Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The HEART Calls

On a Thursday, I was looking out for an auto-rikshaw did not get one. I walked the road. Did pray to God, to help and I knew God had His reasons, and so I continued with my walk and also continued praising God. That was the moment I heard God bless me.

After the accident, the fear of being driven on slopes grew with time. So when the vehicle would climb a height, I would be a bundle of nerves. But this time, when on a height I heard God tell me, to concentrate on Him and I did. And I was not frightened anymore. My fear just vanished. So this is my ‘YEAH’ moment to God.

And if you think that this was the only good thing that happened on Sunday. I have news for you. God never stops. He goes on showering You with blessings.

When I was growing up, there was this uncle of mine, from Pakistan, who I grew to be fond off. But I don’t ever remember him being expressive. All through time, I waited patiently. I knew someday, maybe. The 1st of July, is his birthday, and my mom, somehow forgot to wish him earlier in the day. When I was wishing one of the kids in our building, that made her remember. So when we got home, my mom called him up, and as they were talking, suddenly I came to my mom and said I want to wish him. As we were speaking, he said ‘I love you' and he continued with the flow of sentences, at the back of my mind I’m thinking I missed replying. But he came back again and this time I made sure I replied with telling him I love you too, and I told him how through the years I remembered him. You know I waited a lifetime for hearing from him. And I am so grateful to God, Almighty.

Do you know that God does not just make you happy, He thrills you completely? So yesterday, on a Monday, after the mass, it rained. And oh boy, was it just raining? Oh no! It poured majestically! I am telling you, I walked through the heavy showers. And I enjoyed thoroughly. The streets were dark there was Gods magnificent display of light and sound (lightning and thunder display). And I loved every bit of it. I got completely drenched but there in, lies the beauty of it really. I was completely drenched in God’s blessings.

And I am mighty grateful, to my Almighty God.
To the One Who is and will always be. He is the Alpha and the Omega. To the Great I AM – I LOVE YOU!

And I say to God, here You go again. You make me happy again!

The dictionary defines the word “SUDDENLY” as . . . without warning or quickly.
The SUDDENLIES OF GOD appear 44 times in the BIBLE.

God has a never-ending supply of suddenly breakthroughs for all His children. Our God is a God of the suddenlies!

Sometimes the years of preparation and waiting seem like delay, or even denial of God’s promise, but that is not the case. God is patient to get us ready and everyone around us ready, because if He doesn’t we will not have the maturity to hear, obey, and move into the flow of His sudden actions. Suddenly, He can turn your situation around. We must prepare ourselves to hear His still, small voice. Most importantly, we must be ready to move quickly when He does.

The "suddenlies" of God are wonderful. They come with promise that is we are assured of God's faithfulness! It takes God an instant.

Let’s examine some of the “suddenlies” in the Bible.

These were ordinary shepherds doing ordinary work. They weren’t too busy or distracted to hear and respond to the spectacular announcement made by the angels, of the birth of Jesus. Sometimes the promise has been a long time coming, but as we remain available to respond God will make sure we don’t miss its sudden arrival.

Ask and you will receive-Luke 11:9. God has the infinite ability to supply all our needs-Philippians 4:19. The priest Zechariah and his wife were without children and their advanced years gives an indication of how long the situation had lingered. Luke 1:5-7. However, a day came when it was Zachariah’s turn to burn incense before the Lord and it was while carrying this out that an angel suddenly appeared and declared the birth of a son-John the Baptist. So unexpected was the timing that Zechariah was completely caught off guard and became overwhelmed with fear.
This only reveals that God suddenly moves in His own time and when we least expect. Our part therefore is to simply present our requests with thanksgiving leaving the part of when and how entirely to Him.

Acts 2:1-4 states “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord in one place, And SUDDENLY there came from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
On the day of Pentecost the disciples were caught off guard. God began to move upon them in ways that they were not expecting. They experienced a move of God that was beyond anything that they had imagined or even heard about.
But this move of God was so powerful and so consuming that it could not be resisted. It overpowered their minds.
The “suddenlies” of God will lift us into a season of miracles. They open our eyes to new revelations of the Spirit and cause us to see things and hear things that we have never seen or heard before.

In Acts 22:6, Saul was on his way to Damascus when he experienced a SUDDENLY!! “And it came to pass, that, as I made my way to Damascus about noon, SUDDENLY there shone from heaven a great light round about me.”
Paul was a man who persecuted believers and even watched and held the cloak of Stephen-the church’s first martyr-while he was being stoned to death. Saul, who later became Paul, experienced a SUDDENLY with the Lord Jesus as he was on a journey. Years later Paul and Silas were imprisoned. Instead of being depressed and disappointed with God the following occurred:
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” What happened next? Acts 16:25 “And SUDDENLY, there was a great earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bands were loosed.” Acts 16:26
Notice the suddenly happened as a result of praying and singing praises to God while still in prison!
Sometimes we feel that we are bonded with heavy chains upon us. But there are no chains so great that God cannot loose us from them as we keep our focus on Him. The bondage is not meant to endure forever. When the time is right you will be enabled to freely move on.
Often what feels like a sudden change is something that has been gradually building and it just feels sudden because it has been a long time coming. Some sudden moments have been built by faithfulness and endurance. Be encouraged.

Praise God no matter where you are in life. Believe God when He says to call upon Him and He will answer. Psalms 91:15. Never give up!

Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled; But You, O LORD—how long?……… Let all my enemies be ashamed and greatly troubled; Let them turn back and be ashamed suddenly.  Psalms 6:2,3,10
David was greatly troubled. He knew that the Lord will act on his behalf in His perfect time and will see his enemies ashamed suddenly. While suffering, he had no idea when it is going to end. He asked, “How long should I suffer like this Lord?” He cried through long and weary nights……to see a deliverance from God. In that state of endless pain, he saw a God who acts for Him suddenly. He waited on God. David saw that day in faith in which his current situation is going to change suddenly.
Are you in that emotional state of David…waiting for an answer from God? Do you cry unto God day and night without receiving an answer from Him?

Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only son Isaac on Mount Moriah. While Abraham collected all the wood and held his son’s hand and walked to the sacrifice, in his great distress, he longed to hear God speak to him and save him from this deep anguish… But he never heard anything. He expected God to intervene at that moment at least and relieve him from the pain… Abraham piled up all the wood for the altar, tied his son’s hands… But when he raised his hand to kill his promised son… Suddenly he heard the voice of God… ”Do not touch your son”.

Elisha was praying for rain and sent his servant seven times to go look beyond the mountains. Every time, he came back with a negative report… But suddenly, the seventh time, his servant saw a tiny cloud in the shape of a hand… that resulted in a heavy rain.

God knows our limit… He will act suddenly….

As we wait patiently and faithfully and continue doing what we know we’re supposed to do, God will show up in a big way to reveal something more of His purpose for us.

God moves suddenly, at once, instantly. He moves unexpectedly. Suddenly is the way of God.

Don’t give in to pride, as it can create a major barrier in your life for ANYTHING God wants to do in you and through you!
Don’t miss out on those suddenly moments… the times when God’s moving and inviting you to move with Him…
God is a God of Suddenlies.


REMEMBER: There are dreams that GOD has put in your heart, and you know that it is in the Will of God, and you have not seen it come to pass.
Some of you have gone through struggles, fought battles and you are still holding on to the promises of God. It has been a long and a weary journey. You are so burdened that you have lost the expectancy that God can move swiftly and suddenly.
Stay-in the Word of God. Thank and Praise Him. Exchange that garment of heaviness for the garment of praise and watch Him perform suddenlies for you!
God is the author and finisher of our faith. What God has started in you, He will finish. God is still on the throne!
GOD knows exactly how, when and where to make people meet in their journey of life. So, don’t ever give up on your dreams. God always has a way of making the dreams come to pass and SUDDENLY. My strongest advice: Stay with your dream. Pray to God in earnest. Be encouraged because things always come about SUDDENLY.

CONCLUSION: Our God is a God of the "Suddenlies"! God can suddenly break an addiction. He can suddenly heal your body. He can suddenly give you that promotion. The enemy's goal is to steal your hope. He wants to get you down and discouraged so you will give up and settle for less than God's best. Don't be deceived! It may look like it’s never going to change, but in a split second, God can totally resolve it. One touch of His favor can suddenly restore relationships! One touch of His goodness can solve that problem you're facing today! Just one touch from Almighty God can instantly change your life! When you tell someone about your future and about the plans God is working out for you and they tell you it won’t happen overnight just smile and say, “My God is the God of suddenlies and God's working out those suddenlies for God's good time in my life.”

No matter how long it’s been, no matter what you’re facing, you’ve got to believe that God is full of surprises. Your part is to simply believe; to get up each day in faith, expecting God’s favor. Expect God to surprise you. Remember, He’s a God of the suddenlies and He can suddenly turn around any situation you may be facing! 

PRAYER: Abba Father, I pray for Your Will in my life. I pray that I do everything that you ask of me. Keep me always obedient and faithful, to You. This I ask in Jesus, name. Amen.

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