Thursday, May 19, 2022

Be Encouraged!

A Priest words have more impact, than anybody else. Therefore I add 
Fr. Daniel Fernandes' words of encouragement. (Mt. Carmel Church, Bandra West.)

On Good Friday
Father forgive them for they know not what they do?
Fr. Daniel: Can someone tell me how Jesus could forgive His enemies? Don’t tell me because He was God.
Jesus never seen anyone as His enemy. (It is something so simple and true and you know it but to be told in that simplistic manner, I never thought it that way. But yes. This line is forever etched in my heart.) That’s why He says Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, who hurt you.
Jesus endured our poverty that we might share in His abundance.
Jesus bore our shame that we might share in His glory.
Jesus was punished, that our sins might be forgiven.
Jesus was wounded, that we might be healed.
Jesus was made sinful with our sinfulness, 
that we may be made righteous, with His righteousness.
Jesus bore our curse that we might share His blessing.
Jesus endured our rejection, 
that we might have His acceptance with the Father.
Jesus died our death, that we might receive eternal life.
God forms us. 
Sin deforms us.
Jesus transforms us! 
He takes our place and He says I died for you.
Oh Jesus, agonizing on the Cross, have mercy on me a sinner. Amen.

At a Eucharistic Adoration
Jesus promises us to never give up on us
The scriptures are a living testament of this great promise how God never never never gives up
Adam and Eve disobeyed the very first rule.
Abraham wandered Sarah laughed. BUT GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
Moses hid and shook with fear. GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
Saul went insane. GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
David plotted against Uriah. BUT GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
Israel fell into pieces. GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
John the Baptist was beheaded. GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
Peter denied he even knew Jesus and 
Judas betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver. GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
The disciples all ran away. BUT GOD NEVER GAVE UP!
This is our God He never gives up on us
He will never give up on you.
Dear brothers and sisters let us look at JESUS
We look at Jesus with faith and believe!
Jesus is our strength. He is our inspiration. He is our Hope.

Breathe in the presence of Jesus
Be strengthened, be comforted.
Feel the care, the warmth and love of Jesus.
Bring before the Lord all your experiences
There are days when we feel like Paul, 
we just want to write letters and strengthen everyone.
There are days when we feel like Peter, 
we just want to deny everything and everyone.
There are days when we feel like Job, 
we want to die and end the pain and suffering.
There are days when we feel like Solomon, 
we want Godly advice to make good decisions.
There are days when we feel like Jonah, 
we just want to escape our responsibilities.
There are days when we feel like Moses, 
afraid of not being able to speak.
There are days when we feel like the Good Samaritan, 
we want to do good, no matter what.
There are days when we feel strong, 
like Joshua and Caleb ready for war.
There are days when like Jeremiah, 
we feel the anguish in our heart is too great.
There are days when we feel like Daniel, 
our strength is in prayer and no one can stop us.
There are days when we feel like Elijah, 
we prefer to hide in the cave.
There are days when like David and Miriam, 
we feel like singing and dancing.
There are days when we feel like Hannah, 
we don't really want to eat we just want to cry.
There are days when we have faith like Abraham, 
to win it all, to jump over walls and overcome armies.
There are days when we look at the hills 
and wonder where will my help come from?
Dear brothers and sisters, this does not mean that we are strong or weak. It means that we are just human and have limits and therefore we need Gods power to accomplish our daily purposes on Earth.
I don't know what your day is like today. But remember whatever your day is like, our Heavenly Father is with you, now, today, tomorrow and forever.
As we surrender, we open our Hearts to Him. With all our experiences, both pleasant and unpleasant, and we know and believe, that in His Time, all things are beautiful.

Come Back to ME-come back HOME (Homecoming)
Now is the TIME
We will open up our hearts. We will not shy away, we will not feel ashamed. We will welcome JESUS into our hearts into our lives.
Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door of your heart and knock and if you listen and if you open I will come. I will dwell.
The lord is waiting. The Lord is knocking at the door of our hearts.
Won’t you open?
Now is the time of our HOMECOMING
Open the door of your heart.
And Into our Fathers embrace.

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