My People,
Good Morning! I love the rains and
what a blessing it is. Does it ever amaze you when you hear the clouds collide
and when you hear the sound that we call thunder?
Romans 8:15 states: For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye
have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Sorry for the delay, in getting here. I have waited so much for this conversation of ours to begin. Working 13-14 hours a day for two weeks tires you down. But it is no excuse. I have missed you so much and I want to let you know, that no matter how your day goes and whatever any one says or does or however people hurt you, I want you to not stop. I want you to ‘Never Give Up.’
I want for you to believe that Life is beautiful. And our means - and our way is always God.
My mom once told me of my grand-ma’s
determination to get the well built. She never did take a no for an answer. Down
she stood, in the middle where the well had to be built and told them to begin.
The well still stands. I love things
like this, they keep pushing you forward? Don’t they?
I have my moments. And those are
moments when I sit by myself and wonder as to what and when. These are the two
words that can pull you down and rather make the uncertainty grow. Haven’t you
ever felt that?
I’m here and I begin to
wonder, why is it that for the two weeks I haven’t been able to complete this
conversation with you.
Day 11th of September, 2014.
Now I know and this I believe needs to be done today itself. For over two weeks
I’ve been thinking of all the signs I’ve seen over the years that have rolled
by. And it is important for me to write them down.
The most important to me is, carrying Daniel in my arms and the other of watching Emmanuel being
mischievous. These were my dreams and most of all God's promise to me.
My dreams are connected to
reality, in more than one way. I don’t know how or when, I just know they are.
Speaking of Daniel, he
was a honest and hardworking person, that the other officials - were jealous
of - they could find nothing to remove him from office.
So they tricked
King Darius into passing a decree that anyone who prayed to another god or man
besides the king would be thrown into the lions' den.
Daniel knelt
down, and prayed to God. The wicked men caught him and told the king. King Darius,
who loved Daniel, tried to save him.
At sundown, they threw Daniel
into the den of lions. At dawn the king ran to the lions' den and asked Daniel
if his God had protected him. Daniel replied, "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They
have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever
done any wrong before you, O king." Daniel 6:22
No matter how or when or who – it does not matter. When you believe like
Daniel, God has you covered. No evil will befall you. You are under God’s
protection. Always and all the time.
43:2, When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned.
three friends were put into the scorching heat of the fire. The fire was set up
to seven times higher than normal. But they came out with no burnt marks, they
did not even have the smell of fire on them. What is it that kept them safe?
belief should be that even though I walk through fire, fire cannot touch me.
That when surrounded by evil, evil can’t do no harm.
I love William Shakespeare; every
work of his is a masterpiece. Good advice is hard to find, and if
you do, you are in luck.
When you say you love God, being
true, honest, loving and faithful come most naturally.
Look deep into your heart and you
will find the meaning of your relationship with God. When you say you love God,
you will choose not to want to offend Him, and when you do, something in your
heart must hurt so bad, that you will never want to take that path of sin ever
And if you have never felt the
pain, then let Jesus in and let the journey begin. Because when you love Him
you want to be with Him. And sin keeps you apart from God.
There are no two ways about it. You
either are in or not. Free will!
There is this person I know who is
making things really difficult for me. Being in a position – one can get away
with anything. So no matter what little I do or don’t I am surrounded by
troubles. And the only reason I am in this situation is because I don’t accept
the wrongs done and pass it off to be right.
I believe that when a problem
arises, when one is in the capacity to be able to rectify an error one must.
And one must try their level best to reach to an amicable solution.
I have to have the faith in God for
everything. So when God brings about a trial or in this case, He lets this person
have the upper hand, it is for a reason.
It is not meant to destroy me, even
though the evidence or circumstances may prove that to be the case.
When God intends to take you
somewhere you will get there, not a minute before and not one second
What the enemy uses against you God
will bring it to fruition. That which was set to destroy you, will
catapult you to a whole new level. So you feel yourself sinking but God will raise you
high. Do you believe?
Initially my conversations, with Abba, Father would always be, ‘Do you believe?’ and I would answer yes, I do. I always will.
Initially my conversations, with Abba, Father would always be, ‘Do you believe?’ and I would answer yes, I do. I always will.
Troubles they keep knocking down
the door. And everyone faces it at some point in their lives.
How and why they come differs from person to person. We all have choices. We can get really mad, irritable, grumpy, angry and loose it OR
There is a choice stick and face the problem.
How and why they come differs from person to person. We all have choices. We can get really mad, irritable, grumpy, angry and loose it OR
There is a choice stick and face the problem.
From childhood I am rooted
with the belief that no matter what problem you face, there are two things
that could happen you could win or loose. But whatever the outcome, when you face the ordeal
you come out stronger than when you went in. The saying
holds true, ‘That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.
No matter how tough a situation I
don’t believe in walking away. And the only reason I could do so
is because of the strength of God.Some years back, I had a friend who
came and asked me if by donating for a good cause (charity) would she be
forgiven her sins? I looked at her and told her most lovingly what you have and
want to give is Gods.
Forgiveness is always ours. The moment we are truly sorry, we are forgiven. And we must forgive others too. That is the condition. In the ‘Our Father’ we pray, ‘forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Forgiveness is always ours. The moment we are truly sorry, we are forgiven. And we must forgive others too. That is the condition. In the ‘Our Father’ we pray, ‘forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Day 28th August, 2014 –
I have had a mentally challenging day, exhausting one at that, I managed to
somehow reach the Church just before the Gospel. All I wanted is to be with
Jesus. During communion, when Fr. Placed the body of Christ on the palm of my
hand, I took Jesus and I held Him close to my heart, went back to my seat,
knelt down carefully then I kissed Jesus, and received Him into my heart.
I needed to hold Jesus, I needed to
feel Him I needed him with all my heart. I wanted to share my pain with Him. I
wanted to tell Him I love You Jesus, even more with all my pain. Thank You,
Jesus for bringing me here, to you. That is what I told Jesus when I kissed Him. I
felt my heart become one with His.
Day 29th August, 2014 – I
am exhausted beyond everything I know. I have reached to the very depths of
nothingness and I feel complete agony. When I crumble completely I find Jesus,
I felt all His pain combined with mine. He took mine on Him, and He shared His pain with me. It’s more than being intimate. After that moment, I wanted to hug everyone.
I felt love and mercy for the ones who were doing me wrong. I wanted them to
know the love of Jesus. I cannot and will not forget that moment.
Day 30th August, 2014 –
I leave from work at 6:20 p.m. I want to make it for the 7:30 p.m. mass at Mt.
Carmel's. I reach Bandra Station at 7:15 p.m. At that moment Jesus tells me that
I will make it just in time. Its 7:25 I have walked ahead, no bus, no
rickshaws, I keep in mind that Jesus said I will make it in time. Suddenly at Bandra, Eros – a share a rick comes and asks me
where to, I tell him Mt. Mary. As I near Mt. Carmel’s Church, I see Fr. Ashlyn. Nearing
the entrance I hear Fr. Ashlyn begin with, ‘In the Name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ I made it just in time.
Day 30th August, 2014 – I felt so close to Jesus.
Day 30th August, 2014 – I felt so close to Jesus.
Day 31st August 2014, I
abide in you, Apart from me you can do nothing. When Jesus said this to me, I
asked am I apart from You? Jesus told me most lovingly, ‘you never will be’.
1st September, 2014,
When walking I was worried and I heard Jesus, tell me I am in your heart and
you are in Mine. Below is a passage, please give it a look. It inspires me, hope
it does the same for you. Take care and God bless!
With all
my Love,
For Love
Genesis, 50:20, Joseph says, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but
God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result to preserve
many people alive.”
What God means to happen, will ultimately happen. The eleven brothers are,
before one of the most powerful rulers in the world, one who stands only behind
Pharaoh in Egypt and he has the authority to execute them. They had in the past
betrayed him and this man is none other than Joseph, the one betrayed.
All of the brothers, with the exception of the youngest by the name of
Benjamin, had been involved in the act of treachery …
When the silence is broken, they lift their eyes and look at Joseph he
looks back with a forgiving smile, tears stumbling down his face.
Joseph treated his brothers with mercy and loving kindness. He had a
clear understanding that God was at work and God is in control of the outcome.
The big picture that Joseph saw was the reality that though they had mistreated
him, it was in the purpose of God.
Joseph’s father loved him more than all his brothers, so they hated him. They plotted to put him
to death. However they sold him for twenty shekels of silver.
Joseph was made overseer to Potiphar, an Egyptian officer of Pharaoh.His master’s wife looked with
desire at Joseph. And Joseph refused. Her
fury rages against him. Potiphar knew his wife. And he
gave Joseph the benefit of the doubt. So Joseph becomes a captive in prison.
But God by the evil deed of others which God does not condone, has
Joseph exactly where He wants him.
Stuck in prison for over two years, God had not forgotten Joseph,
Pharaoh has a dream and asks for an interpreter. Pharaoh wastes no time in securing Joseph.
If Joseph’s brothers had not sold him into slavery, he would not have
been brought to Egypt. If Potiphar had not purchased him from those slave
traders, he would not have gained the experience he needed to manage people. If he had not been falsely accused and
sent to prison, he would not have been the interpreter to the dreams of the
baker and the cup bearer.
In a moment, all of Joseph’s fortunes have been reversed. Thirteen years have gone by and now he has become the
second most powerful man in Egypt.
He named his son Manasseh which means forgetful, because God has made me
forget all my toil and all my father’s house. He had another son and his other
son is named Ephraim which means fruitful for God has caused me to be fruitful
in the land of my affliction.
Joseph’s family is affected by the famine. They ran out of food. And they went before Joseph bowing down to him, Just as his dreams
indicated. The brothers brought Benjamin, and then Joseph instructed his
servants to hide a silver goblet in Benjamin’s pack, and he had them brought to
see who had stolen this goblet, to see if they were willing to let Benjamin go.
The plan was arrest Benjamin, tell the rest of the brothers you can go, we’ll
keep him and punish him. The test was, to see if they had changed.
They wouldn’t give him up. Joseph reveals who he is. There’s a wonderful
embrace. Joseph asked his brothers, to come closer. Do not be grieved or angry
with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to
preserve life.”
They came to Egypt, Jacob and all his descendants with him to Egypt.
The Lord doesn’t condone evil. But God will overrule and accomplish His
purpose in time.
Whatever happens in life, whatever people intend, God orders it for His
own children for good. We may not always understand what is happening to us,
but the Lord is always in control. Amen.
PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always
faithful. Remember, this your servant.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.
Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.
Abba Father, Remember me - The
Promise of Lilies – Mt. Carmel’s.