Monday, December 8, 2014

The TRUTH . . Part 3

My People,

Good Morning! Here I am, and I have missed you. I am truly sorry for my delay in getting here, but believe me it would never be on purpose. All my thoughts would be to be with and for you. 

I love this song and this is to my absolutely wonderful Abba Father, to Jesus and to the most gentle, most understanding, Spirit of God, I always do need you, forever and ever. Amen. Here is, ‘You needed me.’

I cried a tear
You wiped it dry
I was confused
You cleared my mind
You held me up
And gave me dignity
Somehow you needed me

You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high
Upon a pedestal
So high that I could
Almost see eternity
You needed me, you needed me

And I can't believe it's you
I can't believe it's true
I needed you
And you were there
And I'll never leave
Why should I leave, I'd be a fool
'Cause I've finally found
Someone who really cares

You held my hand
When it was cold
When I was lost
You took me home
You gave me hope
When I was at the end
And turned my lies
Back into truth again
You even called me friend

You gave me strength
To stand alone again
To face the world
Out on my own again
You put me high
Upon a pedestal
So high that I could
Almost see eternity
You needed me, you needed me
You needed me, you needed me


Words have power. It depends on the one who uses it best. Words...

When we speak we need to think....before we speak because words they hurt. People can talk mean.  When I hear how one describes the other it hurts the deepest part in my heart. The Spirit of God makes me understand how it hurt Jesus. So when I feel anger and there are times that I do, the Holy Spirit will immediately explain to me how my reaction could have hurt someone deeply and then Jesus lets me feel His pain, and this is the pain of when we as a people see bad in each other, it hurts Jesus.

When I say this, that don’t mean, that when someone does you or anyone wrong you sit hand on hand. That would be wrong. There is a saying, that "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” And that is precisely what our world has come to – everybody wants to get rid of the person who speaks the truth.  Truth is difficult to handle but it still remains to be the truth.

The choice is yours. Free will - Gods divine love.


When two become one – the promise is to love forever. A promise binds them eternally. Let me explain:
A Husband and Wife: Promise to love each other and to be faithful. As time passes by they run out of patience and can no longer bear each other. They remember to love someone else.
Faithfulness is the highest priority in marriage. When one cheats on their spouse – they become a pig.
God is forgiving. He looks past all our mistakes.

To be faithful, means no looking in a flirtatious manner at the opposite sex, no talking in that manner that shows attraction which initiates a response. No desiring - no eying the other person, because flirting is nothing but lusting after another person. It’s just a name given to something ugly that a person does.
·       In some marriages, the Husband is the abuser and consequence is both the wife and children suffer.
·       In other marriages, the Wife earns more than the husband and she calls the shots. Trouble is nobody is really happy.
·       Sometimes, in a family – everything is conducted as business, due to a lack of love. They have no time to spare because their individual careers take precedence over marriage and children.
1: Ephesians 5:31 - For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
2: Ephesians 5:33 - However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
3: Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
4: 1 Timothy 2:12 - I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.


"Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace."- Ephesians 4:2-3
If a husband and wife are humble, patient, gentle, and selfless in a relationship this will cause less confrontation and arguments.
Through the years of being together in a marriage, you may enter times of hardship that threaten your relationship. Allow God's word come into play. You have been joined together under God don't let anyone or anything separate your love for each other. Mark 10:9 - "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."


When the Archangel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary the plans of the Most High, Mary listens and asks a question to understand what the Lord is asking of her. Then she replies, ‘Be it done unto me according to thy word!’ Mary chose the will of God.
In an outpouring of love - Jesus accepts the sacrifice that the Father is asking of Him - Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter. 
Jesus had told His disciples - 'This is why my Father loves me, because I lay down my life to take it up again afterwards. Nobody can take it; I lay it down of my own accord. I am free to lay it down and free to take it up again.'
To love fully is to give your all, holding nothing back. It’s a total surrender. Only when you love someone can you fully understand.
To surrender is to hold infinite love in the heart. The heart becomes the enflamed fire – the fire of love, thus denying everything to self for the betterment of the other. 
Day 24th November, 2014 – I nearly had tears in my eyes at the 7:30 am mass, when I heard Abba Father, tell me not to cry and to keep my head high.
God's love is unconditional and He longs for us to give ourselves completely. A soul in love knows suffering finds the yoke easy and the burden light, because Jesus carries it upon His shoulders. But there are people who do not understand that even when God's Will seems painful it coincides perfectly with our surrender.
We have to be like Jesus, meek and humble of heart. His yoke is freedom and love which He won for us on the Cross.
Sin is a voluntary evil that in no way would it be sin if it did not have its origin in the will. This is the freedom with which Christ has ransomed us. That is why He teaches, 'if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed'. 

If we reflect on the teachings of Jesus, we will see how gently Christ invites: 'If you have a mind to be perfect... If any man would come after me...' His implies no violence.
The young man found it difficult to let go of his worldly possessions. He lost his happiness because he refused to hand over his freedom to God.
When we breathe this air of freedom we understand that evil is enslavement. 'He who sins against God does his will but he is no longer free from blame. Such a person has acted according to his will and he has become the slave of his decision, for the absence of God, where there is no freedom to be found.
Love of God marks out the way of truth, justice and goodness. When we make up our minds to tell Our Lord, 'I put my freedom in your hands, I surrender' we find ourselves loosed from the many chains that were binding us to the ridiculous cares of the world.
Only when we love do we attain freedom - the freedom of not wanting to ever abandon, for all eternity, the object of our love.


How do i define truth?
It’s just simple words.  I ask a simple question, ‘Do you love me?’ You answer with a pause, ‘Yes, I love you.’ A simple answer to a simple question- an uncomplicated sentence becomes the truth.

You took a moment to think and then the answer came right from your heart. Truth always is related to the heart. Without love, there can be no truth.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Jesus said the mouth speaks what the heart is full of, so tell me if the heart is full of deceit will it ever speak the truth?  It certainly will not. Matthew 12:34 states: - For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

We know that God is faithful. How do we know that? Faithful has its bearing to the Truth.

The world is a funny place I know you will agree, maybe half heartedly. But you and I have to walk the way, I‘d love that we agree to something.
Truth is always a beautiful thing. It hurts, but in time it strengthens you.

With the passing of time I have always heard people complain of one thing, that everybody lies. It sets a precedence for the people who want to make that as a standard line for the future. What the sentence implies is that one wants to stick with what they are familiar with. To be good is difficult. To follow the truth means to deny oneself, to co-exist in a world filled with hate, violence, corruption and yet show love to the ones who do you wrong on purpose. To forgive, like Jesus, to lay down your life that is the call of the CROSS-that is the call for us Christians.

Numbers 23:19 states: God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should repent. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfil it?

God speaks and confirms His promise. God is faithful. Genesis starts with the universe coming into existence. How often we must have read the chapter and how often must we have missed on understanding what it implies. God brings about His best for man. He stretches His hand to bring about the whole constellation, the Sun, the Moon and the stars into being. He separates Day from Night.

Genesis 1:27 states - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
God created us in His image. He took time over everything He brought forward. He did not create us when He was bored and then leave us forlorn and dejected.

To be wanted by the one we love, that is the strongest desire and desire it is that we are here, it is the strongest form of LOVE. God needed us from the beginning. He planned each one of us in His time. We were no accidents in His sublime plan for our lives. You and I were always wanted.  We always are.  Man’s greatest hunger is not just food it is a hunger no doubt. But what kills a man other than food is also the second greatest hunger; it is the hunger of the heart. Our greatest craving, our greatest need – to be loved. We are never more stronger than when we are truly loved.

When we became victims of sin, God promised us His Son-Jesus who would carry our sins upon Himself so that we would be redeemed.

I love that we are still on this conversation, I do love you with all of my heart and I pray to God Almighty, that as you read that every hurt that is in you be replaced with all the love and contentment that is GOD.

God needed us He brought us into the world. He knew before creation, before everything that could be anything, He knew that HE that is God, would have to sacrifice His only Son Jesus, to the most humiliating and gruesome (torturous) killing in all of history.  But He needed us, so much. So much love from the beginning. He needed us. He needed you, He needed me. People fear speaking of love. They feel love makes you weak. But it is not true. The strength of a man or a woman is not in denying love. Love makes you strong. Look at God, seated in all His power. No God like Him. HE is the one and only. The Alpha and the Omega – a God Who needs me a God Who needs you.


Whenever someone makes you feel small, don’t. We are all made to be equal, in the likeness of God. You have a God given potential in you use it to God’s glory.

The Bible is THE TRUTH – It is a promise that is renewed over and over till the PROMISE (JESUS) was delivered. Ever often we fail to see God’s divinity. We forget we need to show our reverence to the Holy of Holy’s. We need to need Him with the strongest desire in our Hearts just the way He always needed us and continues to need us.  

Day 6th December, 2014 – I entered Church exactly after the Gospel. I felt God’s presence so strong, it is indescribable. I felt Peace, I felt like dancing and I felt contentment.  I felt God.


Forgive anyone who does you wrong, no matter how bad the hurt. And if you could reach out to them with love-a love from the depths of your heart.  Remember St. Stephen in his dying breath continued praying for the people who were stoning him to death.  That is how our love should be.  Love through the heartache.  Love expecting nothing. Emptying yourself and letting God prevail.

As I walk, there were times, when God would on purpose bring a person on my path and this happened often. I learned I had no choice but to walk slowly.  I learnt to be even more patient and sometimes I walked a step at a time. Later I understood how walking fast made me cough a lot, two valuable lessons at a go.

When we are on our way to achieve our goals, when something comes in between and blocks our path or causes hindrance, we lose our direction. We get mad, and sometimes some people get abusive.
When people get impatient they lose their focus. They begin to think that God has abandoned them.

When something becomes a hindrance, we must not look back but continue on our journey knowing that whatever may come our way  cannot destroy or harm us. But rather we must look at it from the perspective that it is what God has brought along our path, to show us our true potential and make us a strong people. From my personal experience I have learnt  to not focus on what causes the hindrance, but rather to enjoy the moment no matter where or what I am doing.

I know what it is to be tormented. I know what people can do when they want to get even. I have seen the bad and how worst it can really get. I have been there, seen it all. And I have seen God’s saving grace. HE never abandons the one who believes in Him.

If a person intends to harm me, God will allow only so much – that which is required for me to go through. And whatever a person uses to harm me with, God will use it to bless me with.

Romans 8:28 states - We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.
Faith is a strong belief. It’s not that things are going to be easy. No they won’t. It’s not that you can pray and things will fall onto your lap. For certain people things just happen. But those are very few occasions.

I’m a believer. I believe that things do come to pass. I have never gotten everything I wanted. Sometimes I wonder what would happen to us if we got everything we ever wanted. Would we know God, would we have this want? I shudder to think.
We need God, I need – I want Him with every fibre in my being.


There are so many things that I wished for.  If I could name one thing that I wished came true, I wonder what I would say. Do I regret my life? No.
I could never and the only reason is that I got more than I ever asked.  I got LOVE. People search their whole lives and even being amidst it fail to recognize it. Love is here, when we come to the world. IT is right there in the heart of the person. IT is something that needs to be practised on every day, kind of like exercising the muscles in our body.
When I found LOVE - I found God. I am blessed with a whole world of LOVE, with the angels and the saints. I know God. I truly know Him.
I have not gotten what I wished, but I have gotten what God wished for me – HIMSELF.


Often we wonder what the Truth is. We complicate it. In a world governed by hate, corruption, lies, greed, lust – it is difficult to find a way when hate is all you see and know.
What I can do is a question you ask? You believe that majority is power.  I believe a single person can move an entire nation. Like you, I can by myself do nothing. But Philippians 4:13 reminds us all that : ‘I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.


With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!



PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.

November, 23rd 2014 – Holy Hour, Fr. William. Amazing.
November, 25th 2014 – Holy Hour, Fr. Ashlyn. Simply amazing, I will remember it forever. Give Thanks.

Day 8th December, 2014 – I had my holiday moved from (today the 8th) a Monday to a Saturday the 13th, so I could begin with my much awaited holidays, 13th December, 2014 - 5th January 2015. It’s been long overdue. I thank You and praise You Almighty God.

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