Thursday, October 3, 2024

Online & LIVE Mass 52 - OCTOBER 2024.

Note: I hope this is easier to understand, as it covers all the calculations.

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Isaiah 55:11 - so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
55:11       Fr. Abel Fernandez. & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
[77]       Fr.RT. Fr.CG. Fr.JP. Fr.AF. & Fr.AC. & Fr.DF.
                                              (Fr. Ashlyn Chand.)
[67+77=144] Fr.RT. Fr.CG. Fr.JP.
[72+72=144] Fr. Reuben Tellis. Fr. Christopher Goveas. Fr.JP.  

46 77 = PSALM 123        Fr. DF.
66 + 72 = PSALM 138        Fr. RT. & Fr. CG. Fr. JP.
67 + 72 = PSALM 139        Fr. CG. Fr. RT. Fr. JP.  
PSALM 138+PSALM 139=277    Fr. JP=47&72F&Lname=reversal=27&7=277
Link: Psalm 139
PSALM 123                  Psalm-Supplication for mercy. 
PSALM 128                  Psalm-The Happy Home of the faithful. 
                           Fr. RT. Oh to be in Bandra=128.
PSALM 139                  Psalm-Thanksgiving and Praise.  
PSALM 139                  Psalm-The Inescapable God.
(28) (28(28) = 20 August(8) = 28 my Home.
Fr. Daniel Fernandes & Fr. John Pereira & Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(28) (144+144=288) ((28+288=316)) (Fr. RT & Fr. CG & Fr. JP=144)
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
NOTEPSALM 138 + PSALM 139 + PSALM 123 = 400
Genesis 15:13 - Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know of a surety that your descendants will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and will be slaves there, and they will be oppressed for four hundred years;
God shows Abram that Israel will be enslaved (in Egypt) for 400 years.
[PSALM 138 | PSALM 139] = 138+139=277 PSALM
[66+72=138 | 67+72=139] = 138+139=277
[67+77=144 | 72+72=144] = 144+144=288
[66+67=133 |66+67=133]  = 133+133=266(Dt:1,2,3,4,9,14,15,17,21,25Aug)
[[277+288+266=831 reverse 138 PSALM]]

Isaiah 2:22 - Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?
Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem? Isaiah 2:22 is a powerful reminder of God telling us, don’t put your trust in man. 
Place all your trust in GOD. God is our Creator-God is Eternal. His promises are everlasting. God is faithful.
Acts 2:22 - Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know
The Bible describes many powerful works and wonders and signs that God did through Jesus. Jesus controlled the storm, Jesus fed thousands. Jesus healed the sick, and even brought the dead back to life.

To further understand the numbers kindly refer to:
On the Psalms

My Prayer:
God, i praise Your Holy Name.
i thank You; Almighty God for Your faithfulness is a rock upon which we can build our lives.
Help me, oh God to come to You in trust with all my pain-my helplessness and the accusations. It is most difficult Lord, to face such hatred-bitterness. Help me oh Lord, to trust that ‘You have a way for me even when I see no way out’.
When i say, i trust You my God, i pray that with a knowing, that You have the best plan for my life.
Oh God, help me a poor weakling! Help me to grow in Your Grace, knowing to trust You in everything.
Jesus, You are my Hope.
Jesus, You are The Eternal Truth.
GOD-You are my ALWAYS!

Thank You, Abba Father.
Thank You, Jesus.
Thank You, Holy Spirit.

1st October 2024
Day: St. Therese of Lisieux, Virgin, Doctor of the Church.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – Isaiah  66:10-14       
Gospel         – 
Matthew 18:1-4         

(66F&Lname |66+1=67)                Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(66+10=76reversal) 67DT             Fr. R. T.
(14+14+10=38RT)                     Fr. R. T.   
(18+14+4+1=37CG)                    Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(18+1+10+14+4=47Fname)              Fr. John Pereira.
(18+10+14+4=46DF)                   Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
[66+67=133 + 144=] 277 PSALM        Fr. R. T.
(66+10+14+18+1+4=113F&Lname)        Fr. Abel Fernandez.


Come Jesus come!

2nd October 2024
Day: Guardian Angels.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – Exodus  23:20-23       =66 Fr. RT.
Gospel         – 
Matthew 18:1-510     =34  ==(100-PSALM)

(18+15=33 |23+10=33 |23+10=33)
(23+20+5=48 |23+20+5=48)
[46+46+46=] 138 PSALM
[38+48+47=133] [66+67=
133] ==266


Come Jesus come!

3rd October 2024.     6770 = 137
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading  – Job    19:21-27             = 67 Fr. RT.
Gospel         – Luke   10:1-12              =
                 Psalms 27:7-913-14        70 Msgr. AR.

(1221)                                   Abba Father.
(12+21=33                              Jesus.
(19+21+27=67DT)                          Fr. Reuben Tellis.  
(27+27+12=66F&Lname)                     Fr. R. T.
(21+27=48DT |21+27=48)                   Fr. R. T. 
[48+48+46=142Fullname]                   Fr. R. T. 
(27&27reversal) 72&72                    Fr. John Pereira.
(13+14=27 |19+7+1=27reversal) 72&72      Fr. J. P. 
(19+27+1=47 |27+19+1=47Fname)            Fr. J. P.      
[72+72=144 + 72+72=144 = = 288]
(19+27=46 |27+19=46DF)                   Fr. Daniel Fernandes. 
[46+46+47=] 139 PSALM
(47+47+72=166L&FName&DT)                 Fr. Abel Fernandez.
(27+7+9+13+14=70)                        Msgr. Alex Rebello
(10+27=37CG |10+27=37}                   Fr. Christopher Goveas.
(|13+14+10=37 |27+9+1=37)                Fr. C. G.
(37+37=74reversal) 47Fname               Fr. J. P.
(37+37+37=111)                           Hebrews 11:1 
[111+12=]  123 PSALM
[111+17=]  128 PSALM
[111+27=]  138 PSALM
[111+27+1=]139 PSALM
(10+7=17 | 17= 1717)                     John 17:17

Psalms 27:7-9, 13-14
7Hear, O LORD, when I cry aloud, be gracious to me and answer me! 8Thou hast said, "Seek ye my face." My heart says to thee, "Thy face, LORD, do I seek." 9Hide not thy face from me. Turn not thy servant away in anger, thou who hast been my help. Cast me not off, forsake me not, O God of my salvation! 13I believe that I shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! 14Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yea, wait for the LORD!

288ccc Thus the revelation of creation is inseparable from the revelation and forging of the covenant of the one God with his People. Creation is revealed as the first step towards this covenant, the first and universal witness to God's all-powerful love. And so, the truth of creation is also expressed with growing vigor in the message of the prophets, the prayer of the psalms and the liturgy, and in the wisdom sayings of the Chosen People.
28*6 = 168
168ccc It is the Church that believes first, and so bears, nourishes and sustains my faith. Everywhere, it is the Church that first confesses the Lord: "Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you", as we sing in the hymn "Te Deum"; with her and in her, we are won over and brought to confess: "I believe", "We believe". It is through the Church that we receive faith and new life in Christ by Baptism. In the Rituale Romanum, the minister of Baptism asks the catechumen: "What do you ask of God's Church?" And the answer is: "Faith." "What does faith offer you?" "Eternal life."

76 Days | 76 Days in the Song “Flowers”
28+10=38 (Diagonal 28+20=48)
18+20=38 (Diagonal 18+10=28)
      76                 76
76+76=152  |  76+77=153
Come Jesus come!

4th October 2024
Day: First Friday.
Day: St. Francis of Assisi.
Other Priest Online mass.                                  (1st mass)
First Reading – Job    38:112-2140:3-5  
Gospel        – Luke   10:13-16         
                PSALM 139:1-37-1013-14     This line=187 & 187.  
38+10=48 Fr. RT. & Psalm 139 = 187

(1221)                                        Abba Father.
(12+21=33)                                    Jesus.
(13-13-13)                                    1 Corinthians 13:13 
(16+1=14 |17 = =1717)                         John 17:17    
(38+10+13+16=77Lname |12+21+40+3+1=77)        Fr. Reuben Tellis. 
(38+10=48DT |40+3+5=48)                       Fr. R. T. 
(13+14+7+10+1+3=48)                           Fr. R. T. 
(10+21+7=38 |38RT)                            Fr. R. T. 
[38+38=76 reversal 67DT]                      Fr. R. T.
(12+21+40+3=76 reversal) 67                   Fr. R. T. 
(my note above for 03102024)
(38+1+12+21=72Lname)                          Fr. John Pereira.  
(13+13+1=27 |13+12+1+1=27reversal) 72&72      Fr. J. P.  
(16+8+3=27 |13+14=27reversal) 72&72           Fr. J. P.  
(38+1+12+21+40=112F&Lname)                    Msgr. Alex Rebello.
(13+3=16 | 16 ==1616F&Lname&DT)               Fr. Abel Fernandez.
(12+21+13=46DF |10+12+21+3=46 |10+35=45Fname) Fr. Daniel Fernandes.
(13+21+3=37CG |16+21=37|12+21+3+1=37)         Fr. Christopher Goveas.
[37+37+37=111                               Hebrews 11:1
[111+12   =] 123 PSALM
[111+16+1 =] 128 PSALM
[111+13+14=] 138 PSALM
[111+16+12=] 139 PSALM
[138+139  =] 277 PSALM

(13+40+3=56 | 40+16=56)
(13+7+10+13+14=57 = =18|19|20SEP2012)

Come Jesus come!

5th October 2024.
Day: First Saturday.
6th October 2024Sunday. 
7th October 2024
Day: Our Lady of the Rosary.
8th October 2024
9th October 2024
10th October 2024.
11th October 2024.
Day: St. John XXIII
12th October 2024.
Day: Bl. Carlo Acutis.
13th October 2024Sunday. 
14th October 2024.
15th October 2024.
Day: St. Teresa of Avila.
16th October 2024.
Day: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
17th October 2024.
Day: St. Ignatius of Antioch.
18th October 2024. 
Day: St. Luke
19th October 2024.
20th October 2024Sunday. 
21st October 2024.
22nd October 2024.
Day: St. John Paul II
23rd October 2024.
24th October 2024.
25th October 2024.
26th October 2024.
27th October 2024Sunday. 
28th October 2024.
Day: St. Simon & St. Jude.
My Father's Birthday.
29th October 2024.
30th October 2024.
31st October 2024.
Other Priest Online ----.                                  (1st ----)
First  Reading –
Second Reading –
Gospel         –

Come Jesus come!


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