Wednesday, July 27, 2016

In HIS Time....

My People,

Good Morning! Making bold declarations is a good thing, it is not just about being positive—it is about declaring victory. As we speak in faith, we become the words we speak.

Isaiah 55:11
so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
This is a movie I watched most recently. It’s really good to watch-good because I am a believer in the below words and yes when you believe the road is never easy at first: The lucky one: The movie begins with this quote.
"You know, the smallest thing can change your life. In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance when you least expect it. It sets you on a course that you never planned, into a future you never imagined. Where will it take you? That's the journey of our lives: our search for the light. But sometimes, finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness. At least, that's how it was for me."
This is the story: U.S. Marine Sgt. Logan Thibault returns home from his third tour of duty in Iraq with the one thing he believes kept him alive: a photograph of a woman he doesn't even know. He learns the woman's name is Beth and goes to meet her, eventually taking a job at her family-run kennel. Though Beth is full of mistrust and leads a complicated life, a romance blooms, giving Logan hope that Beth could become more than just his good-luck charm.
Words are like seeds. When we speak something out loud, we give life to what we’re saying and that allows it to take root, and if we keep saying it, eventually it becomes our reality. We need to speak words of life and hope not just today but each and every day of our lives! Amen.
Here is a song that I am very fond of. It’s from an Australian Pop group ‘The Seekers’ and the year is 1968. It’s called, “I’ll never find another you.”
There's a new world somewhere
They call the promised land.
And I'll be there someday
If you could hold my hand.
I still need you there beside me
No matter what I do
For I know I'll never find another you.

There is always someone
For each of us, they say.
And you'll be my someone
Forever and a day.
I could search the whole world over
Until my life is through
But I know I'll never find another you.
It's a long, long journey
So stay by my side.
When I walk through the storm
You'll be my guide, be my guide.
If they gave me a fortune
My pleasure would be small.
I could lose it all tomorrow
And never mind at all.
But if I should lose your love, dear,
I don't know what I'd do
For I know I'll never find another you.

But if I should lose your love, dear,
I don't know what I'd do.
For I know I'll never find another you.
Another you.
Another you!

Love defines the very purpose of our existence.

This is what I have come to observe that - if in our conversations, we are always focusing on problems, we are always speaking it then our problems become the bigger issue. But when we speak of God irrespective of all the problems we face, then we show our trust in God and not the problems. I am sure you have heard it before, that faith that can move mountains. Now that would be literally speaking but really mountains imply all our troubles, which when heaped together seem nothing less than a mountain.

Don’t look at the problem. Don’t speak about the problem.
Focus on God, focus on His strength, focus on His faithfulness.
When you speak, say “Hey, problem do you know how great my God is?”
Believe in the strength of God to deliver you and God will. HE is Faithful.
This is what I need to say even when I don’t speak a word, “I trust, in God!”

With and by the grace of God I have come to realize, that silence speaks the loudest words.
Most times in my travel from work, I often hear people complaint. It’s always women complaining of someone or the other, or fighting with someone over the cell and screaming their lungs out.
If not for fights then it will be talking ill of the other. Does it ever end? Sad to say it does not.

We need to live a life of discipline. Discipline is a lifetime issue. We cannot do it ourselves. We need to be taught by our parents, when we are little. When parents fail, God will intervene. Nobody does it better than Him.
When we are not disciplined we will fail in most areas of our lives. Our personal life will take a setback that is definite. When holding a designation and unable to make decisions or commitments, can you imagine the situation?
Lack of discipline is lack of the usage of the grace of God in our lives. Nobody is perfect, I too lack discipline. Like I said it is an ongoing learning curve. My concern is that I keep awake to the late hours. I pray and I am in need of God’s grace in this and every area of my life. I need to be disciplined.

The world we live in is filled with chaos and destruction. We hear it in the news, it makes the headlines every now and then. Most people just don’t realize it, but the problem is when we begin to think discouraging thoughts, then life will go down that exact same path. 
I always tell people what I know, happy people don't hurt or harm or throw tantrums. Happy people cannot be terrorists. There is always unhappiness and jealously filled with bitterness in the people who are set to destroy. It's the mindset.
Receive God’s forgiveness. Don’t hold onto guilt feelings. Walk into God’s blessings!
God wants to pour out His blessing upon us each and every day. God’s grace is His unmerited favour (and we have an unlimited access to it). That means He pours out His blessing on us not because of what we do, but because of Who-He is. His blessings are based on His Goodness, not ours.

Often we are in a competition with people who don’t even know they are being competed with. Oftentimes, we feel inferior and it is because of this feeling of negativity we begin to speak ill of others. I have heard women who can crib the whole day through. Just a week back at 7:00 in the morning, this lady comes up and having seated herself next to me begins the conversation with a complaint. And after nearly 15-20 minutes of having her say, she felt satisfied that she said it all. Imagine my condition.

As a woman, I have come to learn that women are never happy on another person’s achievements, status or recognition. There is always a fault finding pattern at work. Not that what they speak is completely untrue. See there is some truth in it. I’ll explain, in a work environment, when a woman or man achieves a position, it’s never because they are exceptionally good at their job. But who is to say? Sometimes when people complain of why this particular person got the position – when someone better should have gotten it. It’s not that they would be happy with the other person either? I simply remind them that applying or not, the choice is yours. Why complain? It’s free will.

There will always be someone ahead of us in life. But the thought that frees me is the one where I tell myself, I’m going to be the best me that I can possibly be.”
We should focus on being who God made us to be and not what people think we should be! Our trust should never be people based; it should be based on God.

A person with no discipline will hire an undisciplined person, because a disciplined person will have certain principles on the strategy of work (work ethics). How do you know one from the other? It’s simple - there is no organized form of work and rules are broken. Anybody is just hired. 
God is DISCILINED! Read the Bible on - Genesis I

When we speak and we make it a habit, we end up speaking negative thoughts and our words give way to our actions. We give the enemy the control over our lives. When we speak we sow the seeds of doubt and in doing so we will reap what we sow?
We need to speak words of faith over the troubled areas of our lives and watch how things change.
Caution, the devil always uses the words we speak, against us. The devil cannot attack us on the words we don't speak. We need to be disciplined. It is a grace of God.
When we are full of pride everything we do is focused on us. When we say we love God we must empty our self of all the pride to make room for God.

I love the Cross at Mt. Carmel’s Church (extremely). I love gazing at Jesus. Every time I look at the Cross, I’m reminded of His great love and my little ways.
When pride flows out, we will begin to feel the love of Christ flow in. We need to practice humility. We need to empty our self and allow the love of Christ to completely fill us.
Born in a manger, rejected by many of His own people and ultimately nailed to a cross, Jesus gives us the supreme example of humility.
The Virgin Mary in her humility accepts and becomes “the handmaiden of the Lord” Luke 1:38
God chooses Joseph, a carpenter, who in all his humility accepts the pregnant Mary.

Perfect Humility.
The Holy Family – Jesus, Mary, Joseph.
The Holy Trinity – Abba Father, Jesus-Son of God and The Holy Spirit. GOD IS HUMBLE!
Luke 9:58 - And Jesus said, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.”
Jesus lives in poverty and associates Himself with the lowliest of sinners and outcasts (lepers).

With the humility of perfect love
  • Jesus allows Satan to tempt Him in the desert.
  • The Jews expected the Messiah to be a king Who would put an end to the Roman tyranny.
  • Jesus wants nothing to do with the earthly kingship.
  • Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey.
  • Jesus washes the disciples’ feet.
  • Jesus does the will of His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • People mock, spit, torture and have Jesus crucified. From the Cross Jesus asks His Father to forgive His persecutors?
  • Jesus emptied Himself to show us how to be a servant. Jesus served His followers rather than being served. He put the need of others first.
“Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves” Philippians 2:3
Jesus comes to us, in the form of the Holy Eucharist as the most visible sign of God’s love for each one of us. The Eucharist is the sacrament of love. 
Pope John Paul II said man cannot live without love.
Through the Eucharist, Jesus grants to us the most powerful experience of intimacy possible.

“He who is greatest among you shall be your servant; Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” Matthew 23:11-12
We must strive to be what God in His infinite wisdom intended for us and not be somebody else. We need to ask God for this grace to be humble.
Pride is a sin that caused Lucifer to fall from Heaven
Pride is a constant seeking of attention. Pride boasts of its achievements. Pride is about the “I”. The more we focus on our achievements such as the accumulation of wealth, the more proud we become.
Humility means to have the willingness to stand aside while others take the places of glory.
Humility is the key to unlocking HEAVEN.
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We are called to imitate His way of life. Let us walk in the footsteps of our Master, RABONI!
Vanity is excessive pride in one's appearance, abilities, achievements.
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 12:8 
Pride leaves us blind to our mistakes but is quick to judge when we see another person commit the fault that we should have seen in ourselves.
If you know me, you will know that I make mistakes-I have my own drawbacks; I am in need of God’s grace and infinite mercy.

  • Each day, pray for the gift of Humility.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude.
  • Accept situations with a spirit of Patience.
  • Be open to the word of God and truly understand the Humility of Jesus.
Luke 17:10 - So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’”

Humility is seeing ourselves as God sees us. Each person is infinitely loved by God, and this is what God expects of us to love everyone with all our heart. He knows all our faults and weaknesses, yet He looks on us with love and patience.
There are moments that are marked for each one of us. We can never know how, where when or why they come, but come they will. These moments will help us to grow in humility when we accept them through, with, and in Christ. 
Could it be that all these difficulties and challenges of daily life might really be God’s way of giving us the chance to grow in humility by embracing those problems with love and endurance?
If I say I have a lot to learn then I am acknowledging the fact that I am fallible, that I make mistakes, I am a wretched sinner and that I am in need of His mercy. When I am aware or become aware of my faults then I would not be so harsh on others. I would not be judgmental and in time I would understand that we all need God’s infinite grace and mercy to overcome the world.

When the Priest says the below words, we respond with:-
Priest: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to His supper.
All: Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.
I know I am nothing. I pray: Jesus, I am not worthy to be the grain of sand that Your feet walk on. And so, when the Priest says the above words, I pray –
“Have mercy on me a wretched sinner, oh Lord.”
“Have mercy on me a wretched sinner, oh Lord.”
“Have mercy on me a wretched sinner, oh Lord.”
I am a firm believer that when we sing the praises of God, God wants to listen to all of His children, not just the choir. If there are 200 of His children in the Church, He does not want to hear the 10 of the choir and 10 of the Church people. We all need to sing His praises. God inhabits the praises of His people.
When I was a kid, we would have 10 or 15 minutes before the mass where the Priest would practice the hymns so that all the people would participate. And everybody did. I believe in one thing ‘Time never changes, but people do.’
The 9 days of novenas I saw the zest in the choir to sing and yes that had uplifted the congregation. People participation is a must.

People occupy prestigious places such as places of recognition. As the years roll on one gets used to seeing all this. I see it almost, let’s be honest, it’s everywhere. What is sad is that one gets to see it in the Church too. It is not right especially when we have such wonderfully talented people around us. 
If I see or hear something-such as this, I can’t pretend like it never happened. That would never be. I can’t do that.
Day 20th June, 2016 – 3 hours – Eucharistic Adoration.
I knelt as I came in and when speaking with Jesus – Jesus asked me to continue kneeling. After that I heard nothing from Jesus. My knees began to pain, Jesus told me to continue kneeling. I did. After a silence, Jesus began with saying that I was in the state of grace.
Jesus named all my blessings. I only kept saying Jesus I am the most wretched of all. I am a sinner.

When Jesus speaks to my heart, it’s like nothing in the world I have ever experienced. The love, the tenderness, the words – if I have to sum it up, I would say I experienced Heavenly Peace. When I speak of Peace and what I see of the world disturbs me then it’s not possible I have completely understood the Peace of Christ, but when I completely do, (I still am in the learning process) nothing that I see must ever disturb me. Maybe this hymn will help.

No one can give to me that Peace
Which my risen Lord, my risen King can give.
When I look around and see
All the things that trouble me
And I seem to lose my Peace
In a world that’s not at ease.

Mine by cov'nant, mine forever,
Mine by oath, and mine by blood;
Mine — nor time the bond shall sever,
Mine as an unchanging God.
My Redeemer, my Redeemer,
Oh, how sweet to call Thee mine!

Day: 23rd May 2016  – 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration.
Day: 30th May 2016  – 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration.
Day: 6th June 2016  – 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration. Fr. Ashlyn.
Day: 13th June 2016 – St. Anthony’s feast.
Mass Fr. Alvaro and Fr. Reuben.
                      3 hours Eucharistic Adoration. Fr. Ashlyn.
Day: 27th June 2016 – 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration.
Day: 30th June 2016 – 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration.
Day  4th  July 2016 - 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration
Day 11th  July 2016 - 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration
Day 18th  July 2016 - 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration
Day 25th  July 2016 - 3 hours Eucharistic Adoration

Day: 28th May 2016 - The prettiest white roses in the Church.
Day: 29th May 2016 – I told Fr. William ‘I would miss Him the most and I do.

Feast Day: 17th July 2016.
I got a seat just opposite to where I was seated previously and a little closer to the Altar. I had a better view. There were 2 wonderful little angels (baby girls) seated before me. The younger one a baby had such a wonderful mischievous look on her face. I loved hearing the little one's voice, and I could feel the flutter of my heart. Oh my God! What wonderful moments.
When I was coming to the Church, the Holy Spirit spoke to me telling me that there was a place kept especially for me. I did not quite understand being as foolish as I am. But when I was seated where I was and the scene was unfolding before my eyes, I understood. Thank You, Holy Spirit.
I don’t like reservation of seats in the Church especially when once seated it is changed to suit the convenience of whatever the people think. It is the House of God. I got up not because the lady told me to. I got up because the Spirit of God told me earlier that there was a seat kept for me.
It was most wonderful to see Fr. William.

Day: 1st June 2016 – Fr Reuben & Fr Savio mass.
When Fr. Reuben was to come on Good Friday - for the 3 hours agony, I was told by my mom that He was a wonderful preacher. Of course, my mom is very fond of Fr. Reuben.
In the night my mom asked me of what I thought, I told my mom, I felt Christmas. My mom was unable to control her laughter and she said you think of Christmas on Good Friday.
It was just what I felt.
After the Good Friday, 3 hours Agony – I felt that I had met Fr. Reuben somewhere, but I couldn’t figure out when or where. 
Over the months the feeling did not change. When I realized Fr. Reuben was to come to Mt. Carmel’s I still couldn’t remember where I know him from.
Day 20th-21st July 2016 - The Spirit of God made me remember. It is when I heard the name Reuben. Someone when having a conversation of his brother, casually mentioned the name Reuben and for that split of a second, I wished to know Reuben. Nothing else I heard, nothing else I knew. And this is why I felt like I had met him.
1st July, 2016 – Fr. Ashlyn’s birthday.
It’s nearly 6:15 or so in the evening, and Jesus tells me get ready to go for mass. Jesus tells me not to hurry, to walk slowly and I agree with Jesus. It’s raining really heavy. At 07:15, I leave home and it’s still pouring heavily outside, but I’m okay, I’m wearing a raincoat. Jesus tells me that only when one walks in such conditions that one can understand the depths of love. And I understand what Jesus is saying, love makes a way. I speak with Jesus I ask Jesus, please make me reach the Church, before the mass begins. I don’t want to be late.
It is First Friday of the month and Holy Hour is on. Fr. Lenny is here. For some reason I have made it way before the mass can begin. And I get to kneel to my sweet Jesus.
Arlene comes and tells me that it is Fr. Ashlyn’s Birthday and after mass to meet up outside His room.
We sing a birthday song wishing Fr. Ahlyn and I loved it. It is a day for me to remember.
Day: 29th June 2016 – The last day for my supervisor to report to work and my last day to report to him.
When we began we started off on a good foot. But somewhere down the line, things changed.
Things got bad to worst. Trouble came from all angles. Work wise there was no support. I did him no wrong. He took it upon himself to make matters worse for me. When things crossed the line, I thought it time to report to my seniors. When I did, I was asked if I would want to have a change. That would mean to report to someone else. And I quite honestly did not want that. I have never run away from my problems. I tried to get help. But I chose to stay.
A few months later, I fell very sick. I asked if I could leave for home, and he let me. He made sure that I got into the bus and only when the bus left, he went back. A few days later when I reported back to work, I was in a much worst condition, and I could not even climb the stairs, so I sat down waiting for him to come. When he did, I was in the rest room he told me to rest for some time and then give him a call when I am ready to go home. I did what he asked me to, and he made sure that I got the transport. I mean he did not have to go out of his way to do what he did. But the beauty of it is he did go out of his way.
I never hated him at any point in time. I wanted to work with him no matter what. I believe in one thing – to never give up on any relationship of mine. Be it office, friends, family or people I know.
All my relations with people – close or far, with the grace of God, have been blessed with having to work really hard on them. I have never been given things easy and that too is the grace of God.
As the months progressed we had wonderful conversations and if you ever saw us you would never imagine that things were at its worst at one time. Things got better.
I have only one thing to say – Love always wins!
Jesus waits for us so much.... I have always been fascinated with the moon. When I look at the Moon, from a distance it seems to be a big white circular object. Think of it, ‘The Host-The Body of Christ’ - is made to look round and white in colour. Do you see the similarity? To me it's a reminder, that Jesus waits for me, He waits for you and me.
This is how I now look at the Moon and now I understand my fascination.
This is a paragraph that I came across and I thought it will help to understand - The four actions of the Eucharist: Jesus took, blessed, broke, and gave His Body and His Blood. In turn, Jesus was taken and broken in the violent movements of His Passion. Yet He responded with blessing and giving from the cross. The consecration represents an unholy violence transformed into a blessing. We celebrate in this transformation with our lives in every Eucharist.
Day: 8th July 2016 – my brother’s birthday.
Mt. Carmel novena begins.

Day: 12th July 2016 – my cousins birthday.
At Mt. Carmels for the 6:45 & 7:30 am mass.
In the morning when I entered home after mass, I heard Jesus tell me to get my cousin to Church. My cousin is the most wonderful person in the whole world. Matter of fact most of my cousins are.
I asked my cousin if he would attend the celebration of the mass at 7:30 in the evening. He told me there was work. This is how I put it as mildly as I could ‘if you can make time for your client, can you not make time for mass, just to thank Jesus for all you have?’ He kept quiet.
In the evening I just casually mentioned about it being time for mass. He told me he would be attending the mass. On our way home he thanked me and then when we came back home he was so happy, he thanked me again for reminding him to come to Church. I told him it was not me. I told him Jesus asked me to get you to the church. Jesus wanted you to be in the Church.
My cousin goes to Church every Sunday, makes it to all obligation mass. He loves with all his heart and gives his best to everybody. Today I prayed to Jesus especially for him.
I don’t force my opinion on anybody. I believe that Love will always make a way. I am nothing. What am I but for the grace of God?

Day: 13th July 2016 – my other cousins' birthday. But his journey of this world ended a long time back.
Day: 14th July 2016 – my mom’s birthday. 
2 months back, I had a dream where I was coming down through a slope and then when I had to get back, I could not find the way to get back up. It was then my brother came to the rescue and showed me my way and just then, I woke up.
I realized that God permits my brother to come to my aid whenever I am in trouble.

Day: 8th July 2016 – Day 16th July 2016.
It was wonderful 9 days of novenas. I learned a lot from all the Priests who spoke on mercy, compassion and how it is interconnected to love. Thank You, God!
GOD knows me, He recognizes me. My identity is the one He has given me. I am the child of the Most High God!
We have to know who we are in God – when we do, we will never get hurt with dealing with the behaviour of people. We will love them for who they are.

"May the Holy Spirit enlighten and open our hearts to the certainty that God is always present and never abandons us in times of trouble." Pope Francis.

Sometimes, we give up on our dreams. Sometimes we chase things which shouldn’t matter. 
We don’t take the time to smell the flowers or see how pretty they are. We are too busy. We are always in a hurry.
Flowers live for a few hours, a day or a few days but look at how they live. They not only give off a fragrance that is heavenly but if you’d walk into a place where flowers are blooming you would feel Paradise. In their shortest span of life, they glorify God.

The lucky one: This is what the actor says at the end of the movie.
"Everyone has their own destiny, not everyone makes a choice to follow it, I'm lucky I did."

When the road gets dark and the night is long and there is no one for miles around.
When I walk the road, and my soul is weary, I feel the scars and the unending miles.
I say to myself, ‘soul do not cry, the Lord is near, the lord is nigh.’
Day 26 July, 2016 - Time 13:13

With all my Love,
For Love Prevails!

PRAYER: Abba, Father, keep me obedient and always faithful. Remember, this your servant.

Mama Mary keep me humble, I pray. Amen.

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