name.
Do I not hate those who hate you O Lord?
And abhor those who rise up against you.
I have nothing but hatred for them.
I count them my enemies.
Search me O God and know my heart.
Test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way of life everlasting.

PSALM 138 + PSALM 139 = 277 

⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶   PSALM 27.7 Triumphant Song of Confidence. 
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
  The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

When evildoers assail me, uttering slanders against me,
  my adversaries and foes, they shall stumble and fall.
Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear;
  though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.

One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after;
  that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
  to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
5 For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble;
  he will conceal me under the cover of his tent,
  he will set me high upon a rock.

And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies round about me;
  and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy;
  I will sing and make melody to the Lord.
7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud,
  be gracious to me and answer me!

Thou hast said, “Seek ye my face.” My heart says to thee,
  “Thy face, Lord, do I seek.”
Hide not thy face from me.
  Turn not thy servant away in anger, thou who hast been my help.
  Cast me not off, forsake me not, O God of my salvation!

10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, 
   but the Lord will take me up.

11 Teach me thy way, O Lord;
   and lead me on a level path because of my enemies.
12 Give me not up to the will of my adversaries; 
   for false witnesses have risen against me, 
   and they breathe out violence.

13 I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord
   in the land of the living!
14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage;
   yea, wait for the Lord!

Note: June 10 - Day 1 - 13 13 13 13 = 4444  (1717,28282828,5511)
      June 11 - Day 2 - 13 13 13 = 67 67 67
      June 12 - Day 3 - 18 R, 20 T, 56-35yr.
      June 13 - St. Anthony of Padua Feast. (No13)

Yesterday 10+11+12=33 Jesus Christ.
Now       33+13=46    Books in the Old Testament.
Also                  Fr. Daniel Fernandes.         
Yesterday (12June24) i was not sure, whether i was to add this. But today i am. I mean look at the numbers 46,46,46. =138
Our GOD is Marvelous!
When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11
But here it is 55:11 and Msgr. Alex Rebello has been mentioned of. I correct myself and add the name of Fr. Abel Fernandez too.

Thought: No moment is wasted, when it is lived in God!
         Cherish your life in God!
         CHERISH GOD!

Thank You, Abba Father.
Thank You, Jesus.
Thank You, Holy Spirit.
Come Jesus come!

14th June 2024.  72727272 | 6767 | 6969 || Psalm 138+139
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings 19:911-16   
Gospel         – Matthew  5:27-32 
Psalms                   27:7-913-14

Psalm 27:(from the bottom-left to right--and to the top (27); the number 277 has been repeated again.

(19+5+27+11+32+9=103)                       Jesus Christ.    
(27, 27)             reversal 72|72Lname    Fr. John Pereira.
(11+16=27, 13+14=27) reversal 72|72Lname    Fr. John Pereira.
(72+72=144 72+72=144 =288)                Fr. JP Fr. RT Fr. C G
(16+14+32+5=67Dt)(32+19+16=67)              Fr. Reuben Tellis.*
(27+27+5+7=66L&Fname)                       Fr. R. T.
(32+5=37CG)                                 Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(16+14+32+7=69Lname)(32+32+5=69)            Fr. C. G.
(69+69=138)                                 Fr. C. G.
(67+72=139)                                 Fr. C. G.

Link: Psalm 139 
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  277                Fr. John Pereira. 

PSALM 27.7 -- Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud,
              be gracious to me and answer me!

Thought: Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take                           courage; yea, wait for the Lord!  (PSALM 27.14)
Come Jesus come!

15th June 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings 19:19-21    
Gospel         – Matthew 5:33-37     

(33)                                       Jesus Christ.
(37CG)                                     Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(19+21+33=73) reversal 37                  Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74)    reversal 47                  Fr. John Pereira.
(19+19=38RT | 5+33=38)=76 reversal 67yr    Fr. Reuben Tellis.  
(37+19=56yr)                               Fr. R. T.
(19+21+37=77)                              Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.

Above calculation: 33+37+37+47+67+56 = 277 (77)
PSALM 27.7 -- Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud,
              be gracious to me and answer me!
In Your great love and mercy, oh Lord save me! Remember Your Promise oh Lord and please rescue me! 
Come Jesus come!

16th June 2024Sunday.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Ezekiel       17:22-24  
Second Reading - 2 Corinthians  5:6-10 
Gospel         – Mark           4:26-34 

Today is Fr. Abel Fernandez' Birthday! 

(56yr|22+34=56| 56+10=66L&Fname|)       Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(22+26=48Dt | 26+24+17=67Dt)            Fr. R. T.
(26+24+17+10=77Lname) 26+34+17=77)      Fr. R. T.
(34+4=38RT 17+5+6+10=38             Fr. R. T.
(56+17=73CG|26+5+6=37 -reversal37)& 37  Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname             Fr. John Pereira.
(17+10=27) reversal 72Lname             Fr. J. P.
(22+24=46)                              Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(22+6=28|24+4=28|17+5+6=28)   Fr. DF Fr. JP Msgr. Alex Rebello. 
John 10:10 - I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138                     Fr. R. T.  &  Fr. C. G.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139                     Fr. C. G.  &  Fr. R. T.
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. John Pereira. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Fr. Abel Fernandez = 16 = 1+6=7 
(Birthday 16 June  = 16 = 1+6=7 
Fr. Abel Fernandez = 77
Then there is the 6 of the 16 and 6=June. 
So i can with the grace of God, 67 & 67 = 1313
Oh God WOW! No one like You! No God like my GOD!
1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
77                                 Fr. JP Fr. RT Fr. C G Fr. AF
67+77   = 144                      Fr. JP Fr. RT Fr. C G 

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11

Thought: I remember, the 1st of June - 2023.
In the Prayer Room, Jesus says: The new Priest is Fr. Abel; I say yes Lord. Jesus asks: Do you know the meaning of the name? I say no Lord. Jesus tells me: From today you will be able to do anything you want to do. At the moment, i don't fully understand what it means.
But now with each passing day, i am learning. 
I can (am Abel to) do all things in him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21.
Come Jesus come!

17th June 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings 21:1-16
Gospel         – Matthew  5:38-42         ==123

(38RT | 21+1+16=38=76) reversal 67Dt    Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(21+38+6+1=66F&Lname)                   Fr. R. T.
(21+16=37CG)                            Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(42+21+5+1=69Lname)                     Fr. C. G. 
(5+42=47Fname)                          Fr. John Pereira.
(21+5+1=27) reversal 72Lname            Fr. J. P.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138                     Fr. R. T.  &  Fr. C. G.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139                     Fr. C. G.  &  Fr. R. T.
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. John Pereira. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277

⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶⩶   PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy. 
1 To thee I lift up my eyes,
  O thou who art enthroned in the heavens!
2 Behold, as the eyes of servants
  look to the hand of their master,
  as the eyes of a maid
  to the hand of her mistress,
  so our eyes look to the Lord our God,
  till he have mercy upon us.
3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us,
  for we have had more than enough of contempt.
4 Too long our soul has been sated
  with the scorn of those who are at ease,
  the contempt of the proud. 
Thought: It is God's Holy Will for us to Always Rejoice in Him! In everything give Thanks and Praise!
God is Good all the Time!
In Isaiah 49:16 - God says I will not forget you. I have carved you on the palms of my hands.
John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.  
We Rejoice in the goodness of God. We Rejoice in the Love of Our Creator - Our Almighty God! 
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
Come Jesus come!

18th June 2024.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 1 Kings 21:17-29     =  67 
Gospel         – Matthew  5:43-48     

(21+17+29=67Dt)                              Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(21+17=38RT | 48+17=65Fname |43+5+17=65)     Fr. R. T.
(5+43=48 | 48Dt)                             Fr. R. T.
(48+21=69Lname)                              Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(21+29+5+17=72Lname | 29+43=72)              Fr. John Pereira.
(29+48=77Lname | 29+43+5=77)                 Fr. R. T.
Jeremiah 33:3 - Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known. 
(29+17=46)                                   Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(46+77=123)   PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy. 
77                                 Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                      Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
72+72   144                      Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.

67 + 72 =     PSALM 139            Fr. C. G. Fr. R. T. Fr. JP.

There is no mention of number 28, but Fr. John Pereira-is 28.
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP-144&144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Thought: Happiness is not always hard work. And yes, we all have to work. Happiness is a choice. 
It is a choice to trust God completely! 
A choice that knows and believes in Gods Will and surrenders to God in completeness, leaving nothing to self.
And a mind that understands that God is in Control. God is in CHARGE!
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. 
TO THE GREAT and SOVEREIGN GOD, all Praise and Glory to all Eternity!
Come Jesus come!

19th June 2024.    7777 4747 7272 3737  (4+2=6,4+2=6|66==33)
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Kings 2:16-14      =23   
Gospel         – Matthew 6:1-616-18   =47     =142

(18R | 14-11DT | 6,6=66F&Lname)               Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(61+6=67yr | 2+1+6+14=23yr)                   Fr. R. T.
(21+6+14+61+6+16+18=142)                      Fr. R. T. (Full name)
(16+18+2+1=37)(14+16+1+6=37)                  Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname                   Fr. John Pereira. 
(6+1+6+16+18=47)                              Fr. J. P.   
(21+6=27 |(14+6+6+1=27) reversal 72&72Lname   Fr. J. P.
(16,16=77 | 61+16=77)                         Fr. Abel Fernandez.
77/77                            Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
72+72   144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.

(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP-144&144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139
Thought: Beauty is deeper, and it goes beyond.
         Simplicity and Tenderness are words we seldom speak. 
         There is a tenderness in love, that is long forgotten,
         Dare i think such thoughts,
         Dare i speak such words,
         Oh Mary, 
         Full of GRACE, full of WISDOM and complete Loveliness,
         Oh Mary, Star of the Ocean!
         My Heavenly Queen - i am in awe of you!
Come Jesus come!

20th June 2024.   3737 6969 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
Online Eucharistic Adoration-30minutes. Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
First  Reading – Sirach  48:1-14
Gospel         - Matthew  6:7-15 

(48-67-14Dt)                       Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(48+15+14=77)                      Fr. R. T. 
(15+14+1+7=37CG)                   Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(67+6=73) reversal 37CG            Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74)reversal 47Fname         Fr. John Pereira. 
(48+14+7=69 | 48+15+6=69 Lname)    Fr. C. G. 
(14+15+17=46DF)                    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(69+69=138)                        PSALM 138
(138+28=166)                       Fr. Abel Fernandez. (16June=166)
77                                 Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                      Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = 123                      Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
                                   PSALM 123 Supplication for Mercy. 

Thought: From the human perspective, it always becomes us to notice flaw in others. One, it makes us feel we make no mistakes and second of all, we feel we are above everyone else. 
We see flaws in others from our point of woundedness but never associating it to ourselves, but always pointing to the most deprived in society, always thinking that they have sinned, and are suffering for their wrong doings. 
You may push the dirt under the carpet. But there will come a day when the dirt will be made visible. 
It is time to come in reverence to God and make amends for our wrong doings. 
We see flaws in People. We are sinful, we are weak. 
God sees His work of perfection in us. God is Holy!
Fear God!
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine!
Come Jesus come!

21st June 2024.  4848 3737
Day: St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Kings 11:1-49-1820  = 72
Gospel         - Matthew 6:19-23           = 48

(19+14=33)                               Jesus Christ.
(11-14-23Date=48 | 18R-20T=38)           Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(6+19+23=48)                             Fr. R. T.
(6+19+23+18+1=67|6+19+23+18=66)          Fr. R. T.
(20+9+6+19+23=77)                        Fr. R. T.
(23+14=37| 19+11+6+1=37| 19+18=37)       Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37+37=111)                           Fr. C. G. (Hebrews 11:1)
(37+37=74)reversal 47Fname               Fr. John Pereira.
(11+14+9+18+20=72Lname)                  Fr. J. P.
(19+23+4=46)                             Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(11+18=28 | 19+9=28 |23+4+1=28)
Fr. Daniel Fernandes, Fr. John Pereira and Msgr. Alex Rebello.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139
77                               Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = 123                    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
                                 PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy.
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
John 10:10 - I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11

Thought: Looking at the Apostles, the very thought that Jesus was going away was an unthinkable thought, an unbearable feeling. And then Jesus is arrested and taken as a prisoner – was something they could not have understood.
They were gripped with a paralyzing fear of the unknown. And they went into hiding. To them the Death of Jesus, meant the end of everything. 
It is the Resurrection of Jesus that brought a change. Death was no more terrifying, because with it came a Promise of New Life.
The filling of the Holy Spirit made them see and understand all that Jesus had told them, when Jesus was with them.
We got to permit God to work in our lives. And when we do so we must come in a complete trust. 
Read the Bible - For the greatest Miracle of your life! 
Come Jesus come!

22nd June 2024. 2222 Fr. A.N.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Chronicles 24:17-25    R =66F   RT
Gospel          Matthew       6:24-34    =64D   DF  
(24+17+25=66L&Fname)                      Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(25Dt+24Dt+24=73)                         Fr. R. T.
Above reversal 37                         Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(24+6+17=47Fname)                         Fr. John Pereira. 
(24+17+25+6=72Lname)                      Fr. J. P.
(6+24+34=64)reversal 46DF                 Fr. Daniel Fernandes.

66 + 72 = PSALM 138                       Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.

Thought: No matter how the day begins,
         it will come to a halt,
         -as the Sun settles down,
         so to speak.
         But, always have this attitude,
         to give it your best!
         This day will pass!        
Come Jesus come!

23rd June 2024Sunday.   676767-6677|3737|4646|4772|5511|282828
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Job           38:1-48-11  
Second Reading - 2 Corinthians  5:14-17      
Gospel         – Mark           4:35-41
(14+11+8=33)                            Jesus Christ. 
(38RT+14DT+14=66F&Lname)                Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(38+14+14+11DT=77Lname)                 Fr. R. T.
66+77=143 | 67+77=144                   Fr. R. T. & Fr. C. G.
(35+14+14+4=67 | 5+4+41+17=67)          Fr. R. T.
(35+41=76) reversal 67DT                Fr. R. T.
(41+5=46DF 35+11=46)                  Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(5+14+17+1=37)                          Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(35+38=73) reversal 37CG                Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname             Fr. John Pereira. 
(38+5+4=47Fname)                        Fr. J. P.
(38+14+8+11+1=72Lname)                  Fr. J. P.
(47+47+72=166)                          Fr. Abel Fernandez.
(17+38=55/11)                           Fr. AF Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(17+11=28 14+14=28 11+8+4+5=28)  222 & 888 =10 10 10
Fr. Daniel Fernandes, Fr. John Pereira and Msgr. Alex Rebello.

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Fr. Abel Fernandez = 16 = 1+6=7 | Birthday 16 June  = 16 = 1+6=7 
Fr. Abel Fernandez = 77
Then there is the 6 of the 16 where 6=June. 
In the grace of God, 67 & 67 = 1313
1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
77                               Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = 123                    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
                                 PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139
John 10:10 - I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 

Note: Today is my Parent's Wedding Anniversary!

Thought: Nobody knows, if there will ever be a tomorrow.
         And never let that be your question.
         Do your best and give the day all your heart holds. 
         For Time can run out!
         But Love is Always and Eternal!
Come Jesus come!

24th June 202427yrsreversal72 =277  (72,72,72,27-reversal72)(144)
Day: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Isaiah  49:1-6   
Second Reading - Acts    13:22-26        
Gospel         – Luke     1:57-6680    
Psalms 139:1-313-15
1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
(49+16=65Fname |66F&Lname|13DT=144)      Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(66+1=67DT)                              Fr. R. T.
(22+26=48DT)                             Fr. R. T.
(49+1+26+1=77)                           Fr. R. T.
(57+16=73) reversal 37Fname              Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(49+13+1+6=69Lname)                      Fr. C. G.
(13+22+1+1=37CG)                         Fr. C. G.
(80+57+1+1=139)                          Fr. C. G. & Fr. R. T.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname              Fr. John Pereira
(49+22+1=72| 57+13+1+1=72=144)           Fr. J. P.
(66+6=72)   (72+72=144)                  Fr. J. P.
(26+1=27yrsRT)& reversal 72Lname         Fr. J. P. & Fr. R. T.
(26+1+1=28)                              28 
(57+66=123)                        PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy.
(80+57+1=138)                      PSALM 138
(80+57+1+1=139)                    PSALM 139

(49+6=55/11)                Fr. Abel Fernandez & Msgr. Alex Rebello. 
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

77                               Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
72+72   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
72+72   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
        144                    Fr. RT
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Thought: GOD is everything i need! GOD IS my ALL!
Come Jesus come!

25th June 2024.    6767 474747 7272
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Kings 19:9-1114-2131-36 
Gospel         – Matthew  7:612-14   
(1221)                                  ABBA Father!
(14+19=33 12+21=33)                   Jesus Christ.
(33+33=66F&Lname)                       Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(19+9+14+21+31+36+14=144)               Fr. R. T.
(14+14=28DT | 11DT |31+7=38RT )         Fr. R. T.              
(76DT reversal 67 | 31+36=67)           Fr. R. T.
(31+14+19+7+6=77)                       Fr. R. T.
(31+14+11+7+6=69)                       Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(31+6=37 12+14+11=37CG)               Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74)         reversal 47Fname     Fr. John Pereira
(19+9+11+14+21=74) reversal 47Fname     Fr. J. P.
(12+21+14=47)                           Fr. J. P.
(21+6=27)          reversal 72Lname     Fr. J. P.
(12+21+14+14+11=72)                     Fr. J. P.
(14+21+11=46DF)                         Fr. Daniel Fernandes.        
(19+9=28 | 14+14=28 | 21+7=28) 222 & 888 =10 10 10
Fr. Daniel Fernandes, Fr. John Pereira and Msgr. Alex Rebello.
77                               Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
72+72   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
        144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.        
46+77   = 123                    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
                                 PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy. 

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139
Note: Sorry! There was no electricity for about 20 hours. And also we do not get the mobile signals at home. It was much later in the evening when we did receive signals, i could participate in the online celebration of the mass. After the mass, the signal was lost again. We did get the electricity back at 11:00 in the night. Praise God!

Thought: Not facing your troubles or always looking to blame someone else, is not a truthful way of living. So, you can blame someone else for your faults, but does it make you sinless?
When you have made it a habit to pushing troubles like dirt under the carpet or running form the first sign of trouble, you are running away from the truth.
And what I have seen and learnt from others - is that what you think you leave behind (the troubles), they have a way of following you.
In that case you will never find Peace. Peace means doing everything that needs to be done at the right time in the right way and sometimes it could be in difficult situations but always doing looking unto God!
Peace is God’s way in our lives!
Come Jesus come!

26th June 20243737  46464646
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Kings 22:8-1323:1-3  
Gospel         – Matthew  7:15-20

1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
(13+13+7=33 13+20=33)                       Jesus Christ.
(33+33=66)                                    Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(22+8+13+23=66F&Lname)                        Fr. R. T.
(22+8+13+23+1=67DT)                           Fr. R. T.
(22+8+23+20+1+3=77Lname)                      Fr. R. T.
(13+13+8+3=37CG | 22+15=37)                   Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(22+23+20+1+3=69)                             Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74)         reversal 47Fname           Fr. John Pereira
(20+7=27) reversal 72Lname                    Fr. J. P.
(23+20+22+7=72)                               Fr. J. P.
(20+23+3=46)                                  Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  
(7+15+20+1+3=46 |22+20+1+3=46DF |13+20+13=46Fr. D. F.
----46+46+46+46=184 Psalm
18:4 The cords of death encompassed me, the torrents of perdition         assailed me;
(20+8=28 8+7+13=28 13+15=28) 222 & 888 =10 10 10
Fr. Daniel Fernandes, Fr. John Pereira and Msgr. Alex Rebello.
77                               Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
72+72   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = 123                    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
                                 PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
46+46+46= PSALM 138              Fr. Daniel Fernandes.  
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11
Thought: It is an error to think – that when one is stuck in a storm one cannot be at Peace!
No one can give to me that Peace, which my Risen Lord, my Risen King can give!
The TRUTH: The true test of Peace is being in a Storm! And nothing at all should trouble you.
Remember: Your Peace is your TRUST in Jeus a whole 100%.
Come Jesus come!

27th June 2024.  4747         72+28=100
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – 2 Kings 24:8-17
Gospel         – Matthew  7:21-29    

177                              Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(29+8=37)                        Fr. C. G.
(177+37=214Bus-Route)            Fr. C. G. (my WAY HOME)
(24+21+17+7=69Lname)             Fr. C. G.
(21+29+17=67DT)                  Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(28+21+17=66Fname)               Fr. R. T.                 
(21+17=38RT)                     Fr. R. T.    
(17+7+24=48DT)                   Fr. R. T.  
(24+8+21+17+7=77Lname)           Fr. R. T.
(17+29=46DF)                     Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(46+28=74) reversal 47Fname      Fr. John Pereira.
(21+29+24=74 reversal 47         Fr. J. P.
(24+7+24+17=72Lname)             Fr. J. P.  
(47+47+72=166)                   Fr. Abel Fernandez. (16June)
(21+7=28)                        Fr. DF, Fr. JP & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
166 Fr. A. F. + 177 Fr. C. G.
Fr. Abel Fernandez.      =16&16      
Fr. Abel Fernandez.      =11 (1 of the 66 & 77) Updated 280624.
Fr. Abel Fernandez.      =77 (Date & Name)      Updated 280624.
Fr. Christopher Goveas   =(11+6+7+6+7=37=CG) 
Fr. Christopher Goveas   =11 (characters)
Fr. Christopher Goveas   =77 (FirstName)
Fr. Reuben(6) Tellis(6)  =66
Fr. Reuben Tellis        =11 (November)
Fr. Reuben Tellis        =77 (LastName)
Fr. Reuben Tellis        =67year  67&67=13&13
77                               Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                    Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = 123                    Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
                                PSALM 123  Supplication for Mercy.               
66 + 72 = PSALM 138              Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139              Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277            Fr. J. P. 
                               47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139

Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
When the names of Fr. Abel Fernandez and Msgr. Alex Rebello come together, it spells 55:11

Thought: Where there is greed, every attempt to Peace will be futile.
It is Good Intentions to one and all that paves the WAY to PEACE!
Come Jesus come!

28th June 2024.
Day: St. Irenaeus, Bishop-Martyr. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
Eucharistic Adoration Online-Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 30 minutes. 270624
First  Reading – 2 Kings 25:1-12     =   38  
Gospel         – Matthew  8:1-4         

(25+8=33)                         Jesus Christ.  
(12+8=20Lname)                    Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(25+1+12=38RT)                    Fr. R. T.
(25+12=37CG | 25+8+4=37)          Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname       Fr. John Pereira.
(25+1+12+8=46DF)                  Fr. Daniel Fernandes.

(112+11=)        PSALM 123        Psalm-A Supplication for Mercy. 
(112+14=)        PSALM 126        Psalm-A Harvest of Joy!
(112+25=)        PSALM 137        Psalm-of the day.
(112+25+1=)      PSALM 138        Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
(112+25+1+1=)    PSALM 139        Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP. 
(33+20+38+47+46=)PSALM 184        (Above calculations-the left side.)
                 PSALM 18:4       (Above Gospel-Matthew 8:1-4)

PSALM 138 + PSALM 139  = 277      Fr. J. P. 
                                  47Fname 72Lname=reversal=27and7=277
Link: Psalm 139

77                                Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
46+77   = PSALM 123               Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
My mistake, i forgot to add the name of Fr. Abel Fernandez.
166 Fr. A. F. + 177 Fr. C. G.
Fr. Abel Fernandez.      =16&16      
Fr. Abel Fernandez.      =11 (1 of the 66 & 77) Updated 280624.
Fr. Abel Fernandez.      =77 (Date & Name)      Updated 280624.
Fr. Christopher Goveas   =(11+6+7+6+7=37=CG) 
Fr. Christopher Goveas   =11 (characters)
Fr. Christopher Goveas   =77 (FirstName)
Fr. Reuben(6) Tellis(6)  =66
Fr. Reuben Tellis        =11 (November)
Fr. Reuben Tellis        =77 (LastName)
Fr. Reuben Tellis        =67year  67&67=13&13

Thought: To THE GREAT I AM! To my ABBA Father,
         All i have is You Lord!
         This very LIFE, is not mine Lord,
         BUT YOURS!
         You breathed life into me.
         What i breathe is You.
         Therefore, everything i am, 
         Your Life in me...
         Your Breath is LIFE!
         I Love You, Abba Father!        
Come Jesus come!

29th June 2024.  6767 7777 373737=111 3737=47& 4747
Day: St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles. 
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading  – Acts        12:1-11                 
Second  Reading – 2 Timothy    4:6-817-18           
Gospel          – Matthew     16:13-19         

(16+17=33)                           Jesus Christ. 
(16+13+19=48DT)                      Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(17+18+19+12=66F&Lname)              Fr. R. T.
(19|18+1=19 |19+19=38RT |13+17+8=38Fr. R. T.
(38+38=76) reversal 67DT             Fr. R. T.
(16+13+19+18=66F&Lname+1=67)         Fr. R. T.  
(16+17+18+19+6+1=77Lname)            Fr. R. T. 
(12+16+13+19+17=77)                  Fr. R. T. 
(46DF)                               Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(16+17+4=37 |19+18=37CG)|(29+8=37)   Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(37+37+37=111+17=128                 Fr. C. G. 
(13+18+6=37 19+12+6=37CG)          Fr. C. G.
(16+17+18+4+6+8=69Lname)             Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74) reversal 47Fname)         Fr. John Pereira. 
(12+17+18=47Fname 12+4+6+8+17=47)  Fr. J. P.
(13+6+8=27) reversal 72Lname         Fr. J. P. 
(47+47+72=166)                       Fr. Abel Fernandez. (16June)

(11+17=28 |16+6+8+13+1=28 | 16+12=28)
Fr. Daniel Fernandes, Fr. John Pereira and Msgr. Alex Rebello.

Fr. Christopher Goveas 111 & 111(Above)
(111+12=)    PSALM 123         Psalm-A Supplication for Mercy. 
(111+17=)    PSALM 128         Psalm-The Happy Home of the faithful. 
                               Fr. RT. Oh to be in Bandra=128.
(111+13+6+8=)PSALM 138         Psalm-Thanksgiving and Praise. 
(111+4+6+18=)PSALM 139         Psalm-The Inescapable God.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138            Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139            Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138+PSALM 139=277        Fr. JP=47&72F&Lname=reversal=27&7=277
Link: Psalm 139
77                             Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                  Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
67+77   = 144                  Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = PSALM 123            Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
55:11=Fr. Abel Fernandez & Msgr. Alex Rebello.                              
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 

Thought: God is SIMPLE! God's way is LOVE! 
         The closer we come to God the simpler we become.
Come Jesus come!

30th June 2024Sunday.  6767 7777 373737373737
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First  Reading – Wisdom        1:13-15; 2:23-24    
Second Reading - 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15       
Gospel         – Mark          5:21-43           = 69 

(43+5=48DT | 24+8+7+9=48)                  Fr. Reuben Tellis.
(13+15+2+23+24=77Lname)                    Fr. R. T.
(5+21+43+8=77)                             Fr. R. T.
(21+43+2=66F&Lname)                        Fr. R. T.
67DT| 21+43+2+1=67)              Fr. R. T. 
(5+21+43=69Lname)                          Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(8+7+9+13=37CG |15+21+1=37 |13+21+2+1=37)  
Fr. C. G.
(21+8+7+1=37| 21+9+7=37| 15+15+7=37)       
Fr. C. G. 
(37+37+37)|(37+37+37)=111+111              Fr. C. G. 
(8:7,9, 13-15= 9+8/7= 17/7=177)            Fr. C. G.    
=13+15=28+9=37 | 177+37=214(Home)          Fr. CGBandra Bus Route.  
Fr. John Pereira.     
(23+21+13+15=72Lname)                      Fr. J. P. 
(23+21+2=46DF |24+21+1=46 |43+3=46)        
Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(46+77=)     PSALM 123         Psalm-A Supplication for Mercy. 
(46+77+5=)   PSALM 128         Psalm-The Happy Home of the faithful. 
                               Fr. RT. Oh to be in Bandra=128.
(46+46+46=)  PSALM 138         Psalm-Thanksgiving and Praise. 
(46+46+46+1=)PSALM 139         Psalm-The Inescapable God.  

(13+15=28) (21+7=28) (13+15=28)
Fr. Daniel Fernandes, Fr. John Pereira and Msgr. Alex Rebello.

66 + 72 = PSALM 138            Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139            Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138+PSALM 139=277        Fr. JP=47&72F&Lname=reversal=27&7=277
Link: Psalm 139
77                             Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP Fr. AF.
67+77   = 144                  Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
67+77   = 144                  Fr. RT Fr. CG Fr. JP.
46+77   = PSALM 123            Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
55:11=Fr. Abel Fernandez & Msgr. Alex Rebello.                              
Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 
1 Corinthians 13:13 - So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Thought: Choose to live a meaningful life. Choose simplicity and choose to be humble always. Keep an open mind.
A simple – humble mind seeks God!
Come Jesus come!


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