Tuesday, July 24, 2012


As I am about to write this article, I see a sparrow at the window-and I feel this hope arise in me. I love sparrows. And I am then reminded of the poem on Hope-By Emily Dickinson-which I love so much. Here it goes:

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches-(To sit, or rest on an elevated place)-in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale-(a wind with a speed)-is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash-(to destroy the self confidence)-the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.  

Hope to me is like my sparrows. They come and fill my heart with joy.  They lift up my spirit. They are my sign of hope-they are the songs that I love to hear. Hope is like that. God uses signs to speak to people. Only God knows what comforts our hearts the most. God is all knowing, all compassionate. There is none like ‘You’ my God!

Do you know that the most deadly ache in the world is the one where an individual is striving to be oneself? Someone who is appreciated-someone who can measure up to someone else’s standard.

Our deepest longing will always be the one to be loved. Al-be-it we may have other desires too. But love is the strongest desire yet.

I know everybody at some time looses their temper. We utter mean words that hurt a persons feelings. We do these things out of our lack of control over our temper. If you sit to understand you will learn that we do what we do, because somewhere deep down we feel unloved and unappreciated.

Listen…… the people you know…… the people I know…… the world is hurting.

I don’t like seeing people hurt. My heart breaks to watch them cry. I often pray that maybe in someway, I could help. What the world needs is hope. What we all need to do is to love each other. We need to overlook our differences and appreciate each other for just being who we are meant to be. And not who we want them to be. We are people and so are they. Let’s just all remember that we all have a heart that’s meant to express our deepest longings. Let’s remove the masks we wear.

Lets be people motivated by LOVE. Let love be our guiding force. Lets be a people who can say to our loved ones – one thing that each person needs to hear – one thing that the heart longs to hear – one thing that keeps us waiting for a lifetime – lets be the ones to lift each other – So I am going to be the one who starts with it –

‘I love you just the way you are. I love you.’

“This is impossible,” you say to live a simple life in this world that demands one to achieve… to have more? It is not possible when your heart has not reached a place of surrender. It is not possible when you are the one in control of the desires of your heart and not GOD. But it is possible when your heart lets go of its own desires and seeks His will. Because His will is simple. His message is simple. His heart is simple. Love as He has loved you.
Simplicity comes from a heart that has been broken from its own selfishness, and given the grace to live selflessly. It is a grace bestowed by God. We cannot will ourselves to live selflessly and simply. It is a gift that we must receive from Him.
We can find His simplicity that liberates. ‘Whoever He sets free is free indeed.’John 8:36

‘All plenty which is not my God is poverty to me.’ St. Augustine
The Holy Spirit motivates and inspires us through simplicity to become more and more like Jesus each day. Jesus clearly taught that the disciple is not greater than the Master.

The heart is the place where God reveals himself to us, where he relates and converses with each of us intimately. It is in the depths of our hearts that this relationship with God is established, grows, and achieves its purpose. As we welcome God’s presence into the depths of our hearts, we are able to give ourselves to him wholly in love. With true simplicity of heart, we look at Him and also sense His gaze upon us. The heart, accepts that it is made for Him alone.

“We all believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths, that there is a God”
God is simple. The simplicity of God means God is goodness, mercy, justice, and power. God is righteousness in the same way He is love.
It is taught in Scripture (where God is called “light,” “life,” and “love”)
God in His very essence, within Himself and by Himself, is love, wisdom, and holiness. God is whatever He has, for He has nothing that He is not.
His attributes do not stick to Him; He is what they are.

What is simplicity?

The discipline of simplicity is the conscious act of not being tied to the things of this world.
Simplicity is to seek the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God first, and then everything necessary will come in its proper order. God, first. Nothing must come before the kingdom of God.
• Simplicity is to not have anxiety about material things.
• Simplicity then is to keep the potentially sinful drive of wanting things in proper perspective.
• Simplicity accepts that everything you have is a gift from God.
• Simplicity accepts God’s care over what we have.

One who takes delight in simplicity will find their lives filled with a spirit of contentment. Like Paul, they can say with peace in their hearts and trust in God, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philliapians 4:12

The Spiritual Discipline of Simplicity
When we develop the spiritual discipline of simplicity we also gain certain abilities and lose other destructive needs:
  • We speak simple truths that are easy for us to live by and others to understand.
  • We lose the destructive need to constantly top or be better than others.
  • We lose a need for material things.
  • We start giving to others out of a place of joy and willingness in our hearts. We become more hospitable and kind.
  • We develop a sense of gratitude for everything we do have.

The importance of simplicity
‘Make your own the mind of Christ Jesus: Who being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped. But he emptied himself taking the form of a slave.’ Philippians 2.6-7

Simplicity - to follow Christ
• Too many possessions keep us from God-the parable of the rich fool teaches us that a life of too much ease and luxury distracts us from God and tempts us to feel that true happiness can come from what we possess materially. Simplicity encourages us to trust more in God than in our personal capabilities.
• When we live simply, we are not attached to our own plans or ambitions. Change is not feared.
• If we are full of ourselves, for e.g.-our lives are choked by possessions, eating, drinking etc. etc. we will soon discover we have little time to pour out ourselves in generous service to others.
• We need to keep encouraging people to practise selflessness, justice and charity. It is also a constant reminder to people that this world is not our permanent abode.
• When we live simple lives, we are in a better position to understand the plight of the poor. We are better able to help.

Only simplicity, of heart will let you see and understand what God sees and knows. Simplicity is what God is-God permits you to be a part of Him.

Simplicity and Sincerity
"For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world." 2 Corinthians 1:12
Simplicity implies that we are devoted to the Lord, and have by grace been enabled to choose Him, and to yield ourselves to Him.
So likewise He has a just claim to us that we should be wholly His: He has a redemption-title to us: He loved us, and bought us with His own blood. He did not hesitate when He engaged to redeem our souls from the power of Satan. He could, in the hour of His distress, have summoned legions of angels to his assistance, He could easily have saved himself; but how then could His people have been saved, or the promises of the Scripture have been fulfilled? Therefore He willingly endured the cross, He poured out his blood, He laid down His life. Here was an adorable simplicity of intention in Him!

We should be simply, and wholly of God’s.
Faith in the power and promises of God inspires simplicity, and casts every care upon Him.
Thus, when Abraham, at the Lord's call, forsook his country and his father's house, the Apostle observes, "he went out, not knowing where he went." It was enough that he knew whom he followed: the all-sufficient God was his guide, his shield, and his exceeding great reward. So, when exercised with long waiting for the accomplishment of a promise, he doubted not—he did not dispute or question—but simply depended upon God, who had spoken, and was able also to perform. So likewise, when he received that command to offer up his son, of whom it was said, "in Isaac shall your seed be called," he simply obeyed, and depended upon the Lord to make good his own word: Heb. 11:18-19.
In this spirit David went forth to meet Goliath, and overcame him.
And thus Elijah, in a time of famine, was preserved from concern and need, and supported by extraordinary methods; 1Kings. 31 1:14
How comfortable is it to us, to be able to trust the Lord, to believe that He will supply our needs, direct our steps, plead our cause, and control our enemies! Thus He has promised, and it belongs to Gospel simplicity to take His word against all discouragements. The Lord has commanded us to wait upon Him in them: but it will likewise inspire confidence and hope when all means seem to fail. Habakkuk 3:17-18

So think of someone like Paul and all that God actually did accomplish through him. God has a plan for each one of us and we want to fulfill that! We don’t want to find that we ourselves kept us from doing what we were called to do! We learn from the Lord, that a key to Paul’s life and finishing his race with joy was not “all he did”, but that he kept it simple.
Paul, among other things, was assigned to write much of the New Testament. As he walked with God, that’s what flowed out… much of it from a prison cell. Paul never thought – that he could be more effective if he was out of prison! We shouldn’t either.

The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:12 mentions “For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God.”
We are to be composed of simple love and devotion for our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul knew that these traits of simplicity and sincerity were by grace. You are here today at His bidding, called by His irresistible grace to come and worship Him and receive from Him.

Be sincere in your words, with family and friends-your conduct, your faith, your love, and especially in your spiritual life. Let it be said of you, “We conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and Godly sincerity.” 2 Corinthians 1:12.
My prayer for you today is: live with nothing hidden, nothing faked, always sincere.

REMEMBER: St. Francis had no trouble making decisions because he allowed the will of God to be his will. He knew that self-will leads only to disobedience and self-exaltation "He who wishes to save his life, must lose it." Luke 9:24
This lack of ego freed him to truly see others, to respond to their needs, to see Christ in them.
As he grew closer and closer to Christ, St. Francis understood that many of the things the world puts a high value upon are worthless in the sight of God. St. Francis kept himself and his message very simple - he didn't get in God's way.
It seems that the simpler we are, the closer we can be to Christ. If we allow it to education can fill us with pride that only serves as an obstacle, separating us from Christ. St. Francis did not condemn knowledge; he condemned knowledge for its own sake saying, "If they know the words but do not have the Spirit, their knowledge is dead".
Let's not be impressed with our achievements. Rather, let's be aware of how little we know that will help us reach holiness. Let's use the things of this world, as St. Francis did, and try not to be too impressed with the world or with ourselves. A very effective way of doing this is to living a simple life in the style of St. Francis.

Simplicity is nothing but an act of charity pure and simple, which has but one sole end, that of gaining the love of God. Our soul is then truly simple, when we have no aim at all but this, in all we do. -----St. F. de Sales

God loves the simple, and converses with them willingly, and communicates to them the understanding of His truths, because He disposes of these at his pleasure. He does not deal thus with lofty and subtle spirits. -----St. F. de Sales.

CONCLUSION: Some people come to look for simple ways to please God. Some others when they ask and get the answer and it isn't with what they like, they make up something for themselves and figure what they think will be alright with God.

Then there are those that cannot believe that the answer can be that simple and there must be more and by digging deeper and (more of less) trying to figure out God's mind, they miss the way to come to God.

If someone is telling you the truth...don't fight against the truth because you won't win...your arms are too short to box with God.

PRAYER: St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

Grant that I may no so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Abba, Father! Keep me simple and wholly obedient to Your will. This prayer, I make in Jesus name. Amen.

Promise Date: 22nd July, 2012.
I will be faithful and obedient to what You have asked of me. Amen.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Here I am

When the lift to love is broken, try the stairs! 

So if you happen to take to one direction, possibility is that there could be more than one.
And what do you do? Do you sit and say Hey I tried one way and I’m tired to try another. Or do you just rest a bit and then get up with all the energy that you have build and say,
“When faced with a mountain, I will not quit!
I will keep striving until I climb over,
find a pass through,
tunnel underneath or
simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine, 
with God's help." - Robert Half.

We live in a wonderful world-and do you know what makes it so wonderful? It’s just the thought that does. And there is one thing that I have learned about God: God never quits on us! Isn't that wonderful?

Faith is a belief-in God. So if you believe in something to happen, and are convinced in your heart-for reasons beyond a shadow of doubt, then that is what brings a miracle to pass.

I have heard a lot of people speak on Faith. And the ones that I love are the ones that come close to the heart-where faith speaks with a conviction. But all said and done faith no matter how well rendered, in a topic-still needs to be tested. And God is the best judge of that.

I personally feel there has never been anytime in history, where there was a lack of devotion, to God. I think if one generation fails in their acknowledging of the True God-then there arises another that builds the bridge to God.

While this may seem absurd, I remember this one holiday, when I was watching all the kids as they were playing. I made them some orange drink. They were thirsty and so they were glad. Except for a nephew of mine-who I was aware never had anything other than what he wanted. So when I called him-I knew what his response would be. I told him that his drink was on the table. Twenty minutes later-he came and just helped him-self. I watched and I was glad. I said so much for every-ones theories. Children are innocent. They learn quickly and they adapt. It’s we adults that are mostly responsible for leading with the wrong examples which we seldom realize.

Yesterday the 12th of July, I attended the mass with my mom. And while attending the mass I realized that there are so many things I really am grateful to God for.

But what I am most truly grateful for is the dream that God has put in my heart. For that I am and will always be eternally grateful.

When a dream dies, dream another dream. What is meant by this is – DON’T QUIT. This is my message to you. They say when God closes one door, He opens another (or maybe He opens a window)-no matter which way the saying goes, ultimately what it means-is God knows how important the dream is to you. He never wants you to go feeling dejected. So He opens up a window or a door (me thinks-God opens the entire universe for you)-just to let you know that You are going to win. Dream another dream-just means look at it from another point of view. So Hang on! . . . It may be bumpy, at first. . . but God is aware of the altitude. Safe journey!

God’s loved you since He has existed. God is love. It is His very nature. He loved us as a sinner. He loved you in the womb. He loved you before the world began. There was no beginning to His love for you—and there is no end to it.
Surrender is the natural response to God's amazing love and mercy. Why? "because He first loved us.”

Trust God: The more you realize how much God loves you, the easier surrender becomes. How do you know God loves you? The greatest expression of this is the sacrifice of God's Son for you. ‘God proves His love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.'
If you want to know how much you matter to God, look at Christ with His arms outstretched on the cross. When we completely surrender ourselves to Jesus, we discover that He is but a savior-a friend.
“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” Philippians 2:1-2

Pride: When faced with our own limitations, we react with irritation and resentment. We want to be smarter, stronger, more talented, more beautiful, and wealthier. We want to have it all and do it all, and we become upset when we can’t, when others won’t let us or it doesn't happen. Then when we notice that God has given others what we don't have, we respond with envy, jealousy, and self-pity. Pride is a great barrier to knowing God.

No-confusion: “Your attitude should be the same as Christ Jesus.”-Philippians 2:5
Surrendering is best demonstrated in obedience. You say "yes, Lord" to whatever He asks of you. An aspect of a fully surrendered life is trust.
Abraham followed God's leading without knowing where it would take him. Hannah waited for God's perfect timing without knowing when.
You know you're surrendered to God when you rely on God to work things out. You let go and let God-work.
The supreme example of self-surrender is Jesus. “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”-Philippians2:6-7.
Jesus prayed, "Father, everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet Your will be done, not mine."
Surrendered people are the ones God uses. God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus, because she was totally surrendered to Him. When the angel explained God's improbable plan, she calmly responded, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever He wants." Nothing is more powerful than a surrendered life in the hands of God.

Surrender: Paul says: "I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me, that is, I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency."-Philippians 4:13
When you decide to live a totally surrendered life, your decision will be tested. Sometimes it will mean doing inconvenient or seemingly impossible tasks. It will often mean doing the opposite of what you feel like doing.
On the 18th of April, 2012, I had just come out from the Bible study class. It was 08:35 p.m. and I just visited the Church before going home. I sat to pray, and heard Fr. Byron singing to the music being played for ‘Here I am’. I loved hearing the hymn. On walking back home, God reminded me to open my Bible and read carefully to what I had written. So on reaching home, I did. And there on the first line of my letter I read the-title of the Hymn.
On the 14th of February, 2010, on my Bible, I wrote a letter to God the Father. The line read as ‘I Love You immensely. Here I am lord, do with me as You please.' And the time that I had written the letter everything was just going wrong. But I believed God always.
The letter was my personal heartfelt to 'Abba, Father'. Basically I thanked God, for the promise, God had made with me. I have the promise locked in my heart. And I wrote like I had received what was promised, because I know I have. I signed, Here I am-with my name at the bottom. The last sentence read, `Teach me Your ways oh Lord.’
Have you ever signed anything like that with God?

Know His voice!  God wants you to be absolutely convinced that He desires to talk to you—to tell you things you’ve never seen or heard before.
I believe that three things are required of those who would hear God’s voice:
1. Have an unshakable confidence that God wants to speak to you. Be fully persuaded and convinced of that.
2. You need to be willing to shut yourself in with God.
3. To truly believe that God is able to convey His mind to us and enable us to understand His perfect will.
Jesus said, “If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will He give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?”-Luke 11:11-12.
When God speaks, peace follows! God does indeed search our hearts; He said as much to Jeremiah: “I the Lord search the heart”-Jeremiah 17:10. The Hebrew meaning for this phrase is, “I penetrate, I examine deeply.”

Through Time: Paul faced his court trial in Rome. He was guarded around the clock by soldiers, his feet chained to a soldier on either side. Think about it: Here was a man who had been very active, loving to meet with God’s people. But now he was chained down. Paul knew his steps were ordered by the Lord. Philippians 1:20 states “Now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death”.
Sometimes it’s possible to waste all our tomorrows anxiously waiting to be delivered out of our suffering. If that becomes our focus, we’ll totally miss the miracle and joy of being freed from our bondage in our trial.
In Philippians 1:12. Paul is saying, “Don’t pity me or think I’m discouraged over my future. And please don’t say my work is finished. Yes, I’m in chains and suffering, but the gospel is being preached through it all.”

Test Of Faith: God’s looking for a lifetime faith to believe Him for the impossible. And we have this calm because we’ve settled once and for all, “My God is bigger than all the problems.”
God wants faith that endures the ultimate test, a faith that won’t allow anything to shake you from trust and confidence in His faithfulness.
Faith is a commitment we make to obey God. Obedience reflects belief.
As Israel faced Jericho, the people were told not to say a word, but simply to march. These faithful believers didn’t whisper to themselves, “Help me to believe, Lord. I so want to believe.” No, they were focused on the one thing God asked of them: to obey His Word and go forward.
That is faith. It means setting your heart to obey all that is written in God’s Word, without questioning it or taking it lightly. And we know that if our hearts are determined to obey, God will make sure His Word to us is clear, without confusion. Moreover, if He commands us to do something, He’ll supply us with the power and strength to obey: “Let the weak say, I am strong”-Joel 3:10. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might”-Ephesians 6:10.

God’s Heart!:  “The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers” 1 Peter 3:12.
Jesus suffered and was crucified. And when Christ called Paul to preach the gospel, He showed him how many great afflictions awaited him. Yet afflictions prove that God has set His heart on you. “That no man should be moved [or shaken] by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto”-1Thessalonians 3:3.
When God sets his heart on you, you will be tried often. But the fact is the longer and harder your affliction, the more deeply God has set his heart on you, to show you His love and care.

Every Battle: The Holy Spirit drives out all fear from us—by implanting in us His joy. We are to go forth rejoicing, as David did, because God has assured us we will prevail.
“Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him”-Hebrews 11:6. Our God is a rewarder, and He’s so anxious to shower us with His loving-kindness that He blesses us way ahead of time.
Maybe you’re in a storm right now. The wind is blowing hard, shaking you violently, and you think you’re going down. Don’t panic! God is developing in you a deepening humility, a greater mourning and sorrow for sin, a heightened hunger for His righteousness.
God is making you a courageous person. You may get down on yourself at times—but the Lord never does. The fact is, He could have acted in His Sovereignty at any time to pluck you out of your struggle. But He didn’t—because He saw it producing in you a greater thirst for Him!

Love: God loves us so much that He is so anxious to bless us, so ready to fulfill His loving-kindness in our lives, that He can’t even wait for us to tell Him our needs. So He jumps in and performs acts of mercy, grace and love toward us. That is just what David was saying in Psalm 21-“Lord, you pour out blessings and loving-kindness on me before I can even ask. And you offer more than I could even conceive of asking.”

The power that is-Christ: As Jesus spent His last hours with His disciples, He said to them, “Very truly I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.”-John 16:23. Then He told them, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. “-John 16:24
And they’d heard Jesus declare to the multitudes: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”-John 14:12–14
Claim the power Jesus has made available to you. You simply ASK . . . . .
Our Lord is grieved by the ever-growing lack of faith in His promises……and by a people who claim less and less of the power that is in Christ.
Ask! Ask for wisdom, ask for guidance, ask. But it must be asked in faith, nothing doubting.

Never be intimidated: In Acts 16 Paul was grieved—meaning “disturbed, troubled.” He allowed it for many days, but the Spirit of God welled up in Paul, and he said to the demon power, “That’s it—that’s enough! In the name of Jesus, be gone!”-Acts 16:16–18.
When you take authority and command devils to flee, Satan will come at you with everything in his arsenal. Just after Paul had cast the demons out of the possessed girl in Acts 16:16–18, Satan started stirring things up. He enflamed the crowd against Paul and Silas—and suddenly they were in a terrible crisis!
The city magistrates had them whipped and cast into prison. The devil didn’t seem to know that the more you whip a servant of God who walks in the Spirit, the more praise you whip up from him! If you throw him in a crisis, tie him up with problems and troubles, he’ll sing, shout and worship!
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them”-Acts 16:25.
If we are to walk in the Spirit, then we must believe God for supernatural deliverance from every-bondage of Satan. It doesn’t matter if God has to create an earthquake to do it. That is exactly what He did for Paul:
“And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed”-v. 26.
Satan will try to bring upon you the most dreadful temptation or trial you have ever faced. He wants you to get bogged down in guilt, condemnation, self-examination. Dear friend, arise in the Spirit and get your eyes off your circumstances. Start praising, singing and trusting God—and He will take care of Your deliverance!

REMEMBER: God loves you in your testing times. God knows exactly what you’re going through. Let him complete His work of building into you utter dependence and trust in Him. You’ll come out with confidence—and godly compassion and strength to help others.
Praying “in the name of Jesus” is not a formula. The power is in believing that Jesus takes up our cause and brings it to the Father on His own merits. He is the Advocate—He is doing the asking for us. The power is in fully trusting that God never denies his own Son and we are the beneficiary of the Father’s utter faithfulness to His Son.
I urge you: Take hold of your trial by faith, and believe God has allowed it. Know that He’s using it to make you stronger…to make you a blessing to others…and to sanctify it all to His glory.

CONCUSION: Important aspects of believing God and walking with Him in faith.
1.God’s control of our lives.
2.We are rewarded with—a certain-“knowing”.
3.Protection from all our enemies. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper”-Isaiah 54:17.

PRAYER: Abba, Father, teach me to do Your will always. Let me come in complete obedience to You and say, “Here I am”. Keep me always faithful. This prayer, I make in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The HEART Calls

On a Thursday, I was looking out for an auto-rikshaw did not get one. I walked the road. Did pray to God, to help and I knew God had His reasons, and so I continued with my walk and also continued praising God. That was the moment I heard God bless me.

After the accident, the fear of being driven on slopes grew with time. So when the vehicle would climb a height, I would be a bundle of nerves. But this time, when on a height I heard God tell me, to concentrate on Him and I did. And I was not frightened anymore. My fear just vanished. So this is my ‘YEAH’ moment to God.

And if you think that this was the only good thing that happened on Sunday. I have news for you. God never stops. He goes on showering You with blessings.

When I was growing up, there was this uncle of mine, from Pakistan, who I grew to be fond off. But I don’t ever remember him being expressive. All through time, I waited patiently. I knew someday, maybe. The 1st of July, is his birthday, and my mom, somehow forgot to wish him earlier in the day. When I was wishing one of the kids in our building, that made her remember. So when we got home, my mom called him up, and as they were talking, suddenly I came to my mom and said I want to wish him. As we were speaking, he said ‘I love you' and he continued with the flow of sentences, at the back of my mind I’m thinking I missed replying. But he came back again and this time I made sure I replied with telling him I love you too, and I told him how through the years I remembered him. You know I waited a lifetime for hearing from him. And I am so grateful to God, Almighty.

Do you know that God does not just make you happy, He thrills you completely? So yesterday, on a Monday, after the mass, it rained. And oh boy, was it just raining? Oh no! It poured majestically! I am telling you, I walked through the heavy showers. And I enjoyed thoroughly. The streets were dark there was Gods magnificent display of light and sound (lightning and thunder display). And I loved every bit of it. I got completely drenched but there in, lies the beauty of it really. I was completely drenched in God’s blessings.

And I am mighty grateful, to my Almighty God.
To the One Who is and will always be. He is the Alpha and the Omega. To the Great I AM – I LOVE YOU!

And I say to God, here You go again. You make me happy again!

The dictionary defines the word “SUDDENLY” as . . . without warning or quickly.
The SUDDENLIES OF GOD appear 44 times in the BIBLE.

God has a never-ending supply of suddenly breakthroughs for all His children. Our God is a God of the suddenlies!

Sometimes the years of preparation and waiting seem like delay, or even denial of God’s promise, but that is not the case. God is patient to get us ready and everyone around us ready, because if He doesn’t we will not have the maturity to hear, obey, and move into the flow of His sudden actions. Suddenly, He can turn your situation around. We must prepare ourselves to hear His still, small voice. Most importantly, we must be ready to move quickly when He does.

The "suddenlies" of God are wonderful. They come with promise that is we are assured of God's faithfulness! It takes God an instant.

Let’s examine some of the “suddenlies” in the Bible.

These were ordinary shepherds doing ordinary work. They weren’t too busy or distracted to hear and respond to the spectacular announcement made by the angels, of the birth of Jesus. Sometimes the promise has been a long time coming, but as we remain available to respond God will make sure we don’t miss its sudden arrival.

Ask and you will receive-Luke 11:9. God has the infinite ability to supply all our needs-Philippians 4:19. The priest Zechariah and his wife were without children and their advanced years gives an indication of how long the situation had lingered. Luke 1:5-7. However, a day came when it was Zachariah’s turn to burn incense before the Lord and it was while carrying this out that an angel suddenly appeared and declared the birth of a son-John the Baptist. So unexpected was the timing that Zechariah was completely caught off guard and became overwhelmed with fear.
This only reveals that God suddenly moves in His own time and when we least expect. Our part therefore is to simply present our requests with thanksgiving leaving the part of when and how entirely to Him.

Acts 2:1-4 states “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord in one place, And SUDDENLY there came from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
On the day of Pentecost the disciples were caught off guard. God began to move upon them in ways that they were not expecting. They experienced a move of God that was beyond anything that they had imagined or even heard about.
But this move of God was so powerful and so consuming that it could not be resisted. It overpowered their minds.
The “suddenlies” of God will lift us into a season of miracles. They open our eyes to new revelations of the Spirit and cause us to see things and hear things that we have never seen or heard before.

In Acts 22:6, Saul was on his way to Damascus when he experienced a SUDDENLY!! “And it came to pass, that, as I made my way to Damascus about noon, SUDDENLY there shone from heaven a great light round about me.”
Paul was a man who persecuted believers and even watched and held the cloak of Stephen-the church’s first martyr-while he was being stoned to death. Saul, who later became Paul, experienced a SUDDENLY with the Lord Jesus as he was on a journey. Years later Paul and Silas were imprisoned. Instead of being depressed and disappointed with God the following occurred:
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” What happened next? Acts 16:25 “And SUDDENLY, there was a great earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bands were loosed.” Acts 16:26
Notice the suddenly happened as a result of praying and singing praises to God while still in prison!
Sometimes we feel that we are bonded with heavy chains upon us. But there are no chains so great that God cannot loose us from them as we keep our focus on Him. The bondage is not meant to endure forever. When the time is right you will be enabled to freely move on.
Often what feels like a sudden change is something that has been gradually building and it just feels sudden because it has been a long time coming. Some sudden moments have been built by faithfulness and endurance. Be encouraged.

Praise God no matter where you are in life. Believe God when He says to call upon Him and He will answer. Psalms 91:15. Never give up!

Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled; But You, O LORD—how long?……… Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled; Let them turn back and be ashamed suddenly.  Psalms 6:2,3,10
David was greatly troubled. He knew that the Lord will act on his behalf in His perfect time and will see his enemies ashamed suddenly. While suffering, he had no idea when it is going to end. He asked, “How long should I suffer like this Lord?” He cried through long and weary nights……to see a deliverance from God. In that state of endless pain, he saw a God who acts for Him suddenly. He waited on God. David saw that day in faith in which his current situation is going to change suddenly.
Are you in that emotional state of David…waiting for an answer from God? Do you cry unto God day and night without receiving an answer from Him?

Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son Isaac on Mount Moriah. While Abraham collected all the wood and held his son’s hand and walked to the sacrifice, in his great distress, he longed to hear God speak to him and save him from this deep anguish… But he never heard anything. He expected God to intervene at that moment at least and relieve him from the pain… Abraham piled up all the wood for the altar, tied his son’s hands… But when he raised his hand to kill his promised son… Suddenly he heard the voice of God… ”Do not touch your son”.

Elisha was praying for rain and sent his servant seven times to go look beyond the mountains. Every time, he came back with a negative report… But suddenly, the seventh time, his servant saw a tiny cloud in the shape of a hand… that resulted in a heavy rain.

God knows our limit… He will act suddenly….

As we wait patiently and faithfully and continue doing what we know we’re supposed to do, God will show up in a big way to reveal something more of His purpose for us.

God moves suddenly, at once, instantly. He moves unexpectedly. Suddenly is the way of God.

Don’t give in to pride, as it can create a major barrier in your life for ANYTHING God wants to do in you and through you!
Don’t miss out on those suddenly moments… the times when God’s moving and inviting you to move with Him…
God is a God of Suddenlies.


REMEMBER: There are dreams that GOD has put in your heart, and you know that it is in the Will of God, and you have not seen it come to pass.
Some of you have gone through struggles, fought battles and you are still holding on to the promises of God. It has been a long and a weary journey. You are so burdened that you have lost the expectancy that God can move swiftly and suddenly.
Stay-in the Word of God. Thank and Praise Him. Exchange that garment of heaviness for the garment of praise and watch Him perform suddenlies for you!
God is the author and finisher of our faith. What God has started in you, He will finish. God is still on the throne!
GOD knows exactly how, when and where to make people meet in their journey of life. So, don’t ever give up on your dreams. God always has a way of making the dreams come to pass and SUDDENLY. My strongest advice: Stay with your dream. Pray to God in earnest. Be encouraged because things always come about SUDDENLY.

CONCLUSION: Our God is a God of the "Suddenlies"! God can suddenly break an addiction. He can suddenly heal your body. He can suddenly give you that promotion. The enemy's goal is to steal your hope. He wants to get you down and discouraged so you will give up and settle for less than God's best. Don't be deceived! It may look like it’s never going to change, but in a split second, God can totally resolve it. One touch of His favor can suddenly restore relationships! One touch of His goodness can solve that problem you're facing today! Just one touch from Almighty God can instantly change your life! When you tell someone about your future and about the plans God is working out for you and they tell you it won’t happen overnight just smile and say, “My God is the God of suddenlies and God's working out those suddenlies for God's good time in my life.”

No matter how long it’s been, no matter what you’re facing, you’ve got to believe that God is full of surprises. Your part is to simply believe; to get up each day in faith, expecting God’s favor. Expect God to surprise you. Remember, He’s a God of the suddenlies and He can suddenly turn around any situation you may be facing! 

PRAYER: Abba Father, I pray for Your Will in my life. I pray that I do everything that you ask of me. Keep me always obedient and faithful, to You. This I ask in Jesus, name. Amen.