Wednesday, September 23, 2015

I Got YOU!

My People,
Good Morning! There is no mountain or hill so high that in love we cannot climb.
Love must be manifested by our actions. I GOT YOU!
If chances were to be taken could I say you were a kid once who knew what  a kaleidoscope was and you would certainly remember having to turn it around in your hands and as you did you would see the most beautiful colours and definitely the most beautiful patterns in display.
Life then is like the kaleidoscope, the Hand that turns the kaleidoscope is God. The intricate patterns are nothing but our lives that are moulded when we let God into our lives. He moulds each of us to perfection. Each life, each person at some point in time crosses another influencing and bringing out the best in another. This happens only when we let God in and in doing so an intricate design is weaved.

When I was putting down the words, God reminded me of this song, by Elton John
And can you feel the love tonight
It is where we are
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far
And can you feel the love tonight
How it's laid to rest
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best
There's a time for everyone if they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours

A very good friend of mine came in huffing and puffing and he said I have these words for you, then he went searched for a pencil and on a paper he wrote the words: ‘Never stop believing in “HOPE” as miracles happen every day.’ The words you may have heard them a million times before. I have heard them quite a few times, but put them in a sentence like this and sit back and let life move fast; say a few seconds. Before you realize 30 minutes are up and you just see it for what it is. I like the words, I do, I mean look at the part that says Believe, HOPE and miracles happen and not just for a moment or a day, or a week but EVERYDAY. 
He thought he would forget the words, so he had them written on a piece of paper. He thought the words would be important for me. They are. Shouldn’t this be what you call a miracle that happens every day, isn’t this what it should be – that we think of others in words and more than words. That we become more caring towards one and all. Every-day!
A week after writing the words down, this friend of mine became a dad for the second time. This new addition to his family is his healthy baby boy.
The most difficult thing to get along with is when a person does wrong and not just once but over a period of time. When there were things that were wrong I did speak my mind.
When people hurt it's no time to think of any repercussions. And in doing so, I have paid my dues.
I have been through hell literally speaking. But the thing about people is that they are stuck in that zone where no matter how bad or worse it gets, the fear of the unknown will always hold them back. They will speak about it endlessly, but that's the most they will do. If someone takes the step for them, they will watch from a safe distance but never showing themselves to the one who needs to hear their voice.
Fear keeps us from knowing what we can achieve.
Fear holds us back.
Fear is the opposite of Faith & Love. 
I have realized that people need to wake up. If you see something, call it as it is. Don't let any body bully you into believing that there is nothing that can be done. To every question there must come an answer.
When you speak your mind out, you never carry any load on you. That’s the way I feel. Each and every time I have spoken on behalf of people it would be with the will of God and never without Him.
I am dust and to dust I will return.

Each of us will at some point dislike something about somebody. It does not take much time to hate. Hate is a strong word and so says my cousin. He is absolutely right.
There was a specific moment, some days back when I found it really difficult to listen to anyone. I heard people being nasty, deceptive, and revengeful and their heart was not in the right place. People hate people and they speak bad, hearing all that made my heart feel miserable listening to all the contempt.
By nature, I am not envious of another and that is the grace of God. So if they have something that I do not possess, I am happy for them. But people watch everything you do, say and I don’t know why? Hearing all this and being under the watch, I thought dear Lord, how do I live?
I prayed, ‘God help me to have the strength to be able to love them the way you do.’
And then I felt the strength of God, I realized that the pain was essential, that the more things hurt me the more I needed God and the more I had of Him. 
Corinthians 12:9 states - but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
I am liberated. I know my Abba Fathers with me. He’s got me.
In Church sometimes, some people want the limelight. It never is a competition, it should never be one, but there are certain people that make it one. What do you say?
Whatever we do, however we come to do, whichever way you come to see it, it must be done with love, for love and to God and for loving all.
I have seen 2 or 3 Eucharistic Ministers in Church talk when the mass is going on and that is no way to be. I for one can really get mad and it bugs me that they sit right in front of the Tabernacle, right in front of the Priest as he is saying the mass and for that moment they forget their reverence to God. It is disturbing because I can hear them, though I choose not to. I am human. Forgive me Jesus for my lack of control.
There is this lady who sings in Church and watching her over time I have come to realize that she loves to hear her own voice. When singing she does not like anyone for company. If anyone does, she will sing in her own tune leaving them feeling high and dry.
She sings the hymns that most of the congregation no nothing about or if they know she will take her own tune so no one can follow. And this pattern of behaviour follows with the Gloria and the Holy, Holy ...
The most important facts are
The Penitential Rite:-
I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,
(striking breast) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;
therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord, our God.
Priest:  May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.
All:  Amen.
The thing I love the most of this prayer is when we come to say I ask blessed Mary every-Virgin...all the angels and saints.....that All of Heaven participates at the mass. Our human eye cannot see, but our hearts, can feel when God is present in here.
After the Penitential rite, we enter into God’s forgiveness thus singing the Gloria with all our hearts, (having confessed our sins-please bear in mind these are venial sins), being made clean to enter the presence of the Holy Mass.
We enter the Gloria which is a hymn of praise and is sung by the whole congregation. It is for the people to praise God. Gloria is to be sung together in the Church. It should never go solo. God inhibits the praises of His people. No matter how wonderful a singer is – that voice is to encourage and to call to others to sing. One leads and the congregation follows. A song is a song if only one sings, a song becomes a praise (when more than one person present) when everybody of the congregation joins in.

The Sanctus, in Latin means “Holy.” The Sanctus, like the Gloria, is to be sung.
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
The word “hosts” refers to God’s command over the angelic armies. ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts!’ they cried one to the other. ‘All the earth is filled with his glory!’”
When we truly believe, when we say the prayers with meaning, we will come to realize that we have All of Heaven,(God, His angelic armies, The Saints and Mother Mary is always where Jesus is) right here at the celebration of the mass.
If we could hear the Angels and Saints sing perhaps we would sing with the zeal and passion that we need to -  to come to revere the Most High God. When we come to understand the importance of the words, we would understand the celebration of the mass. Therefore, immediately after the Sanctus, we kneel.
My point here is that THE CONGREGATION must participate in the GLORIA and the ‘HOLY HOLY HOLY’-Sanctus. Let’s put it this way, never, never, never should it go solo. It is to be sung with total reverence. We are what God has let us be. We come into His dominion. HE is GOD!
I have added a link of a hymn that we sing in Church. If you listen to this, hope you will understand that what we miss is being enthusiastic.
God does not restrict anyone from being joyful. God is joyful always.
Bill & Gloria Gaither - Trees of the Field
This is one of the things that I have learnt from Fr. Ashlyn-of the many things that he explains to us during the bible classes. My soul is grateful to God Almighty for him.
"The Magnificat” (Luke 1:46-56) is a beautiful canticle of praise that explodes from the most Immaculate Heart of Mary! Mary’s greatest desire was to magnify God!
  • Mary’s soul proclaims the greatness of God. 
  • Mary rejoices in God! 
  • Mary’s humility was her greatness in the eyes of God.
  •  Blessed are you among women… and blessed is the fruit
    of your womb JESUS!  
  • May Our Lady who carried Jesus in her womb help us to hunger for: The Eucharist-The Body of Christ!
  • As Mary stood beneath the cross of her crucified Son her faith never wavered.
  • To live like Mary - to the sublime will of Heaven!

The things we can learn from MARY:-

  • “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.” At that moment, the Incarnation of the Son of God took place. Jesus descended from Heaven and became (man) in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mary!    
  • Mary did not keep the “Gift” of Jesus to herself, but went in haste to share the gift. She made a visit to her cousin Elizabeth to help her in her need. When inspired by the Holy Spirit, we should be prompt and obedient to respond just like Mary.
  • Mary’s awareness of Jesus in her womb, her determination to carry out God’s will, her humility and simplicity is what we need. We need to pray to Mama Mary being the Mother, that Mary is, she will always stand by us.
  • Mary always wants to draw us closer to Jesus; her words at the wedding Feast of Cana were: “Do  whatever He tells you!”
  • At the sound of Mary’s greeting John leaps for joy in the womb of his mother Elizabeth. Jesus even before being born frees John His cousin and Precursor from the bond of Original Sin.
  • Mary being too young and Elizabeth being over the child bearing years; both had an infinite trust in God’s Divine Providence and gave birth to the greatest: St. John the Baptist and JESUS, THE SON OF GOD.
  • Mary did ordinary things of daily life with extraordinary love! May the love of Mary move our hearts to be of service to others?

   Remember: to Jesus through Mary.  


Day 30th August, 2015 – Fr. Savio – Astonishing speaker. Hearing his enthusiasm his magnificent manner of speaking, what a wonderful way to start a Sunday. I have heard him before, but this was simply his best.
He told us of the time when he travelled by train and there was a group of people singing songs of praise (bhajans) with all the enthusiasm. And there came a couple asking for alms. But this group did not offer any to them. Once they had finished their singing they collected Rs. 5.00 from each other and then threw it in the river.
This is the best I can tell of the words I remember. So if you the reader, notices something that is incorrect do let me know.
The heart should be open to wanting to help especially when someone comes asking.
We all need to be compassionate. When you sing praises to God and your actions show lack of love for neighbour then we as a people have failed in our love for God.
God cares about the tiniest details of our lives.
God’s purpose is to shape His children (us) into the image of Jesus. He often uses difficult moments to accomplish this purpose.
Joseph knew that although it took several years for God’s purposes to be clear, he saw the hand of God behind everything that had happened to him. Think about it;
When his brothers threw him into the pit.
When the Midianites came along
When he was sold to Potiphar.
When Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him.
When at one given moment the butler remembered Joseph.
When Pharaoh called for him.
When he was promoted to Prime Minister.
When at the right moment Jacob sent his sons to Egypt.
The moment the brothers met Joseph.
The moment Jacob’s family moved to Egypt.
God’s purpose is that all things work together for our good. No matter what we go through God uses it precisely to work out to our benefit and His glory.
Joseph did not get bitter nor did he get even. We get bitter because we think that God has let the person who did us wrong walk away. We get angry.
God is always present in the worst moments of our lives. We have to trust His judgement. Joseph recognized that God had used his life in ways that others couldn’t understand.

A person’s real character is tested in the most difficult of times. We must die to ourselves and arise anew in Christ Jesus. None of us can predict what life has in store for us. Jesus is the only basis for our hope.
We must gladly deliver up our lives, and crucify our flesh in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”
BELIELVE and realize that everything that happens is to make us more Christ like.
Dwell on where God wants you to be. I have learnt that God coordinates all events in our lives according to His will wisely for our purpose.

This is a song with Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey and it’s called, ‘When you believe.’ There is never ever going to be any one like Whitney Houston. Love the words, love the song and a must listen to: I have added the link here:-
Hope this song inspires you. Remember all things are possible when you believe!

Day 20th September, 2015 - When standing in the line to receive communion-'The Body of Christ', When receiving Jesus, I said 'I got You'
Having shut your eyes what is it that you see?  Could it be that when you close your eyes, the only thing you see is the one you love?
Love they say makes your world go round!
When you love somebody, the best place in the world is the one when you stand by their side.
We all want to be understood-and what if you never in your wildest thoughts ever thought it to be possible that someone could understand you so well. To have that feeling that someone understands you better than you, that is a unique feeling.
And there are times when there is no need to have said anything and if you do choose to say the message comes across where the both of you have said the same thing.  Between the two of you there is the oneness that feels the universe has been working in tandem to bring the two together.
To have the one person who knows what you are saying when you say it even though you have not mentioned it to them before. And the feeling is mutual. (You understand them too)
To know beyond all doubts that there is no doubt.  There is only familiarity.
Whatever the code, whatever the language there is no barrier that you cannot cross or will not understand.
Have you ever felt that way? When you experience Love, you experience God! I can say now, "I GOT YOU"!

With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!

PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.