Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mighty God

I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.
Your ways, God, are holy.

Me and my brother loved watching cartoons together, one of our favourites was, He-man. During that half an hour, the television did all the talking. If you have ever watched an episode of He-man, then you definitely would know that when He-man lifted his sword in the air, and said, 'By the power of Grey-skull, I have the power,' you knew in that instant that skeletor and his army were going down. 

But God is the Almighty. He is all knowing and there is none like Him. In the Bible, we come to the realization, of the fact that God is not a one time wonder. Sarah laughed at the message that came from God. Sarah thought it was too late in life for her to have a child. The answer that came back was: 'Is anything too wonderful(hard) for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son'. And Sarah, did bear a son, Isaac.
Job experienced many tragedies in his life. We know how deep and piercing his experiences were - In Job 42 he said: 'I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be with-hold from thee'. Job knew that he served ‘The God of the impossibles'! God restored to Job everything in twice the measures.
In Luke 1:37. Mary was told, that she was to conceive and bear a Son, Jesus - Mary exclaimed 'How shall this be?' The archangel Gabriel replied, 'For nothing shall be impossible with God'.

The omnipotent God, the Almighty God, out of nothingness, brought the world into existence, with a mere word He scattered the heavens and space with stars, and to this very day He sustains it all perfectly with the power of His word. This is the God that brought the Israelites out of Egypt's bondage, the God of the Red Sea who took them across that great ocean miraculously. This is the God of the wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel, who sustained the pilgrim people through the desert for 40 years!
This is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the God who spoke to His Son and through His Son, and wrought wonders in this world that it has never seen nor will ever see the like of! This is the God who, in Christ, reconciled the world unto Himself.
Jesus, the Word of God, came in human flesh - He did not cease to be what He always was, as God, but He became something that He had never been, man. Jesus, said to Philip: 'If you've seen me, you have seen the Father'. In His life on earth, He chose to live as a man totally dependent upon God (The Father) - but He was still God. He lived in total humility. Because He was made flesh, because of His incarnation, He understands our struggles.

'This God, the One who, in answer to prayers of an ordinary man, (Joshua-in the Bible) stopped the sun in its course, and Joshua went to win the biggest battle in that day itself. There has never been a day like that day ever, especially considering that God heard and granted the prayer of a common man.

For 120 years, Noah worked on constructing the ark. Noah was able to faithfully fulfill God’s will because He had received God’s vision for his life.

Abraham obediently left his home with his family to the place God was leading him to.  At 86 years, Abraham was promised a son. Isaac was born to Abraham, when he was a 100 years. At the call of God, he was willing to sacrifice his only son. He believed that God knew what he was doing. As Paul wrote in his epistle to the Romans: "Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised" (Romans 4:20-21).

David was a shepherd boy. David was chosen to be a king at the age of 17years. He was crowned at the age of 30.  In the Bible(Psalms), David writes about his own walk with the Lord. What we learn is that David praised the lord through the good and bad times.

REMEMBER: This God is my God, The Almighty God, this is the God to whom I come. This God is the One whose promises I am counting on. Whatever my predicament may be, as soon as I compare it with the circumstances surrounding the miracles of the sun, there can be no doubts.

Like Joshua, may I be able to stand in Your presence, and dare to ask with boldness and faith from You, for that which You have in Your will for me. Like Noah, may I see Your will come to pass in my life. Teach me to be like Abraham, to be always obedient to Your Holy will. And like David, may I sing Your praises forever.
And Father, most of all teach me to be like Jesus, to be ever so humble, to completely be obedient to Your Holy Will, and to love You with all of my heart, Forever and Ever. This is my prayer to You, My God. Amen.

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