Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The TRUTH .. Part 1

My People,

Good Morning! To me the 2 words I begin within this letter means HOPE. Every day is a new beginning and I wish for you everything wonderful.
I wish you LOVE – A whole world of it.
I wish you JOY - We all require it.
I wish you HAPINESS – A whole load of laughter just like my Abba Father. Laugh with all your heart – like the sound of Thunder.

Mark 1:11 states: and a voice came from heaven, “Thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased.”

Yesterday, the 4th November, 2014 - I was to post this on the blog. The Spirit of God advised me to hold on.

Day 1st November (1-11), 2014 – On my way from work, I was already late for the mass. I kept looking at my cell and counting the minutes. I heard Jesus tell me, ‘I don’t count the minutes, I count your presence.’ I kept my cell back.


There is this lady who does read in the Church. And she is a little peculiar (odd behaviour). While doing the reading she kind of looks at everyone like saying you, you and you. But that’s not odd, because she takes the effort to practise before hand on the reading, which is a good thing. What seems odd though is that after the reading, while still on the altar, she will suddenly fold her hands and bow while maintaining silence. The first time I saw, I was a little baffled. It is kind of a holier than thou image. Isn’t that sad?

I thought that maybe I could be wrong. One fine day, this same lady, was seated on the first bench in the Church and talking on her cell, so much for holiness.

We don’t need to prove to be holy to anyone. Holy is how we come to be in our daily association with God.

Paul states: You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our behavior to you believers; 1 Thessalonians 2:10
Blameless means to have no deceit of any kind. No impure thoughts. Paul was a free man. He lived a blameless life.

Day 31st October, 2014 – I am on my way to work. At 6:15 am. I pass Mt. Carmels Church. Fr. Ashlyn lifts the ‘Holy Eucharist’ - The Body of Christ. I couldn’t believe the Eucharist was such a huge circle that I couldn’t see the face. I know what I saw.

The funny thing about life is that some people are always meant to climb and get to be at the top of the ladder. They become the top bosses. Funny because when at the bottom they always have bad things to say of the one at the top and when they find their way to getting there they forget how really bad it is. They become the bad they saw in others.

Rarely will you come across, a person who is really humble being at the top. Forget the ratio. I will give you an example right now I think you would agree, Pope Francis, the true Jesus.

Coming back to the 31st October, 2014 – Jesus drew my attention to Himself, saying that no matter what heights in life we climb, and the higher we go, that much more humble we must become. Jesus became even more humble to explain to me from that distance I was at. He made Himself visible to me, to draw my attention.


Of all the goals people have, it will be almost impossible to get there without discipline.
When we sit quiet in the presence of God, we also need to trust in God completely. 
When God asks us to do something, we cannot do it successfully unless we lean on Him. John 15:5 says …Apart from Me you can do nothing.
Some of the best moments of my life are spent simply sitting quietly in God’s presence, letting Him know that I am nothing without His Will.
I believe when we want good results, we need to let God take charge and bring out the best in us, as He knows what is our requirement.
In the beginning, disciplining oneself can be difficult, only because one does it by themselves. But every time one listens to God, doing His Will, it gets a little easier.

Remember, you have what it takes. Draw on God’s power to help you achieve what is in His Will for you.

Following God’s Will is the hardest thing to do. Surrender to God and ask God what He wants for you-the answer will come and you will feel contentment.


Day 26th October, 2014 - 10:15 am mass - I loved the way this priest in particular delivered the homily on love. It was spectacular and I enjoyed listening. I do not know his name but the day I do, I will update the name here. Its 2 days before my dad’s birthday.

Paul in 2 Timothy 4:1-5 states: I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.


God’s calling on all of us, is to help people grow up to have the abundant life Jesus died for us all to have.
If ever there is something that I could say to you, my words would be to remind you that you are loved by the Almighty God and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. And if there is something that needs  to be corrected in either you or me then I pray to the Almighty God that He guide us both with His wisdom and give us the grace that we need to take the right step boldly and with Love.

Our life is a living sermon. At work or at any place that we are - our life is for and to encourage others by showing them the love of God. Remember, actions speak louder than words.
We are the children of the most High God and our life should be such that it reflects the love of God. You and I must become the heart that is enflamed with love and draws other hearts to the One that bleeds with love for all.
With God we are safe even in the hardest of times. Our lives should reflect our faith in the Truth.

We must be prepared to leave our Comfort Zones. Living in the world means we’re always going to see things and hear things that make us a little uncomfortable. And that’s OK. Sometimes God places us in situations where we’re uncomfortable. All we need to do is let our light shine.

These are tough times and we need God more than ever. Let us be His light into the darkest areas of the world. Amen.


God gives us His strength, comfort and help at all times. In John 16:7 Jesus uses several words to describe the incredible work of the Holy Spirit.

Comforter - The Holy Spirit knows us better than anyone else, and when life is painful, He becomes our strength and healing right where we hurt.

Counselor - The Holy Spirit is our Counselor, and as we seek Him, He can reveal in a few moments things we could never discover on our own.

Helper - The truth - the Holy Spirit is concerned about everything that concerns each and every one of us. The more we acknowledge the Holy Spirit and ask for help, the more we’ll discover His presence and ability in everything we do.

Advocate - The Holy Spirit, pleads to God on our behalf. He’s not only our Advocate to the Father, but the Holy Spirit also accompanies us through life—defending us at all times. Whatever the situation take comfort knowing that God Himself is on our side.

Intercessor - The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf to the Father and He also comes to our aid and helps us to pray that perfect prayer when we don’t know what or how to pray. Romans 8:26
1 Corinthians 2:11 says no one knows the mind of God except the Spirit of God.

Strengthen - Isaiah 40:29 says that God …gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength.
We need to ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us—because every single one of us requires God’s strength to accomplish His will in our lives.
The Holy Spirit is waiting for an opening in our lives…waiting for us to ask for His comfort, counsel, guidance, and help. He is with us everywhere we go.

Three things - keep the Spirit of God at a distance.

  • Complaining keeps us from being thankful for all God has done, is doing and will do. Be determined to thank God in all things, at all times
  • Self-pity is simply a 'poor me' attitude.
  • Pride takes credit for what God has done and steals His glory. 

Lean on the Spirit of God with absolute trust in His wisdom and goodness.

With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!


The Truth

I’d like to begin with the words ‘Forever has no end.'
When LOVE is true,
I could die each day with all the Love in my heart for you.
These are my words forever, I LOVE YOU, and I DO.
When life presents those moments when you feel blue,
My heart will race to be with you.
There is no other who could feel the way I feel about you.
Forever is my promise and  
Forever I love you!

PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.

PROMISES: 111, 1111, 1313, 444 & 5511 & Promise of Lilies at Mt. Carmel's.
Everything I am, I gladly surrender. Your will be done. 
Holy Spirit help me. I can’t do anything without you. I am helpless, I need Your help.

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