Sunday, September 18, 2011


I believe the main thing that changes us, is to know about God’s love for us. Have you seen what someone in love looks like? It's easy to recognize; there's a glow about that person; something coming from deep down inside.

When you truly come to know the love of God, the height the depth and the breadth of it you will be changed forever. Ephesians 3:17
Love is the one thing that changes everyone for the better. Love motivates us to change. When someone loves us we want to be good to them in return; we want to look better and be kinder. Love can soften the hardest of hearts, but without love, hearts become hard and unhappy.

Jesus being the son of God, died for each and every one of us. How hard it must have been for God the Father to give up His only Son? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3: 16 We truly have a Father in Heaven who loves us. And I can promise you this, if you were the only person on this Earth, our Father and Christ would each do the same thing. Even, if it was just for you and nobody else. 

God has so much love for each one of us. How can we put anything in the world before Him? How can we go throughout each day and not even take the time to talk to Him.

Jesus said, The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that you might have life and life abundant. John 10:10
Jesus is talking about that abundance in our souls that can only come from knowing God. For a change that endures, we must start on the inside by letting go of all of the past hurts and wounds, and allowing the love of the Lord to do its work. We must put aside the negative thoughts and words spoken about us – by ourselves and by others – and look into the Word and find out what God thinks of us. When we do, an amazing thing happens; God's love changes us.

It's hard for us to comprehend how much God really loves us – that He would send His son to die for our sins, and to give us the abundant life. God loves us and wants to be involved in the tiniest details of our lives. He cares about your child that's wandered away. He cares about the heartaches you've had since childhood. He cares that you need a job.  Jesus cares… We must let Him enter into those places and repair the damage with His love. God alone can love us through those hard times. We can trust our Father because He's faithful to finish what He has begun.

God’s love is what should matter the most. It feels good to be loved. But, not all the people will love you back. From, my point of view, I have experienced that there are people who could live their whole lives just being indifferent to every emotion ever expressed. What I’m trying to say is don’t be disappointed when people don’t reciprocate to the love shown. And don’t ever give up on love. Because, there is God and there is somebody out there who loves you. And this article, is a dedication to God's amazing love and to you, because you are Gods most prized possession, you are His masterpiece. My friend, always know this that God the Father loves you. He has you safe in the palm of His hands. The most Powerful force in the universe is backing you up because, HE is the God who LOVES YOU.

Just for your information:
25 percent of the people will always love you (that includes me)
25 percent of the people don’t know you exist.
25 percent of the people are indifferent to you.
25 percent of the people simply don’t care (I think hate is a strong word & so I have refrained from using it here).

REMEMBER: Friends, remember God loves us! He wants us to talk to Him, to rely on Him, to trust in Him. It is my prayer and my challenge for each of us to come to know God just a little better in our lives. He has done so much for us so that we can return to be with Him, let's all take a little more effort of our own to show our love, to The One who undeniably, deserves all our love and attention.

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