Sunday, May 22, 2011

IF you Aint got LOVE

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6

We live on God's green earth. There is a time for everthing, under Heaven. But do we understand and know the importance of that time. Let us therefore choose to walk by faith.  

Have you ever loved someone? And have you never had the hope that the both of you, would make it through? Well, ask any one in Love? And they will have the optimism that might baffle your senses. Love is like that. What would our lives be without Hope? Faith is the belief that, love will find a way, when there is none to be seen. 

Corinthians 13:13 states 'Of Faith, Hope and Love, Love is the greatest.'
Scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians that only faith, hope and love will last into eternity. However, when love is the foundation for everything we do, it honours God.

To me love, is the only dream I have always known and cherished and chased. It is my dream of dreams. This is how I feel. 

You are answerable to yourself only. My question for you is, if you aint got love what good is…

All the wealth in the world?
All the finest of clothes and jewellery?
The Biggest of homes and the fanciest of cars?
Knowing the whos who?

Does having any or all of this really matter? In today's world, money matters. But really to what extent? And how far would you stretch yourself? Literaly speaking, when you leave this world, you wont take money with you. But what you will take is love, if you have build your life around it? Because, without love what have you? Having all the material things, mean nothing in the world. It just means you have all the materialistic comforts, in a materialistic world. 

You’re a truly blessed person, if you have got someone who loves you. Love is the greatest gift we can possess. If you have love, you have the world.

Love Is GOD……….

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