Saturday, December 1, 2018

How CAN this BE?

When the Angel said to Mary, 'You’re going to bear a Son,' Mary was not married. Mary marvelled at God’s grace in choosing her. God had chosen her for a task that was humanly impossible. But despite her fear and confusion, Mary asked a simple question, "How can this be?" She asked to understand the situation. Mary realized the problems, yet she calmly trusted that if this was God's plan for her it had to be the best plan.

God specializes in the impossible! We cannot handle a task on our own. We have to be willing to get out of the way, let God take over, and let Him overshadow us. 

Mary was willing to endure the ridicule, the loss of reputation and even the possible stoning, if the people realized that she was with child. Mary offered herself to God as a living sacrifice.
When God puts challenging circumstances in our lives, we mostly complain with a ‘why me’ attitude. But not Mary, Mary responded in worship and praise. The Magnificat is the greatest hymn of praise to the Most High God for the marvels He works in those who trust Him.

The Virgin Mary, with joy gave birth to her only son Jesus. 

Our Lady lived a simple and silent life. The three times the Gospels mention Mary say something is one at the annunciation and then when Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the temple after 3 days of looking out for Him and then again when Mary asks Jesus’s help at the wedding of Cana, where there was shortage of wine.

God did not spare her pain, or trials. By faith, Mary was the closest in proximity with the Blessed Trinity. This is the real essence of her silence. Mary is always in conversation with the heart of God. No silence there.
Always open to the will of God, her faithfulness in God’s promises never wavered, even in the most difficult situations.

Mary in obedience lets the Word sink into her mind and her heart so as to understand what the Lord wants of her. Mary reflects deeply and ponders on all the events in her life.
Mary was there during Jesus' ministry, His trial and His crucifixion. She endured a mother's anguish as she watched her Son die a brutal death.
At Calvary, as Jesus laid down His life, Mary surrendered her Son for the salvation and the redemption of the world.

Christ’s words “Behold your mother!” John 19:27. 
John received from Jesus, Mary to be his mother. John represented Jesus to Mary. We are represented by John. Jesus gives us His Mother as our mother; He places us under her care. Mary does not leave us alone. As a mother she stood by Jesus and as a mother she stands by us.

Like the servants at the wedding at Cana, we must be willing to serve-we must bring our water to Jesus that He may change it into wine. It is our nothingness which becomes the richness of God blessed by His Almighty hand.
With Mary’s intercession and doing as Jesus tells us, we learn from Mary to have, as she did, full confidence in His Word.
Mary interceded on behalf of the couple. Mary continues to intercede for all of us.

St. Joseph was faithful. He kept the commandments of God without wavering. To this humble and holy man God added the lives of the Virgin Mary and of Jesus, our Lord. Joseph the (foster-earthly) father of Jesus and the husband of Mary, lived a simple life. 

Joseph was a carpenter by profession and he was a man of perseverance too. He waited patiently in a total surrender to God. He was firm in his faith.
Joseph had concerns over Mary's pregnancy and planned to distance himself from her in a loving manner. When the Angel appeared to him in a dream, Joseph obeyed God's plan for their lives. Joseph learned that Mary had conceived through the Holy Spirit. In all obedience, Joseph, served the will of God and lived honourably with Mary as his wife.

Sometimes God asks us to do things that bring criticism from those around us. The true test of our faith and trust comes in our obedience to God.

The Son of God, was born in a manger. Angels celebrated His birth, and shepherds came to adore Him.

The King of Judea ordered an execution of all babies under the age of two. The Angel in a dream told Joseph to flee with the child from Herod, (as Herod wants the baby killed) and take refuge with his family in Egypt. Trusting her husband, Mary follows Joseph with Jesus to Egypt. The Angel tells Joseph ‘remain there till I tell you.’ Joseph obeys and believes what has been spoken.
Joseph rose when the Angel tells him that those who sought the child’s life are dead. Joseph returns with his family to the district of Galilee in a city called Nazareth.

Joseph saw the wisdom of God in everything he was guided to do. 

Mary did not run to tell Joseph what the Angel told her at the annunciation. Mary kept it all to herself. Joseph had his concerns. He did not accuse Mary. Both could have pressed the panic button. But they relied on God to take care of them. Mary relied on God for Joseph’s understanding. And Joseph was patient. He thought of Mary in all kindness and his actions were kind. The Spirit of God worked in and through them without them speaking a word with each other.


When the moment comes to present the Child in the temple, Joseph, offers a pair of turtledoves. Prophets Simeon and Anna proclaim Jesus as the Messiah- Jesus’s father and mother marvelled at what was said about Him.

I read this somewhere - Get to know Joseph and you will find Jesus. Talk to Joseph and you will find Mary.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, tied to each other by the nerves (chords) of the heart.

Years back when me and my friends were speaking about the obedience aspect of marriage, they were completely discontented with the thought. I understood what they were saying. I did not agree. I was quiet when this question came up, what if one does all the right things and gets a bad husband. A big question that made me wonder and wonder I did for quiet sometime over the years, whenever the thought came about. Yes, I understand the concept on God’s will. But it was still an incomplete answer.

Example: One is sober and gets married to a drunkard. He comes home drunk and is nasty? He disrupts the peace and destroys the happiness of the family especially the kids. Difficult to love? How can one then be obedient in such circumstances? And wouldn't this be a valid point?
It made me think.

The sentence below, I have read before and yes years after the conversation with friends, but it never struck me then.
“A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.”

four months back, I began to see the whole picture through the eyes of the Spirit of God. I write…..
The Corrected version in and with the Spirit of God:-which makes perfect sense actually: “A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man who has sought God finds her.

When the two find each other, it is they found God Who brings them together.

And then I found Louis and Zelie and everything fell in place.

On the Bridge of St. Leonard, as they passed each other walking over the bridge, Zelie felt the inspiration of the Holy Spirit – “This is the man I have prepared for you.”

Louis and Zelie grew in awareness of their love for one another. Both, understood that their marriage was a call to holiness. Three months later, on July 12, 1858, Louis and Zelie were married.
After exchanging their wedding vows, Louis presented Zelie with a silver medallion he had designed and engraved on it were - Sarah and Tobias. He understood through Tobit that God would guide them on their marital journey, and they would receive from God all they needed to be healed of the evils that would afflict them.

Louis had initially intended to become a monk, but was rejected because he did not know Latin well enough. Zelie wanted to become a nun, but was turned away by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul due to respiratory difficulties.
It was total resignation to the will of God – with which their marriage journey began.

In a letter to her daughter Pauline, Zelie wrote about Louis, that their feelings were always in accord and he was always a comfort and support .
As an act of love toward his wife and total gift of himself, Louis gave up his career, to help Zelie in her lace business. 

While on her deathbed Zelie writes- from time to time Louis would hold her in his arms like a child.
Theirs was a love-filled 19 years togetherness. It was also filled with tragically painful times. Of the nine children; four died in childhood. 
In her letters-Zelie reveals Louis as sensitive and supportive husband and father, full of passion with a wide range of emotions. Humorous, always patient and understanding. A devoted family man to his wife and children, as well as Zelie’s family, whom he embraced as his own.
After Zelie’s death, Louis, moved to Lisieux to live close to Zelie’s brother, his wife and their children in order to be a part of their family life. This gave Louis and his children the warmth of an extended family. This sacrifice, meant that he would no longer live close to his mother, his family. He gave up most everything including his favourite pastime of fishing and walking in the beautiful Normandy pastures and woods, and the hermitage where he engaged in prayer.

Five children – all of whom became nuns.
The youngest, known as Therese of Lisieux, was reportedly described by Pope Pius X as "the greatest saint of modern times". She was raised to sainthood in 1925 by Pope Pius XI and in 1997 made a Doctor of the Church by Pope John Paul II.
Louis and Zelie Martin, parents of Therese of Lisieux, were canonized as saints, becoming the first spouses in the Church’s history to be canonized as a couple.

Who says there can’t be perfection in a marriage? Look at the love and respect and obedience in the marriage of Joseph-Mary, the parents of Jesus & Louis-Zelie, when speaking of people in everyday life.
Obedience to God, obedience to the Priest and obedience to (each-previously typing error) the other-from the wife to the husband . A perfect marriage is the culmination of knowing the Holy Trinity and having God reside in the heart of the persons, it is what we call – when two become ONE.

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